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Tehrik-e-Taliban peace offer: train guns on India

Dude I made this point because of TTP directly making statements against India which clears many doubts that India is supporting TTP.

Both you and I know how often India is said to be one supporting TTP. is being presented in this forum. Even many senior members.

Also, my other point of saying LTTE 2.0 was because if India is involved with TTP, than it may become another case of an extremist going against India because PAW stopped helping them.

Another factor is, TTP statements that says that they want to extend support to Kashmir insurgents, they are trying to buy more time and reduce Pakistani action against them IF Pakistani authorities think that TTP can be used against India.

I made one line statement because many can understand what I actually wanted to say. Hope it clears the doubt.

Why so defensive mate, I was just trolling you back. :lol: ;)
It's so blatant, what they are really saying is "please, you are hitting us too hard- redeploy your forces away from us and we will regroup, rearm and in a few years we will resume this fight!"

India is just the go-to enemy that and TTP think the Pakistani people will back the GoP moving the PA's eyes back to India. Look at the rhetoric the TTP have used "India, Bangledesh, 1971, revenge attack" enough to rile up many Pakistanis.

Now is the time for the PA to go for the jugular- hit 'em hard boys!
Lets say Pakistan accepts the offer, allies with the Taliban and focuses on India.

That would not solve any long term problems, in fact it would make many of them worse.

Pakistan has a choice to make, move away from extremism and towards the civilized world, or become Somalia with nukes.
I think they are just asking for mercy, they've had great losses throughout the war many of their top leaders killed, structure broken, much of their ammunition had been captured so you see them resorting to terrorist attacks out of desperation. Best to keep up the fight and eliminate them, ceasefire and peace treaties in the past have not worked out what reason to believe this newly proposed one will either? PA should just eliminate them.
As long as Pakistan and its GOV/Army does not understand that there is enemey that lies inside itself apart from India....Till that point TTP will survive and flourish...If not TTP then someone else join the bandwagon.....So TTP knows very well that anything agaist India will be perceived very well by Pakistan media and its Army who ma y give them a breathing time to regroup and counter again....
TTP is trolling... About time, PA will finish this chapter and with all the might, ban these trolls for ever (IP address locked types!) and cart their assess off to hell :P
Nah , nobody's interested in giving you time so take your nasty little tricks elsewhere , you ****** scumbags !

TTP is trolling... About time, PA will finish this chapter and with all the might, ban these trolls for ever (IP address locked types!) and cart their assess off to hell :P
to burn till eternity !
Nah , nobody's interested in giving you time so take your nasty little tricks elsewhere , you ****** scumbags !

to burn till eternity !

I hope the first message in italics was for TTP and not for the poor me :undecided:

LTTE was never against India.

The anatomy of terrorism is that it is 'always' against humankind and thus against everyone... Take it from a guy who has seen it from 1990 to 2003 in J&K... So, LTTE or TTP or anything else... They're all mofos and belong to body bags. Period.
The anatomy of terrorism is that it is 'always' against humankind and thus against everyone... Take it from a guy who has seen it from 1990 to 2003 in J&K... So, LTTE or TTP or anything else... They're all mofos and belong to body bags. Period.

I dont agree with that fully...anyway I'll leave it at that..

need i say more?
I dont agree with that fully...anyway I'll leave it at that..

I would just like to add to my assertion... No one in this world has ever gained over the long term by supporting terrorism of any kind.. History is witness to it that whenever someone created such strategic assets, they bit them back... Afghan insurgency by US, support of warlords in Iraq, libiya and Egypt, strategic terrorist support in Pakistan, implicit LTTE support by India... they always backfire to complete the circle and karma is a *****, it catches up! If you breed mad dogs, some day, the will bite back...

Moral of the story: Havens to Terrorists has, is and will NEVER be any use in the LONG term... So, pass the temptation... But, like you, this is just my humble opinion... I have seen milltancy too up close to tell anyone, never to feed mad dogs under any guise, my friend.


need i say more?

God must be wondering, just what the hell was I thinking when I made a nutjob like this... I don't think he has any parallel in the world (thakreys etc are miles behind him)
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