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Tell Me Why !?

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Let me explain something, the only Arabs left is SYRIA, those nations who call themselves Arab, sold their arabism long time ago, look at the gulf countries, they all dance and drink with Israel and etc. anyway, you dont want those "Arabs".
syrians are mix of greeks,assyrians,kurds......
you sir are everything but not an arab:agree:
hahahha Arabs are not muslims, and muslims are not arabs. and a lot of Syrians are advanced and are open minded, we are secular state.

being open minded and secular means you allow your wife to show flesh to other men?why would u want other men to stare at your wife?:undecided:
being open minded and secular means you allow your wife to show flesh to other men?why would u want other men to stare at your wife?:undecided:

I will leave that up the person its their choice, but i didnt say show everything, showing hands and arms is not that big of a deal. Like i said you can wear what you like, that's your choice, there is a GOD to judge at the end, we cant judge.
yes that's right but if we can fix this these thing won't happen again.
اصولا اگه بین خود اعراب هم بری می فهمی که چقدر رو مخ این ها کار کردند، تا این دشمنی رو ادامه بدند. و از نظر من بهترین راهی که میشه انجام داد اینه که در مورد هرچیز واقع بین باشیم. البته این از اونا بععیده ولی خوب اگر می خواهیم جامعه ای رو اصلاح کنیم، باید از خودمون شروع کنیم ، اگه ما تونستیم جامعه ای بسازیم ک تمامی ارزش های ایرانی اسلامی در اون وجود داشته باشه ما موفق بودیم در غیر اینصورت نه .
مثلا اگر به خود امامان و پیامبر نگاه کنید هیچگاه چیزی به عنوان تبعیض نژادی رو قبول نداشتند چه برای خود اعراب و چه برای بقیه ، ما هم نباید به صورت نژادپرستی نگاه کنیم .
در باره کسایی هم که به اسلام معتقد نیستند ، ببینید توی این 200 سال اخیر هرجا ما تونستیم جلوی شاه ها رو بگیریم ، همین علمای مذهبی مردم رو رهبری می کردند. پس نباید صرف اینکه منشا اسلام از عربه اون رو قبول نداشته باشیم . از نظر من بهترین منبع برای ما کتاب های شهید مطهری هستش. غرب ایشون رو به عنوان بزرگترین متفکر جهان اسلام می شناسه ، پس بهتره خود ما هم از اندیشه های این فرد بزرگ استفاده کنیم.

من نمیگم اعراب مشکلی ندارند و ... میگم اغراق نکنیم. وگرنه از هر صدتاشون یکیشون آدمه خوبیه باور کنید فقط باید پیداشون کرد. فقط کافیه فیلم دیدار جوانان انقلاب های اسلمی رو با رهبر ببینید ...

I assume that was meant for me, so I'll respond to it. And plz, let's continue in English as a courtesy to everybody else on the forum.

I'm not saying we should be more aggressive toward Persian Gulf Arabs. I would love to extend the hand of friendship to them and have normal and neighbourly relations with them. It would be great to have a healthy bilateral trade with them like we do with Turkey. But we can't ignore the fact that we're not there yet. They're known for their racist and supremacist views and it will be a while before that changes. And in the meantime, I'm not in the mood to jeopardize the security of Iran, in order to appear friendly to them. They don't appreciate or understand that. They view it as weakness. So I think a little firmness would go a long way to establish boundaries and head off miscalculations and potential conflicts.

You are a believing muslim and I respect your right to your beliefs, but I disagree with them. If right, just and proper Islam had been implementable, it would have been done so by now, 1400 years hence. It hasn't happened and I submit to you that it never will. And that's because there's no such thing as a universally agreed upon authoritative Islam, and hence no Islam at all. Because if the point of Islam was to provide all of its believers with a uniform and correct code of conduct to live life and worship god, then it has fundamentally failed in its mission. Look at all the muslim countries around the world. Look at the different muslim communities in each of those countries. Now look at the leaders down to each individual member of those communities. They all have varying degrees of differences regarding even the most fundamental principles of Islam and what they mean. As a result they all do things differently. They all read and say the same words, but mean different things by them. Because they all have a different and unique relationship with their creator. Because god created them as individuals and granted each one of them a unique point of view. So religion goes against the very nature of creation and god's manifest will. And as such it has and will always fail in its mission.
stopper that is the case of what he had done, i speak for myself no others, i accepted islam but i don't accept what he had done in the some cities of iran, but i accept Imam ALI because of his way of treating others. and we combined our culture with islam and nothing more! Islam don't say to remove the good things of your culture, Islam say remove the bad things of your culture like what Prophet mohammad done with arabs, he removed the wrong beliefs of arabs and thought them the good things.
i asked a very simple question....king of persia kisra tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.....my question to persian muslims is what the persians of that time did to avenge this?
also my question to persian muslims is that are they proud of being muslims?if yes then who brought islam to their land?
also my question to you is are u persian first and then a muslim or a muslim first and then a persian?

also are u still pissed off that your non-muslim forefathers were killed by muslims in war?

whats more worse?
losing non-muslim forefathers who were enemies of islam?or being born a non-muslim centuries later....leading a life of ignorance and then ending up in hell?:undecided:

Were your arguments so unconvincing and weak that you had to make them agree at the point of the sword?
I think there are strong racial underpinnings to this ancient hatred that are confounded by the later day imposition of a new alien faith to the detriment of an ancient civilizational faith and culture.

The Arabs know the Iranians look down on them as inferior racial stock - but are wedded (in a way) to an Arab faith historically handed down to them at the ends of Arab swords after the rout of Haddisiyah.

The Iranians know the Arabs look down on them as vindictive mutaters of their faith and aspirations of a world order based on the same - with them at the top of course.

Its not really so confusing Soheil, when you look in on it from the outside.

Of course none of you here on this thread, with the exception of the Indic Pakistanis of course, have that luxury.
I have another question: why should we give a **** about arabs? Let them hate.

What good are they to us? Say they support Iran. Would they be able to supply us with advanced tech? Nope, we're already more advanced. Would they be able to support us in the international arena? Nope, they have zero weight in the world. Would they be able to stop the Americans from causing harm to Iran? Nope, they're in bed with the Americans.


Let them hate.

Arabs are famous for switching sides. They've switched sides a million times in the last century. One day they hate you, one day they are your allies. Either case, no good will come of it.
syrian bashar ul asad's wife wears very vulgar type cloths....true muslims dont show case their bodies to the whole world and especially horny indians in syria who search for pictures of bashar ul asad's wife

Too Much Information!: Faded Desert Rose: EU to Ban Syria's 1st "Lady" from Luxury European Shopping Trips


yet another al quida living in the west. Get back to your hole if you think that's vulgar. You must walk around with a hard on all day if that's vulgar to you.
I have another question: why should we give a **** about arabs? Let them hate.

What good are they to us? Say they support Iran. Would they be able to supply us with advanced tech? Nope, we're already more advanced. Would they be able to support us in the international arena? Nope, they have zero weight in the world. Would they be able to stop the Americans from causing harm to Iran? Nope, they're in bed with the Americans.


Let them hate.

Arabs are famous for switching sides. They've switched sides a million times in the last century. One day they hate you, one day they are your allies. Either case, no good will come of it.

100%, proof, they stabbed Syria in the back, we Syrians always called them brothers and opened our country for them, they can enter Syria without a visa, but Syrians can't get a visa to enter any other GCC country, but Americans and Israelis can enter Qatar and other countries easily. I'm really glad Syria is not a member of the fake league "Arab" league aka now its called Israel Salves League.
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