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Temple of Religions,Kazan


Jul 14, 2012
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he Temple of All Religions (Russian: Храм всех религий) or the Universal Temple (Russian: Вселенский храм) is an architectural complex in the Staroye Arakchino Microdistrict of Kazan, Russia. It consists of several types of religious architecture including an Orthodox church, a mosque, and a synagogue, among others. It is currently under construction, having been started in 1992 by local artist and philanthropist Ildar Khanov.[1] The structure serves as a cultural center and a residence for Khanov and his assistants.

Khanov is known for his efforts in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and various other diseases.[1] His former and current patients help him to maintain and develop the Temple, either by direct involvement in the construction work or through sponsorship.

The structure is not an active temple of any one religion, but rather, as Khanov describes its mission, a "temple of culture and truth". It has become a popular landmark in the city of Kazan, which takes pride in the peaceful combination of different cultures (Islamic Tatar culture,Orthodox Russian, and others). The Temple is visited both by tourists and by people seeking Khanov's help.

Khanov says that eventually the structure will have 16 cupolas, corresponding to the 16 major world religions including past religions that are no longer practiced

Temple of All Religions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Why mix cultures? Humanity will develop only in conditions if competition cultures. If you try to combine all, creating a kind of universal, artificial religion - cycle of progress will over. Begin the decline of civilization. Humanity can unify in administrative, financial terms, but not in any way in the language, cultural or religious.
It would make more sense to put that is Moscow. Not in Tatarstan.
Why mix cultures? Humanity will develop only in conditions if competition cultures. If you try to combine all, creating a kind of universal, artificial religion - cycle of progress will over. Begin the decline of civilization. Humanity can unify in administrative, financial terms, but not in any way in the language, cultural or religious.

Not necessary .India was superpower when it had syncretism of buddhist-hindu-jain culture , only after brahmins started imposing their supremacy via cruelty ,india collapsed against islamic invaders.
Not necessary .India was superpower when it had syncretism of buddhist-hindu-jain culture , only after brahmins started imposing their supremacy via cruelty ,india collapsed against islamic invaders.
I mean competition cultures and religions at the international level, not within a single nation. Every nation has its own way to God, its own religion and itsown culture. Russian people - Orthodox. Tatars - Muslims. Buryats - Buddhists. Should not be mixed. We can work together to collect the rocket to send people to Mars, but religion does not need to mix. We need to develop and enrich each one.
Why mix cultures? Humanity will develop only in conditions if competition cultures. If you try to combine all, creating a kind of universal, artificial religion - cycle of progress will over. Begin the decline of civilization. Humanity can unify in administrative, financial terms, but not in any way in the language, cultural or religious.

On the element of artifical nature:

The news that somewhere near Kazan lives a «strange» man who is persistently building the so-called Temple of Seven Religions, caused our interest at once, so we decided to have a look at it with our own eyes.

Turning the last turn, we literally ran into a huge palace which seemed to have been used as a scenery to the «Nutcracker» ballet. A lot of multi-colored domes of this many-sided building told us in their own language that the man who erected it had a vivid imagination which aspired him to embody his fantasy in this scale construction.

Ildar Khanov happened to be this very man whose working day was at its heights after 22 P.M. Later we learnt that usually Ildar does not sleep more than three hours a day, goes in for yoga and eats exclusively vegetative food.

Since early ninety-s, from the moment when Jesus visited Ildar in his dream and told him, that from that moment on he should be constantly busy with his development, Ildar had been building his temple, in which he would like to combine all world's religions known to him, thus putting a stop to the conflict between different religions and to prove practically that peaceful co-existence of people on this planet is possible.

Ildar told us about his plans (having seen what he has created we think that they do not sound fantastic). He is planning to build a big complex -- «The Universal Temple» on coast of Volga River. There Ildar wishes to arrange a rehabilitation center those who were for injured in military conflicts and to train children in sports and yoga, to enable people to study philosophy, arts and many other things.

Ildar Khanov is already engaged in educating children from neighboring settlements, he is training them unarmed self-defence and is planning to construct a pier on Volga and to bring some old submarine, where children could also go in for scuba diving. Besides, this man is a gifted healer, or, in his own words, he can, like an x-ray, examine a human body and to correct different defects or cure diseases.

Ildar is curing people every day. Those who wish to recover from drug addiction come to him (Ildar is sure, that today drugs are the most serious problem for school children who are left on their own) wives bring their husbands who are drinking heavily.

Talking to Ildar, you come to think, that his plans are so enormous, that they seem unreal to common people. Only diligence and persistence supported by true divine gift are capable to bring his plans to life. And, seeing the results of Ildar's work, you begin to believe, that everything is possible. Sometimes help comes to him from foreign people quite unexpectedly and such help is almost always unselfish. Doesn't it look like a certain goodwill from the Heaven? Goodwill to human selfless devotion.

-- In the course of time, I have come to belief, -- says Ildar, -- that each person has both positive and destructive features in him from birth, though, certainly, in different relationship, though. Therefore bringing up with the only aim to protect the young generation from negative influence is intolerable, because any feature can gain a victory. It is necessary to develop only positive, spiritual features, using the experience of humanity accumulated during ages. The basic purpose of the Universal Temple, which I have been constructing for years is to accumulate the positive energy of the main sixteen world cultures in one place, so that people, primarily young people, who come here, could absorb everything good and kind created by all previous generations by just attending hobby groups, going in for sports, listening to music or looking at pictures.

Огонек: Panorama FACES


Vostok what do you have to say about the bolded part?
Those are not comparable with the Mughals.

Actually they were a lot greater and better and richer in terms of culture also.

Those are not comparable with the Mughals. Not in wealth, not in size, not in culture, not in architecture, not in warfare, not in anything.

Warfare? Sikhs and Marathas destroyed and dissected the mughal empire . what warfare you are talking about ? The Sikh empire of Ranjit Singh was better in warfare. Size ? Google the size of the empire under Ashoka or Vikramaditya.It is said that kaaba was from Vikramaditya himself.
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Vostok what do you have to say about the bolded part?
I think I have repeatedly answered that. Russia is strong in a multiplicity of cultures (not western-kind multiculturalism). The multiplicity of cultures gives a synergistic effect. Russian enriched from cultures of peoples of Siberia and the Caucasus. Small nations are enriched with the great Russian culture. Every culture, every religion (except pseudo-atheist ultra-liberalism, which is actually a poorly disguised Satanism) should be protected and promoted. Mutual enrichment of cultures and religions is possible without mixing and unification. If culture or religion lose - lose the whole universe.
Actually they were a lot greater and better and richer in terms of culture also.
What culture can you give me example? Only culture I know is Indians throwing dead bodies in a lake and then bathing and drinking the water of that lake, although Islam has its imperfections p. at least they have clear guideline for hygiene.

Warfare? Sikhs and Marathas destroyed and dissected the mughal empire . what warfare you are talking about ? The Sikh empire of Ranjit Singh was better in warfare. Size ? Google the size of the empire under Ashoka or Vikramaditya.It is said that kaaba was from Vikramaditya himself.
Mughals were far richer than those Sikh and ranjit ... Even that famous mosque, tashmihal was built by moghuls that you brag about as a master piece. It is just a fact that greatest rulers of India were non Indian, Turkic and Muslim. Where Alexander and other failed. Moghuls succeeded.
What culture can you give me example? Only culture I know is Indians throwing dead bodies in a lake and then bathing and drinking the water of that lake, although Islam has its imperfections p. at least they have clear guideline for hygiene.

Mughals were far richer than those Sikh and ranjit ... Even that famous mosque, tashmihal was built by moghuls that you brag about as a master piece. It is just a fact that greatest rulers of India were non Indian, Turkic and Muslim,

The libraries of nalanda,taxila .Buddhist-hindu syncretism.

The iron pillar of sarnath. (something even mughals or modern technology has not achieved.)2300 years and still no rust.
Pillars of Ashoka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


An advanced civilization

Prior to Muslim conquest, India was one of the world’s top civilizations with significant achievements—in science, mathematics, literature, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, architecture and so on—to its credit. Indian mathematicians conceived the mathematical concept of zero and founded the basics of algebra. The persianized Abbasid caliphs, inspired by the pre-Islamic Persian pursuit of knowledge,464 sent scholars and merchants to India for collecting documents and texts on science, mathematics, medicine and philosophy. According to Nehru, ‘In subjects, like medicine and mathematics, they learned much from India. Indian scholars and mathematicians came in large numbers to Baghdad. Many Arab students went to Takshashila in North India, which was still a great university, specializing in medicine.’465

An Indian scholar brought two seminal mathematical works to Baghdad in 770. One was the Brahmasiddhanta (known to Arabs as Sindhind) of the great seventh-century Indian mathematician, Brahmagupta. It contained early ideas of algebra. In the ninth century, famous Muslim mathematician and astronomer Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi combined the Indian work with Greek geometry to found the mathematical system of algebra. Khwarizmi became known as the father of algebra. The term algorithm (or algorism), the technique of performing arithmetic calculations developed by al-Khwarizmi using Indian numerals, is the latinized version of his name. The second manuscript contained the revolutionary system of denoting number, including the concept of zero, unknown elsewhere. Muslim scholars used to call this Indian numbering system, “Indian (Hindi) numerals”; the Europeans later gave it the name, “Arabic numerals”.466 Although Muslims made significant contributions in these achievements, they often, in an act of self- gratification, claim all the credit for these plagiarized developments. Pre-Islamic India had a great tradition in creating magnificent and sensual sculptures, and building wondrous architectures. After the coming of Muslim invaders, Indian builders and craftsmen mixed Islamic ideas to their own, creating a new Indo-Islamic mosaic in the new building and architecture, which became integrated into the “heritage” of the self-declared Islamic civilization.

Alberuni (d. 1050) has recorded many of these ancient Indian achievements in his famous work, Indica, published in 1030. Arabic scholar Edward Sachau translated this book in 1880 and published under the title of Alberuni’s India (1910). Sachau writes: ‘To Alberuni, the Hindus were excellent philosophers, good mathematicians and astronomers.’467Alberuni summarizes Indian achievement in mathematics as follows:

They do not use the letter of their alphabet for numerical notation, as we use the Arabic letters in the order of Hebrew alphabet… The numerical signs which we use are derived from the finest forms of the Hindu signs…The Arabs, too, stop with the thousand, which is certainly the most correct and the most natural thing to do… Those, however, who go beyond the thousand in their numeral system, are the Hindus, at least in their arithmetical technical terms, which have been either freely invented or derived according to certain etymologies, whilst in others both methods are blended together. They extend the names of the orders of numbers until the eighteenth order for religious reasons, the mathematicians being assisted by the grammarians with all kinds of etymologies.468

According to Alberuni, Indian learning, such as the fables of Kalila and Dimna and books on medicine, including the famous Charaka, came to the Arab world, through either direct translation from Sanskrit into Arabic or through first translation into Persian, and then, from Persian into Arabic. Sachau also thinks that the influx of knowledge from India to Baghdad took place in two different phases of which, he writes:

India Before the Coming of Islam. | secularafrican

What culture can you give me example? Only culture I know is Indians throwing dead bodies in a lake and then bathing and drinking the water of that lake, although Islam has its imperfections p. at least they have clear guideline for hygiene.

Mughals were far richer than those Sikh and ranjit ... Even that famous mosque, tashmihal was built by moghuls that you brag about as a master piece. It is just a fact that greatest rulers of India were non Indian, Turkic and Muslim. Where Alexander and other failed. Moghuls succeeded.

Actually the kushans were from central asia/amu darya zone and forefathers of the turks .They were buddhists.They created kushan empire and were responsible for great riches themselves like mauryan dynasty.
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