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Temple purified after low caste minister visit


Oct 31, 2008
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Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit

Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:16pm IST

India (Reuters) - Hindu priests in Orissa are under investigation for conducting a purification ritual soon after a minister belonging to a lower caste visited a famous temple, officials said on Friday.

Minutes after Pramila Mallick, a minister in Orissa, prayed at the temple this week, Hindu priests shut the doors and threw away holy offerings, washed the floors and changed the idol's clothes, one official said.

"Some priests opposed the minister's entry into the interior chamber of the temple," Upendra Mallik, a senior government official told Reuters. "We are investigating."

In India, millions of people formerly known as "untouchables" remain oppressed at the bottom of the ancient Hindu caste system.

The minister said the purification ritual, at the Akhandalamani temple in Orissa's Bhadrak district, could have been conducted at the behest of her political rivals.

"I have been visiting the temple for years now. Some politically motivated people want to create controversy," she said.

In spite of India's secular constitution banning caste discrimination, Dalits -- those at the bottom of the caste system -- are still commonly beaten or killed for using a well or worshipping at a temple reserved for upper castes.

More than 16 percent of India's 1.1-billion population are Dalits, occupying the lowest rank in a 3,000-year-old Hindu caste system.

© Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved

Great.......... secular democracy cant even give respect to its ministers.......................... :lol:
Casteism is the bane of Indian society. It is a inhuman practice and a shame!

Down with Casteists!

Yes down with casteists. And since the indian hindus who are self proclaimed upper castes, for example brahmins, kayasthas, rajputs, baniyas and others, who think they are born out of the mouth from their imaginative zionist god bramha, support the caste system by forbidding low castes to enter temples and their houses, denying matrimonial relation with low castes, therefore down with the indian upper caste hindus.

Low castes are denied to enter temples and also denied of other social prestige and privileges (not govt but social), so I personally suggest them to embrace Islam since they can enter Mosques and so they do not need to enter unhygienic temples where the fire sacrifices cause carbon monoxide and animal sacrifices create sight pollution. It is my personal opinion and I always suggest for good as a communist. Embrace Islam my low caste (temporarily) hindu brothers and share with us, live with us, eat with us... your Islamic brothers will give you your due respect and dignity as human beings. Now decide my low caste brothers whether you want to live with honor and dignity, or you want to live like a slave. Our Islamic welfare foundations will provide you with economic facilities, so you do not need to worry, you will never be deprived.
.............. It is my personal opinion and I always suggest for good as a communist. Embrace Islam my low caste (temporarily) hindu brothers and share with us, live with us, eat with us... you Islamic brothers will give you your due respect and dignity as human beings. Now decide my low caste brothers whether you want to live with honor and dignity, or you want to live like a slave. Our Islamic welfare foundations will provide you with economic facilities, so you do not need to worry, you will never be deprived.

Oye balle balle Mr Communist... which version of Communism is this? So far I knew only of communists who are anti religion. I am just wondering why these so called lower caste Hindus did not find merit of conversion when Muslims were ruling India ? If Islam could reach upto Indonasia, why it could note reach to these lower caste Hindus. May be there was no communist version that time.. Let us hope this new voice of communism will reach to all corners of the world.

Oye balle balle Mr Communist... which version of Communism is this? So far I knew only of communists who are anti religion. I am just wondering why these so called lower caste Hindus did not find merit of conversion when Muslims were ruling India ? If Islam could reach upto Indonasia, why it could note reach to these lower caste Hindus. May be there was no communist version that time.. Let us hope this new voice of communism will reach to all corners of the world.


Actually, one of the very first Hindus who converted to Islam were the "Untouchables". It's obvious why they made that decision. If only someone would've extended their arms for them to embrace, they never would've converted in the first place. :cheers:
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Oye balle balle Mr Communist... which version of Communism is this? So far I knew only of communists who are anti religion. I am just wondering why these so called lower caste Hindus did not find merit of conversion when Muslims were ruling India ? If Islam could reach upto Indonasia, why it could note reach to these lower caste Hindus. May be there was no communist version that time.. Let us hope this new voice of communism will reach to all corners of the world.


Good question but the answers are complex. Mainly because, the Brahmin class instead of resisting foreign invaders alligned with them. Due to their importance in controlling the newly acquired territory, the invaders instead of spreading their religion were busy consolidating their rule through the same brahmin ministers. The brahmins made sure that the invaders despite occupying the land did not interfere in the social order of hidustan or they risked alienating the ruling class (brahmins).

Furthermore, the class system was so inveterate that even the hinduism alternates like Janism, Sikhism, islam and others got entangled in the same system themselves. The example of mazhabi sikhs comes to the mind. Some rulers did make efforts to coopt the lower classes but they were too little and too late in the final analysis.
Good question but the answers are complex. Mainly because, the Brahmin class instead of resisting foreign invaders alligned with them. Due to their importance in controlling the newly acquired territory, the invaders instead of spreading their religion were busy consolidating their rule through the same brahmin ministers. The brahmins made sure that the invaders despite occupying the land did not interfere in the social order of hidustan or they risked alienating the ruling class (brahmins).

Furthermore, the class system was so inveterate that even the hinduism alternates like Janism, Sikhism, islam and others got entangled in the same system themselves. The example of mazhabi sikhs comes to the mind. Some rulers did make efforts to coopt the lower classes but they were too little and too late in the final analysis.

Honestly there is no simple answer to most of these issues. I consider myself a very libearl human being who is not dictated by any type of religious belief. I know many people from upper castes who converted to Islam. One may say that they were attracted by the teachings of Islam, but the truth might have been otherwise. During Muslim rule many people took help of Islam to make friends with nobles. It was like changing a political party for personal gains. I know for sure how Christians are working on poor people by offering them incentives..Its a very complex issue and there is no single logic. India has been the most complex place for Islam. Persia was run over in no time, Afghanistan converted to Islam enmass. However, every logic failed in mainland India. Trust me, India is not a land of any logic. There is not a single well defined logic which can be applied to anything in India.

Oye balle balle Mr Communist... which version of Communism is this? So far I knew only of communists who are anti religion. I am just wondering why these so called lower caste Hindus did not find merit of conversion when Muslims were ruling India ? If Islam could reach upto Indonasia, why it could note reach to these lower caste Hindus. May be there was no communist version that time.. Let us hope this new voice of communism will reach to all corners of the world.


It is not about me, it is about the untouchable low caste hindus who had no social prestige and privilege as self proclaimed upper caste hindus do not give them their equal share of power and prestige, only a few lucky untouchable low caste hindus can get some limited privileges due to the existence of caste based reservation which is gain very insulting and corrupted. Who told you, low caste hindus did not become Muslims? Almost all Muslims of Bengal and Bihar were low caste hindus, if you want to see, then go and visit the West Bengal-Bangladesh borders, go and visit Assam and other north eastern states of your hindu india. Many became Christians also because low caste hindus' tolerance came to the edge under the marauding tortures that the brahmins perpetrated through the religious instructions of Manusmriti. Have you read Manusmriti? Get a copy tomorrow, as you already have Gita, another diplomatic kautilyan book. In Gita, there is a Sanskrit hymn, maa phaleshu kadachana, an instruction for low caste hindus, it means, do your job without expecting the result in return or outcomes, why?? Because, the result or outcome will be taken away by the brahmins and other upper castes. Now, this is just an example of the kautilyan Gita, which brahmins used to exploit the low caste people, be it OBCs or SCs. Thus the hinduism survived through continuous usage of deceit and deception and fraud. In fact, the basic ideology behind hinduism is how much you can deceit or cheat people without using force and if necessary you are allowed to use force. All hindu gods and goddesses therefore carry lethal weapons like terrorists, thus hinduism also preaches jingoism.

Now you people will deny everything just to counter me, even providing baseless and meritless logics. But I will say again and again, all my low caste hindu brothers and sisters, OBCs, SCs, how long you want to be treated as inferior human beings? How long you want to be treated like slaves? Come, rise, open your eyes, take the revenge of the killing of your ancestors in a peaceful way, in a revolutionary way, embrace Islam. Because that will be the right response to the thousands and thousands years old torture, exploitation, deprivation, oppression those kautilyas have been perpetrating.... You had never been hindus, you are the original inhabitants of this land, called india, and you must not forget how your ancestors were killed, your mothers and sisters were raped, (just read Manusmriti to get an idea, if you do not believe me), why you need to have reservation now.... EMBRACE ISLAM my brothers and sisters....

It is just my personal suggestion and I am not forcing anyone.... My personal opinion.... the choice is yours.....

It is not about me, it is about the untouchable low caste hindus who had no social prestige and privilege as self proclaimed upper caste hindus do not give them their equal share of power and prestige, only a few lucky untouchable low caste hindus can get some limited privileges due to the existence of caste based reservation which is gain very insulting and corrupted. Who told you, low caste hindus did not become Muslims? Almost all Muslims of Bengal and Bihar were low caste hindus, if you want to see, then go and visit the West Bengal-Bangladesh borders, go and visit Assam and other north eastern states of your hindu india. Many became Christians also because low caste hindus' tolerance came to the edge under the marauding tortures that the brahmins perpetrated through the religious instructions of Manusmriti. Have you read Manusmriti? Get a copy tomorrow, as you already have Gita, another diplomatic kautilyan book. In Gita, there is a Sanskrit hymn, maa phaleshu kadachana, an instruction for low caste hindus, it means, do your job without expecting the result in return or outcomes, why?? Because, the result or outcome will be taken away by the brahmins and other upper castes. Now, this is just an example of the kautilyan Gita, which brahmins used to exploit the low caste people, be it OBCs or SCs. Thus the hinduism survived through continuous usage of deceit and deception and fraud. In fact, the basic ideology behind hinduism is how much you can deceit or cheat people without using force and if necessary you are allowed to use force. All hindu gods and goddesses therefore carry lethal weapons like terrorists, thus hinduism also preaches jingoism.

Now you people will deny everything just to counter me, even providing baseless and meritless logics. But I will say again and again, all my low caste hindu brothers and sisters, OBCs, SCs, how long you want to be treated as inferior human beings? How long you want to be treated like slaves? Come, rise, open your eyes, take the revenge of the killing of your ancestors in a peaceful way, in a revolutionary way, embrace Islam. Because that will be the right response to the thousands and thousands years old torture, exploitation, deprivation, oppression those kautilyas have been perpetrating.... You had never been hindus, you are the original inhabitants of this land, called india, and you must not forget how your ancestors were killed, your mothers and sisters were raped, (just read Manusmriti to get an idea, if you do not believe me), why you need to have reservation now.... EMBRACE ISLAM my brothers and sisters....

It is just my personal suggestion and I am not forcing anyone.... My personal opinion.... the choice is yours.....

Hery your words of wisdom can not reach them from this forum. Why don't you go among them and bless with your wise words..I am sure they will love you.

Can someone merge this thread with the other existing thread..?
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