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Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides


Jun 7, 2017
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Tensions still high: renewed conflicts in Cottbus between locals and foreigners


Two knife attacks within a matter of days led Cottbus to stop taking in new asylum seekers last week. Over the weekend police had to intervene in two apparent cases of a racist backlash.
Police have upped patrols through the town, which lies around 130 kilometres southeast of Berlin in the state of Brandenburg. They made the decision last week, after three Syrian teenagers reportedly assaulted a man when he refused to let them enter a shopping centre before him.

Also last week, a Syrian teenager reportedly attacked a German teenager with a knife during a fight, leaving him with injuries on his face.

The increased police presence has as yet failed to calm tensions in the town, though. On Saturday evening an 18-year-old woman was taken into police custody after she came to blows with a Syrian male of the same age at a private party. She allegedly shouted “foreigners out” at him in the build up to the fight. Police took her into custody after she attacked a police officer who turned up at the scene.

A few hours later police were again called out when five Germans attacked two men of foreign appearance on a street. The German men reportedly pushed the two men, one of whom then sprayed them with tear gas before fleeing the scene.

Meanwhile on Saturday two journalists were attacked at a far-right march through the town centre. According to the organizers 2,500 people turned up for the demo. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports that neo-Nazis were among the participants, as were politicians from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Tensions have become so acute in Cottbus that Brandenburg has decided to stop sending any more asylum seekers to the town. The state’s interior minister, Karl-Heinz Schröter, announced on Friday that he had issued a “negative residency permit” for the city, meaning no more refugees would be sent from the state’s central refugee shelter to the town.

READ MORE: Teen refugee banished from east German town after knife attack

Three days previously, Cottbus had taken the unusual measure of giving a negative residency permit to one of the young Syrians involved in the knife attack at the shopping centre. The decision meant that the teenager and his father had to leave the town.

Refugee associations have previously criticized the negative residency permit as an infringement on the basic right to freedom of movement.

Over a million people applied for asylum in Germany in 2015 and 2016 when the German government decided to open its borders to refugees from war-torn Syria.

The arrivals have been particularly controversial in the east of Germany, were the anti-immigrant AfD won large sections of the popular vote at the general election in September.

SEE ALSO: AfD's greatest gains in eastern Germany


• Last Saturday a birthday party went completely out of hand. An 18-year-old German and an 18-year-old Syrian got in a fight. When agents intervened, someone called out: "Foreigners outside".

• Two hours later it came to an exchange of words between five Germans and two persons of foreign origin. A German gave one of the foreigners a push after which this person shot with pepper spray. Then the foreigners fled.

• Last Wednesday, two Syrians aged 15 and 16 seized a knife during a fight with other young people. A German boy of 16 years was heavily battered in the face.

• A day earlier: three Syrians (14.15 and 17 years old) attacked a German couple for a shopping center. The wife of the couple should have shown them "respect" and let them go ahead. The story about the troublesome incident spread like a running fire through the city. One of the perpetrators, together with his father, was denied access to the territory of the city.

• On 14 January, neo-Nazis marched with torches by Cottbus. Even before the refugee crisis hit the headlines, they showed themselves openly in the city. Everywhere there are stickers with the slogan 'Defend Cottbus' (Verdedig Cottbus, ed.).

• During New Year's Eve, three Afghans (21.22 and 26) were attacked by suspected neo-Nazis in fornt of their refugee center. The security companies in the region would have been infiltrated by right-wing extremists

Source: (Dutch) https://www.hln.be/nieuws/buitenlan...uchtelingen-keren-zich-tegen-burgers~a6d37cb2
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These right wing twats don't represent all Germans.

The news source is Belgian and not Dutch. The source is laughable and the stories sound like cooked up.
These right wing twats don't represent all Germans.

The news source is Belgian and not Dutch. The source is laughable and the stories sound like cooked up.

They are not cooked up. There are massive problems wizh syrian migrants. All over eastern Germany people stand up and fight for their country. Numbers of crime exploded. They dont work, steal, rape and deal with drugs.

And who do you call right wing? This is average people who are fed up with this shit.
They are not cooked up. There are massive problems wizh syrian migrants. All over eastern Germany people stand up and fight for their country. Numbers of crime exploded. They dont work, steal, rape and deal with drugs.

And who do you call right wing? This is average people who are fed up with this shit.

Dude I am not saying you are wrong but do you have credible sources for these claims?
Problems are from both sides, but If you emigrate to a different country you need to follow the laws.

Both sides? How exactly did germans invite all this syrian hordes?

Dude I am not saying you are wrong but do you have credible sources for these claims?



OK. We need to see if this is part of the normal "criminal rate" that can be expected in the general population or something else. When you have over a million Syrians of course there will be some that engage in crime while the vast majority are conducting themselves lawfully.
The news source is Belgian and not Dutch
I meant to say that the source was in the DUTCH LANGUAGE. In Belgium, the majority speaks Dutch soo...

The source is laughable

The source one of the biggest MSM media in Belgium and are pretty relaible (as far as MSM is concerned), it's part of 'De Persgroep', which is active in Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark.

The first source I used is from German origins, they are named the local. They were even nominated in 2009 as Swedish Digital Newspaper of the Year, so it is reasonably safe to say they aren't your crappy Al Jazeera source...

Other sources confirming the reports:
-https://www.welt.de/politik/deutsch...er-raus-Wieder-Zwischenfaelle-in-Cottbus.html (German)

-http://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellsc...schen-deutschen-und-auslaendern-15410011.html (German, this source was cited by the DUTCH LANGUAGED source) (they don't like adblock)

- https://nl.express.live/2018/01/22/duitse-cottbus-komt-geen-immigrant-meer-binnen/ (Dutch, from The netherlands, thus this is an actual DUTCH source.

Are you happy now?
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I'm pretty sure German government did.

Because of that Merkel fucked up, has still no government running, far right party from 0 to oppossition leader and ripped a functional society apart and cries in interviews 2015 will never repeat.

Its good the people woke up there and clean their country.
Because of that Merkel fucked up, has still no government running, far right party from 0 to oppossition leader and ripped a functional society apart and cries in interviews 2015 will never repeat.

Its good the people woke up there and clean their country.

That's not my problem, nor refugee problem. Germans need sort this out with their leaders.

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