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Tejas worse than LIFT trainer aircraft

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Not going to spoonfeed anyone

It's better that you guys see as 1 Pakistani = 10 Indians
Lol. Im not the one trying defend the tejas. Thats you. So tell me when did its development start?

Also lol, its not 1 pakistani is equal 10 indians you dummy, its 1 pakistani is equivalent to 3 maybe 5 indians.
Tejas that is worse than even LIFT trainers.

If you are creating a thread, making a point to trying to make a point without comparison, inviting constructive & quality discussion in a manners that the reader at first will get your point and be interested to share his/her view. But, since there's no basic mention or analysis by yourself except one liner to call it worse and even without presenting some data for the reference so that layman like me can understand your point being; the topic is merely a mudslinging contest and nothing else. Since an OP is short of in-depth analysis or some explained points; how come one expects a quality discussion.

Thread closed with an advise to discontinue such practice on the Forum. An OP must contain details, substance, references or analysis at-least to begin with.

Kindest regards,
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