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Temple of Religions,Kazan

What culture can you give me example? Only culture I know is Indians throwing dead bodies in a lake and then bathing and drinking the water of that lake, although Islam has its imperfections p. at least they have clear guideline for hygiene.

Mughals were far richer than those Sikh and ranjit ... Even that famous mosque, tashmihal was built by moghuls that you brag about as a master piece. It is just a fact that greatest rulers of India were non Indian, Turkic and Muslim. Where Alexander and other failed. Moghuls succeeded.

Never seen any turk as dumb like you .

Though i can throw some shit about your culture and country , but i won't as u are the only dumb one .
Those are not comparable with the Mughals. Not in wealth, not in size, not in culture, not in architecture, not in warfare, not in anything.
If the central Asians were so well off, then why did they come to India to loot? until the rise of the west, India combined with China was the richest places in the world. That is why China was always a target for Mongols hordes and India was a target of the central Asian hordes. India's wealth was so famous world over that even Christopher Columbus originally set sail to find an alternative route to India's riches but instead he found the America's.

Mughals were far richer than those Sikh and ranjit ... Even that famous mosque, tashmihal was built by moghuls that you brag about as a master piece. It is just a fact that greatest rulers of India were non Indian, Turkic and Muslim. Where Alexander and other failed. Moghuls succeeded.

How were the Mughals richer. If you compare old revenue records of Subas of north western part of India, they were comparable. Mughals built buildings made of marble and Sikhs under Maharaja Ranjit Singh built temples made of Gold!
Ok, the cultural richness thing is debatable. But it is generally accepted that Under Mughals, India lived its golden age.

About why they came to India? It is they right of the sword.
Strange isn't it, a thread about something that is supposed to bring people together has turned in to yet another mud slinging match between juveniles. You will understand why I say there is no chance for Humanity...
Actually they were a lot greater and better and richer in terms of culture also.

Warfare? Sikhs and Marathas destroyed and dissected the mughal empire . what warfare you are talking about ? The Sikh empire of Ranjit Singh was better in warfare. Size ? Google the size of the empire under Ashoka or Vikramaditya.It is said that kaaba was from Vikramaditya himself.

Dont talk rubbish both the marathas and Sikh's are historically insignificant lasting only a few decades before collapsing

the mughal empire collapsed in on itself due to its size and inability to administer it by weak emperor's after aurengzebs death

what great victories do these marathas and Sikh's have against some of the great muslim mughal emperor's they simply cashed in on a empire that had reached its end and we're themselves beaten only a few decades later

Both they and the pre Islamic empire's were historically insignificant

India was great only under its Islamic age
Dont talk rubbish both the marathas and Sikh's are historically insignificant lasting only a few decades before collapsing

the mughal empire collapsed in on itself due to its size and inability to administer it by weak emperor's after aurengzebs death

what great victories do these marathas and Sikh's have against some of the great muslim mughal emperor's they simply cashed in on a empire that had reached its end and we're themselves beaten only a few decades later

Both they and the pre Islamic empire's were historically insignificant

India was great only under its Islamic age

The Mughal empire collapsed due to the policies of Aurangzeb who made it his agenda to oppress the Sikhs, Jats and Marathas. Before Aurangzeb, Sikhs and Jats were a largely peaceful group. And his Anti Shia feelings drove him to wage war and conquer the southern (Dekhan) Shia Sultanates which together had contained the Marathas. After Aurangzeb conquered the South, there was no one left who could contain the Marathas and in the end Marathas, Sikhs, Jats dissected the Mughal empire.
The Mughal empire collapsed due to the policies of Aurangzeb who made it his agenda to oppress the Sikhs, Jats and Marathas. Before Aurangzeb, Sikhs and Jats were a largely peaceful group. And his Anti Shia feelings drove him to wage war and conquer the southern (Dekhan) Shia Sultanates which together had contained the Marathas. After Aurangzeb conquered the South, there was no one left who could contain the Marathas and in the end Marathas, Sikhs, Jats dissected the Mughal empire.

lol..Mughal Empire collapsed because of crumbling economic system, wars within the empire, over-stretching of power, and ALOT of other reasons...

Just like Rome fell for several reasons....

Stop with your fantasy stories...

Why mix cultures? Humanity will develop only in conditions if competition cultures. If you try to combine all, creating a kind of universal, artificial religion - cycle of progress will over. Begin the decline of civilization. Humanity can unify in administrative, financial terms, but not in any way in the language, cultural or religious.


I bet you have NEVER taken a serious course in social sciences, anthropology etc.

Just bunch of words like "yeah culture..language..progress..humanity..civilization..yeah yeah culture yeah"...you have no idea what you are talking about.
lol..Mughal Empire collapsed because of crumbling economic system, wars within the empire, over-stretching of power, and ALOT of other reasons...

Just like Rome fell for several reasons....

Stop with your fantasy stories...
Mughals were beaten in a series of battles. Read how the Marathas under the Peshwa was inching towards Delhi, each time they would win against the Mughals, the Mughals would pay them money to prevent their marching further up north. In North India, the Sikhs and Jats had waged a guerrilla war of resistance which diverted nearly all the revenue of the Northern Subas in quelling these rebellions which otherwise could have been spent on administration. Nadir Shah of Iran also beat the Mughals. After suffering so many military defeats, you think it was doing go stay intact?
Actually they were a lot greater and better and richer in terms of culture also.

Warfare? Sikhs and Marathas destroyed and dissected the mughal empire . what warfare you are talking about ? The Sikh empire of Ranjit Singh was better in warfare. Size ? Google the size of the empire under Ashoka or Vikramaditya.It is said that kaaba was from Vikramaditya himself.

Sikhs and Marathas dissected Mughals after over 400 years of Mughal dominance and the Sikh empire lasted like 50 legit years before it collapsed with the death of Ranjit. Ranjit had europeans come over and teach his soldiers how to fight meanwhile the Mughals at their peak scared the same Europeans. Kaaba from Vikramaditya? :crazy: You must be smoking some good stuff at hindutva seminars. :lol:

The Mughal empire collapsed due to the policies of Aurangzeb who made it his agenda to oppress the Sikhs, Jats and Marathas. Before Aurangzeb, Sikhs and Jats were a largely peaceful group. And his Anti Shia feelings drove him to wage war and conquer the southern (Dekhan) Shia Sultanates which together had contained the Marathas. After Aurangzeb conquered the South, there was no one left who could contain the Marathas and in the end Marathas, Sikhs, Jats dissected the Mughal empire.

He wanted a whole empire that was centralized under him and spend most of the income of the empire in creating such an empire, it all worked fine as long as he was in charge because he an able Emperor but once he died the next Emperors had no clue what to do and that is why all other empires rose. Previously the local administration was kept intact by the Mughals and the regional kings just payed homage and acknowledged the sovereignty of the Mughals.
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Sikhs and Marathas dissected Mughals after over 400 years of Mughal dominance and the Sikh empire lasted like 50 legit years before it collapsed with the death of Ranjit. Ranjit had europeans come over and teach his soldiers how to fight meanwhile the Mughals at their peak scared the same Europeans. Kaaba from Vikramaditya? :crazy: You must be smoking some good stuff at hindutva seminars. :lol:

The first of the Europeans joined the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the 1820s. But before they had arrived he had already conquered Punjab(left of Satluj), J&K and NW frontier. So the Euro played no part in actually conquering territory. But they did however help improve the discipline of the army along European fighting mode.

Problem with Aurangzeb was not his administrative abilities. No doubt he was a very able ruler and warrior. He was educated plus a pious Muslim. But he was like the Mullah Omar of his time. He was ruling over a country which was overwhelmingly non Muslim, yet he imposed strict Sharia Law on the entire population. He persecuted the Shia and Sikhs. The Satnamis who were a peaceful ascetic group of Hindus rose in rebellion. The Jats who were peaceful Hindu farmers also rebelled due to his policies. Previously non of these groups ever caused any trouble for the Mughals because Mughals largely left them alone. But Aurangzeb's religious intolerance was a recipe for disaster for the empire.
The first of the Europeans joined the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the 1820s. But before they had arrived he had already conquered Punjab(left of Satluj), J&K and NW frontier. So the Euro played no part in actually conquering territory. But they did however help improve the discipline of the army along European fighting mode.

Problem with Aurangzeb was not his administrative abilities. No doubt he was a very able ruler and warrior. He was educated plus a pious Muslim. But he was like the Mullah Omar of his time. He was ruling over a country which was overwhelmingly non Muslim, yet he imposed strict Sharia Law on the entire population. He persecuted the Shia and Sikhs. The Satnamis who were a peaceful ascetic group of Hindus rose in rebellion. The Jats who were peaceful Hindu farmers also rebelled due to his policies. Previously non of these groups ever caused any trouble for the Mughals because Mughals largely left them alone. But Aurangzeb's religious intolerance was a recipe for disaster for the empire.

I will concede to you on the Sikh empire part but would point out that if Aurangzeb was really following sharia law he would not have tried to forcibly convert everyone (not allowed according to said law), not have had seven wives, not have destroyed temples of those who fought against him (contrary to public belief he did not try and destroy all temples but only temples of areas that revolted against him hell many hindus were in his army and commanded his troops as well like Raja Jai Singh), and not have executed Teg Bahadur. Sure he read the Quran but reading the Quran does not make one pious rather actually following it does. Good day.

I bet you have NEVER taken a serious course in social sciences, anthropology etc.

Just bunch of words like "yeah culture..language..progress..humanity..civilization..yeah yeah culture yeah"...you have no idea what you are talking about.
And here we are not engaged in scientific work. Simply exchange opinions.


Copyright Kumara Sastry@flickr


Copyright deepsan@flickr


Copyright josephescu@flickr


Copyright Sean & Connie @flickr

Copyright Amre Ghiba@flickr

Copyright paulsikora@flickr

Lake Pichola, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Copyright Zé Eduardo...@flickr

These are just a few of the thousands of stunning Hindu and Jain architecture in India. Any day they can beat all the so called Mughal architecture and wipe the floor with it. Turkey is not a patch on India.


Yoga Narasimha Temple, Karnataka
Copyright ^RedBull^ @ Flickr

Sri Chamundeshwari Temple, Mysore, Karnataka
Copyright sduffy@flickr


Copyright knipsfredi@flickr

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