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Tehran In 'Major Outreach' To Riyadh

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Tehran In Major Outreach To Riyadh

DOHA, Dec 2, (AFP): Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif appealed Monday to Saudi Arabia to work with Tehran toward achieving regional “stability”, as he pressed a tour seeking rapprochement with Gulf Arab states. Zarif arrived in Doha after visits to Kuwait and Oman for meetings aimed at assuring top officials that a deal Iran secured with world powers on its disputed nuclear programme is in their interest.

During his stopover in the Omani capital Muscat, Zarif called on Saudi Arabia to jointly work with Iran to resolve regional issues. “I believe that our relations with Saudi Arabia should expand as we consider Saudi Arabia as an extremely important country in the region and the Islamic world,” Zarif told AFP on Monday. “We believe that Iran and Saudi Arabia should work together in order to promote peace and stability in the region.” Zarif also praised Oman’s role in last month’s negotiations between Iran and world powers including the United States that paved the way for the landmark nuclear deal. “We expressed our appreciation for the very central and positive role that the sultanate had played in facilitating these talks,” Zarif said after he met with Sultan Qaboos.

Later in Qatar, Zarif held talks with Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the official QNA news agency reported. They “discussed bilateral relations and means of developing them as well as matters of mutual interest,” said QNA, without giving details on the unscheduled visit. Unlike Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia, locked in a decades-long rivalry with Shiite-dominated Iran, Oman maintains good relations with Tehran. Sultan Qaboos has acted as an intermediary between Western countries and the Islamic republic in the past few years. According to reports, the sultanate hosted secret talks between Iran and the United States in the lead-up to the six-month accord on Iran’s nuclear programme. World powers, Arab states of the Gulf, and Israel suspect Tehran’s nuclear ambitions include acquiring a nuclear weapon, a charge Iran vehemently denies.

The nuclear deal reached in Geneva on Nov 24 was welcomed by the Sunniruled Gulf Arab states, which have long been concerned about Iran’s regional ambitions. But the Saudi government reacted cautiously, saying the deal could mark the first step towards a comprehensive solution for Iran’s nuclear programme, “if there are good intentions”. Zarif on Monday again voiced hopes to “soon” visit Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, whose foreign minister announced during a visit to Tehran last week that his government was ready to create a joint economic commission with Iran. “I am ready to go to Saudi Arabia, but it is just a matter of being able to arrange a mutually convenient time. I will visit it soon inshallah (God willing).” Gulf Cooperation Council foreign ministers, meeting in Kuwait City last week, expressed hopes that the interim deal would lead to a permanent agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme.
Saudis must respond positively, as Pakistanis, its in our greatest interest to see Iran and Saudi working together for peace and stability.
If that were to happen, it would be check mate for these khaleejis.

The Americans are throwing them to the wolves, they've lost Iraq and Afghanistan completely, Syria didn't work out for them, Iran and the West are starting to kiss and make up (their worst nightmare) and now Iran is acting like the bigger man (must be embarrassing for them).

In realty though, Iran is probably just trying to shut them up for some time so the American deal can go through. Knowing khaleejis, they might be dumb enough to fall into this trap.
If that were to happen, it would be check mate for these khaleejis.

The Americans are throwing them to the wolves, they've lost Iraq and Afghanistan completely, Syria didn't work out for them, Iran and the West are starting to kiss and make up (their worst nightmare) and now Iran is acting like the bigger man (must be embarrassing for them).

In realty though, Iran is probably just trying to shut them up for some time so the American deal can go through. Knowing khaleejis, they might be dumb enough to fall into this trap.
And this is exactly why it will never work out.
Smart diplomacy. Iran trying for image makeover and to show interest for inclusion to rest of the world.

If KSA doesn't respond positively, KSA will considered roadblock to possible peaceful resolution and other gulf states will be in tough situation.

+ KSA is working with Israel too, so it already gives Iran an edge.
Thats a claim made by the israelies, I would rather trust the devil to be telling the truth. See here is the way I see it. Going by the past exp. The israelies will make all the noises but will never act unless they know that the americans will back them all the way. Just like when the israelies were in Lebanon, and the americans negotiated a peace deal, but the very next day the israelies started shelling again. The americans were pissed, but they never did anything to stop them. And the americans will say what ever but they will never go against the israelies. So what ever is going on right now is either them playing both the sides. Where the americans are telling the iranians dont worry, and the israelies pretending to be pissed, and making overtures to the arabs. Or the iranians are also involved in this axis, and are working with the americans and the jews. This I personally believe to be true. Based on the way the things have gone so far, but its an assumption of a layman. So its an open field, no one knows whats the reality.
Saudis must respond positively...

Never ! Not before final stop of support Assad and his Alawites (Minority in Syria) on the ‘Sunni Syria’. The stop of support Hezboshitan in Lebanon.

And more than anything, They ceases to deal definitely our business in ‘Worldwide Arabe Sunni’ since thousands of years.

Of course, never, they (Mullahs) will do. It is main part of their DNA. The expansion of Shiite world by ‘all the means’.
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Never ! Not before final stop of support Assad and his Alawites (Minority in Syria) on the ‘Sunni Syria’. The stop of support Hezboshitan in Lebanon.

How about you pull out all of those Salafi bearded terrorists from Syria and Lebanon, stop suicide bombings in Iraq, stop oppressing people in Bahrain?
Sorry to inform the Kazakh Nomad in this thread (post 3) but Saudi Arabians are not "Gulf Arabs" whatever the hell that is. Only about 200.000 people of KSA speak a Khaleeji Arabic dialect and that is only in the coastal regions of the Eastern Province. Ironically many of them are your fellow Shias. The region makes up a TINY part of KSA's total area and population. So much for that.
Rest of the country are culturally, linguistically, historically etc. not part of the "Gulf region" on the Arabian Peninsula.

I am from Hijaz for example, which half of Saudi Arabians are, and it is located nearly 2000 km away from the Gulf. We are historically, linguistically, culturally etc. much, much closer to the Levant, Yemen, Egypt and Sudan than the Gulf.

Just so you and the others know it. It is a misconception many don't know about. But just because you bullshit enough times it does not make the bullshitting correct. I know this is part of your nature.


Lastly KSA will always be such an important country that every main power would want and prefer to have good relations with it. As the biggest country in the ME, most resourceful in terms of natural resources, one of the most populous, as the seat of Islam and nearly 2 billion Muslims (HUGE responsibility and thus influence), as a ancestral, cultural and linguistic heartland for many of the nearly 500 million Arabs in the world, as the richest Arab country in the world and most powerful economy, as a nearly 1 trillion GDP economy etc.

Besides KSA have so many interests in the USA and investments and vice versa that USA would never leave the GCC for the sake of one entity that is largely a failed country.

And even if they did that, highly unlikely, then KSA has so many other allies that it would really mean little.

For example KSA exports less than 10% of its oil and gas to the USA. It would mostly impact the military sector but there are many other alternatives.

In short, KSA has nothing to worry about and will just keep growing as one of the fastest growing economies in the world and most stable. Aside from having more construction projects than anywhere else in the ME.

Lastly no thanks to Mullahistan. No need to speak with a terror entity that tries to stick their dirty noses in internal Arab and Muslim matters thinking they have any role to play. Feed your poor instead.

Just because the West used you recently and made your hypocrisy known to the whole word you did not change overnight.

If they stop doing that we might talk.
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How about you pull out all of those Salafi bearded terrorists from Syria and Lebanon, stop suicide bombings in Iraq, stop oppressing people in Bahrain?

lol lol lol ^^

It’s wonderful joke.

Rest to your country. Your country only. Do not interfere about ‘our sunni business’, it’s clear for you.

Your mullahs do not want our peace or our happiness. They have nothing to do. They want only we all become Shiites under their authority, to become our masters, nothing else.
How sure are u about Bahrain.

So, KSA didn't send forces to Bahrain to oppress the protesters? Do I really need to be sure of that? The whole world knows it.
lol lol lol ^^

It’s wonderful joke.

Rest to your country. Your country only. Do not interfere about ‘our sunni business’, it’s clear for you.

Your mullahs do not want our peace or our happiness. They have nothing to do. They want only we all become Shiites under their authority, to become our masters, nothing else.

Good luck with all those ridiculous conspiracy theories they are feeding you with. So that's the tactic they use to distract their own people? That an 'evil Shia force' wants to convert them all to Shias? Not surprising though.
So, KSA didn't send forces to Bahrain to oppress the protesters? Do I really need to be sure of that? The whole world knows it.

Good luck with all those ridiculous conspiracy theories they are feeding you with. So that's the tactic they use to distract their own people? That an 'evil Shia force' wants to convert them all to Shias? Not surprising though.
The whole world also knows that how u guys are instigating them to cause havoc in the country. The Saudis did send in the forces, but why did they go there. There is always a flip side to the coin. Just because u dont like it dont mean that it dont exist.
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