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Tejas worse than LIFT trainer aircraft

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Khan vilatey

Feb 11, 2020
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On this momentous day of additional sales of jf-17 to Iraq and very soon to Argentina 🇦🇷

I wanted to understand that why is india investing in a terrible aircraft, Tejas that is worse than even LIFT trainers. the US navy, Egypt and Malaysia have refused this aircraft .

Why does India not invest all resources in the TEDBF rather than waste money on Tejas ……

Alkhalid 1 tanks had issues Pakistan stoped building them. Developed the alkhalid 1 and soon the alkhalid 2 .

Why no TEDBF…. Why the waste in tejas

Constructive views welcome

One day the fellow villagers found Nasrettin Hoja sitting in front of his house with a huge basket full of red hot chillies. And, the Hoja was pouring one chili after another into his mouth. He was sweating and tearing like hell as his entire mouth got swollen and red like a ripe tomato...

The villagers asked Hoja what's the point! Hoja's reply: one of them may turn out sweet....

One of the India's defense projects may turn to be successful...

Good luck to them without any Bed Nazar....
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It’s so sad so much money wasted. Why not invest in TEDBF………..

Same thing with Arjun tank, the only thing not done right is paint a target in the front and back of the tank … with a sign that says , I am slow, big and light armored hence I was expandable so they did not give me a real tank like T-90…

The Indian nuclear submarine that leaked and sank…….

Indian made helicopters that people returned even when they were giving for free….also tried to kill bipin rawat….

I am not making this stuff up


On this momentous day of additional sales of jf-17 to Iraq and very soon to Argentina 🇦🇷

I wanted to understand that why is india investing in a terrible aircraft, Tejas that is worse than even LIFT trainers. the US navy, Egypt and Malaysia have refused this aircraft .

Why does India not invest all resources in the TEDBF rather than waste money on Tejas ……

Alkhalid 1 tanks had issues Pakistan stoped building them. Developed the alkhalid 1 and soon the alkhalid 2 .

Why no TEDBF…. Why the waste in tejas

Constructive views welcome


You are wrong for that. USA Navy is going to acquire 100 Tejas to fight Aliens.
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You are wrong for that. USA Navy is going to acquire 100 Tejas to fight against Aliens.
Yes…… I was so wrong…. Since they are powered on unobtainum….. and the plane is made of vibernaium…… now I understand why Thor missies thenos he was trained by the Indian military… Pakistan then had to retain all the Avengers so they stop losing all the time

Thank you for correcting me

40 years to assemble the foreign parts and this is the quality.

On this momentous day of additional sales of jf-17 to Iraq and very soon to Argentina 🇦🇷

I wanted to understand that why is india investing in a terrible aircraft, Tejas that is worse than even LIFT trainers. the US navy, Egypt and Malaysia have refused this aircraft .

Why does India not invest all resources in the TEDBF rather than waste money on Tejas ……

Alkhalid 1 tanks had issues Pakistan stoped building them. Developed the alkhalid 1 and soon the alkhalid 2 .

Why no TEDBF…. Why the waste in tejas

Constructive views welcome

In line with a futuristic India, we envision Tejas being so economical and advanced that it might replace our fleets of tuk tuks for internal transportation. The persistent effort you see into Tejas is Us trying to figure out where to put the metre for accurate billing.

It is indeed a momentous occasion when someone offers up genuine advice, that being said I can fully emphasize with you. I've written numerous letters to Elon Musk berating him for pursuing his habit of exploding slightly expensive firework rockets. Sadly, my complete lack of relevant background, reason, epistemological base and deficit mental faculties have kept those around me from discovering my true genius and taking my suggestions with the academic integrity they deserve. Something I know you can intimately understand and emphatise with.

In line with your views, I am of the opinion that the GoI is beholden to me, personally, when it comes to spending the money it earns and as such it should emulate others in our neighborhood wherein the mere possibility of failure should lead to the entire project being shelved. We should spend time and resources only on success on this sub continent. Thats the way you win, that and propaganda.

Thank you for the timely concern, despite the ever growing threat of financial bankruptcy, financial mismanagement and crony capitalism, GoI has the gal to invest in flying auto rickshaws, mayhaps our enemies will die laughing when they see them coming :woot:
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In line with a futuristic India, we envision Tejas being so economical and advanced that it might replace our fleets of tuk tuks for internal transportation. The persistent effort you see into Tejas is Us trying to figure out where to put the metre for accurate billing.

It is indeed a momentous occasion when someone offers up genuine advice, that being said I can fully emphasize with you. I've written numerous letters to Elon Musk berating him for pursuing his habit of exploding slightly expensive firework rockets. Sadly, my complete lack of relevant background, reason, epistemological base and deficit mental faculties have kept those around me from discovering my genius and taking my suggestions with the academic integrity they deserve. Something I know you can intimately understand and emphatise with.

In line with your views, I am of the opinion that the GoI is beholden to me, personally, when it comes to spending the money it earns and as such it should emulate others in our neighborhood wherein the mere possibility of failure should lead to the entire project being shelved. We should spend time and resources only on success on this sub continent. Thats the way you win, that and propaganda.

Thank you for the timely concern, despite the ever growing threat of financial bankruptcy, financial mismanagement and crony capitalism, GoI has the gal to invest in flying auto rickshaws, mayhaps our enemies will die laughing when they see it coming :woot:
Your most welcome 🤗 , the benefit with being poor is that you have few options and cannot spend money Willy nilly.

Elon musk is an evil evil man who has really good ideas to make himself rich by sheer marketing….. Tesla stocks are going down as Mercedes’ and bmw both are coming up with awesome all electric vehicles,

Elon left PayPal after making his money , just like dodge coin lol 😂

Ah young padwan there so much for you to learn from your elder brother the Pakistan whose economy in the 60-70s was much better than your per captia ever heard of BCCI …… the Chinese have it right they have manged to create a western dependence on themselves then the other way round 😂


Tejas is ugly, MK2 is uglier and TEDBF is like a cramped up paper plane... like everything India makes is cursed to be out of beauty.

View attachment 812471
If india makes TEDBF in the next 10 years Paksitan would have something to worry about m. Fielded in number it would be a significant problem

"Imported systems on the Tejas include the Israel Aerospace Industries/ELTA EL/M-2032 radar, an Elbit helmet-mounted cueing system, a British-made Martin Baker ejection seat and an American General Electric F404 afterburning turbofan. Additionally, many of the jet’s weapons—such as the GSh-23 23 mm cannon—are of Russian origin. Indeed, the very fact that the Tejas is equipped with a U.S. engine means that Washington has a veto on which nations New Delhi can offer the aircraft to for sale."

"Imported systems on the Tejas include the Israel Aerospace Industries/ELTA EL/M-2032 radar, an Elbit helmet-mounted cueing system, a British-made Martin Baker ejection seat and an American General Electric F404 afterburning turbofan. Additionally, many of the jet’s weapons—such as the GSh-23 23 mm cannon—are of Russian origin. Indeed, the very fact that the Tejas is equipped with a U.S. engine means that Washington has a veto on which nations New Delhi can offer the aircraft to for sale."

Must have hired Hantards who took 35 years to improve a copy of SU-27

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