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Technical and professional aspects of Indian intrusion

Pakistani politicians are scared shitless because they do not know how to act in such a crisis! PPP entire top leadership is pussyfooting around the issue instead of grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns! The recent spat of statements from the likes of Sherry Rehman, Mukhtar Ahmed and Yousef raza Gillani are proof enough of this mindset!

Politicians in Pakistan have always been absolutely useless. Pakistani politics hasn't come out of the colonial enslaved mindset. These spineless remarks are a typical reminder of the colonial remnants.
Pakistani politicians are scared shitless because they do not know how to act in such a crisis! PPP entire top leadership is pussyfooting around the issue instead of grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns! The recent spat of statements from the likes of Sherry Rehman, Mukhtar Ahmed and Yousef raza Gillani are proof enough of this mindset!
Unfortunately, you are right.
I was afraid of this, one way or another, another issue would come up between India and Pakistan, and our leaders would fail to respond accordingly.
And this indeed has happened.
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i hope none of you and me in future going to vote them in future even they came to my door stap for my vote i will surprice them with my shoeas on their heads next time and it is clear that our nation is very destrubed by this zardari govt zardari is corrupt and we are not surprise by his comments. he just knows thr=e language of $$$$$$$$$$
he and his govt has nothing to do with pakistan and its nation unfortunatley it is better to live in a dectatorship than this assss hole democracy
Subsonic intrusion at FL 400 with moderate bank pushing a few kilometers into Pakistan border constitutes a "mild" technical error. It is an excellent technique to update Radar emitter threat libraries, locate the postion of gap filler radars, monitor the Command & control chain, update position of passive sensor equipped ground observer units, monitor the full alert-intercept sequence; and above all discover confused indecisive nodes in the decision chain.

Our weakling leadership is trying to downplay the potential gravity of the situation, and possibly put on a brave face to cover our strategic blunder .... using a substantial portion of our armed forces to fight America's war on Terror. and to justify the baseless insistance on taking the "ownership" of thsi phoney war.

The British PM announced a generous princely sum of US$ 9 M for capavity enhancement of our Security agencies and for comabting the causes of extremism! Bravo for the generoristy ... Hatem tai must be twisting in his grave!!
Personally, I believe that Indian's IAF next step would be to intrude at a very high altitude using one of the two high flying Russian recce aircraft's (sorry, I forgot the designation) over the same area. Indian's are trying to be clever and likely take a few photographs of so called ''terror-camps'' in Punjab to be displayed to the world media.

Indian's tried the same stunt few years back just before they carried out the Pokharan nuke tests knowing Pakistan would respond. They sent in the same high altitude Russian Jet which later ran off by doing a super sonic scoot and creating a sonic boom that was heard over a large area in and around Islamabad. This was 1997 I believe.

need Official Statement in this regards..... (hey sent in the same high altitude Russian Jet which later ran off by doing a super sonic scoot and creating a sonic boom that was heard over a large area in and around Islamabad. This was 1997 I believe)
i think the response would've been different if Pervez musharraf was the president and i think Asif Ali Zardari is a pussy

As always. the reaction, statements and analysis by my pakistani colleagues is really surprising. Once I get over the rhetoric, ready to die muslims, shoot down the IAF planes etc etc, I see that most of the majority is clueless about the technical and strategic aspects of the this incursion.

You don't launch these kind of sorties to check the response time of the opponent---if you have an intelligence agency that is any good----you already know what the response time would be---any good analyst can tell you what kind of response time the PAF has in kind at threat level 4 from any given air base to the point of incursion------.

First of all these flights are made to tell the pakistanis that IAF is going to make its presence felt. It has air strike and air dominance capabilities which may well be over and above what PAF can put up in the skies. But the most important factor is to track the location of the ground to air missile batteries.

Once the location of the batteris is tracked, then you can either find a way around them, to get to your target for surgical strikes, or just simply destroy them one after the other in a massive air raid. It depends on the scale of aggression the indian millitary is planning for.

Today, I can bet you that there are many a nervous feet in the pakistani defence department and PAF---nervous not because they are afraid---no they are not afraid---but nervous because they are about to realize right now how they screwed up in not procuring a high tech plane any sooner.

Those 12---18 mirage 2000's from UAE I believe would have made the PAF feel a little more secure and confident. That purchase would have followed up with another 12 to 18 mirages within a year or two and we would have had an extremely potent strike force in our stables.

As far as Zardaris comments are concerned----he did the right thing by following through and accepting the indian govt's statement----what can he do----the PAF has been all talk for the last 7 years now----if hostilities start today----all the PAF can come up with is their grandiose scheme of procurements of what we are going to get in the future---. Yes, we all know what is in the pipeline---india knows that as well.

I guess some general is on his way flying to china to get some fighter aircraft and some long range ground to air missile systems, as of this moment for a stop gap measure, like we did at the time of Kargil crisis.

There is no reason for pakistan to raise the ante---the PAF can only do so much---let the border incursions stay in the border areas and let it not get into a shooting war---I am pretty sure that some PAF planner would be planning for a similiar incursion into the indian space---knowing my people---I dont think that PAF is going to sit back and let IAF have an upper hand.

Today---Zardari and PPP are going to miss Benazir as they have never missed her before. How they wish that she was there to guide them out of this mess.
Both IAF and PAF would be evaluating what happened and refining their strategies. What IAF did was more or less expected and perhaps PAF would do the same to check IAF readiness.

As far as rest I think Mr. Mastan Khan has summed up quite well.
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IAF fighters and naval ships on standby

Manoj K Das
First Published: 10 Dec 2008 03:55:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 10 Dec 2008 12:35:29 PM ISTKOCHI:

India has deployed naval ships and put fighters on standby across the country as it waits for definitive Pakistani action to bring the terror brains to book.

Top sources told to this website's newspaper that the Indian Air Force had fully armed its strike fighters as well as interceptor combat aircraft. The fighters are in scrambleready mode with pilots on standby in operation rooms. The state of readiness, referred to as Passive Air Defence in operational jargon, is the highest that the force has seen since Operation Parakram. The next phase — and the penultimate before a strike is ordered — will be the Active Air Defence.

While all squadrons along the western border are maintaining a high alert, Air Force assets in Bangalore and Chennai have also been put in flight-ready mode.

“The fighters are fully armed with various types of attack missiles. The southern stations will play an interceptive role in case of any intrusion from the Pakistani side,” sources said.

The Air Force is not allowing its personnel to avail leave. Leave granted to personnel handling crucial operations has been cancelled. Top sources also told Express that several batteries of surfaceto- air missiles have been moved to forward areas from the Gwalior base.

“They are not offensive weapons. The deployment is part of a standard drill aimed at insulating air stations that are in operational readiness,” sources said.

In a related development, the Indian Navy has deployed 18 ships capable of playing combat roles in the western theatre.

Though the deployment is under the guise of a stricter scrutiny of vessel movement, sources said the strength is far greater than that needed for such an operation. “Eighteen ships in an area can be effectively used to slap a sea-denial on Pakistan in case of any escalation of the situation. During the height of the Kargil war, the Navy adopted the same strategy to transmit a clear message. It is a repeat, minus the Army movement, of operation Parakram,” sources said.

Operation Parakram, launched immediately after the Parliament attack, saw massive troop mobilisation from all over the country on the western border. The tension prevailed for a couple of months before it fizzled out due to American pressure. But this time there is not much mobilisation of ground forces as the bid is to project power through sophisticated weaponry like BrahMos rather than rev up battalions along the border.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::
agreed zardari is not more than a western puppet and more than it he is a fearfull pussy.
as soon as we can get rid of this zardari it will be more better for our nation can you friends vote again PPP if benazir was in his place the reply would be more better than zaradaris any way zardari is using those policies which benair never ever thought of any way how can we get rid of this pussy cat plz reply positively
3rdly we should stay united. in that way the PUSSY cant do any thing wrong as pressure of AWAM
4th AWAM and political parties should use there influence on ZAR......Ii to be aggressive to needy extend

As always. the reaction, statements and analysis by my pakistani colleagues is really surprising. Once I get over the rhetoric, ready to die muslims, shoot down the IAF planes etc etc, I see that most of the majority is clueless about the technical and strategic aspects of the this incursion.

You don't launch these kind of sorties to check the response time of the opponent---if you have an intelligence agency that is any good----you already know what the response time would be---any good analyst can tell you what kind of response time the PAF has in kind at threat level 4 from any given air base to the point of incursion------.

First of all these flights are made to tell the pakistanis that IAF is going to make its presence felt. It has air strike and air dominance capabilities which may well be over and above what PAF can put up in the skies. But the most important factor is to track the location of the ground to air missile batteries.

Once the location of the batteris is tracked, then you can either find a way around them, to get to your target for surgical strikes, or just simply destroy them one after the other in a massive air raid. It depends on the scale of aggression the indian millitary is planning for.

Today, I can bet you that there are many a nervous feet in the pakistani defence department and PAF---nervous not because they are afraid---no they are not afraid---but nervous because they are about to realize right now how they screwed up in not procuring a high tech plane any sooner.

Those 12---18 mirage 2000's from UAE I believe would have made the PAF feel a little more secure and confident. That purchase would have followed up with another 12 to 18 mirages within a year or two and we would have had an extremely potent strike force in our stables.

As far as Zardaris comments are concerned----he did the right thing by following through and accepting the indian govt's statement----what can he do----the PAF has been all talk for the last 7 years now----if hostilities start today----all the PAF can come up with is their grandiose scheme of procurements of what we are going to get in the future---. Yes, we all know what is in the pipeline---india knows that as well.

I guess some general is on his way flying to china to get some fighter aircraft and some long range ground to air missile systems, as of this moment for a stop gap measure, like we did at the time of Kargil crisis.

There is no reason for pakistan to raise the ante---the PAF can only do so much---let the border incursions stay in the border areas and let it not get into a shooting war---I am pretty sure that some PAF planner would be planning for a similiar incursion into the indian space---knowing my people---I dont think that PAF is going to sit back and let IAF have an upper hand.

Today---Zardari and PPP are going to miss Benazir as they have never missed her before. How they wish that she was there to guide them out of this mess.

real gold post, fully calculated post bang on the target!
i am very thankfull to you sir, that you had written this post, on the time of need.
IAF did all this , as a part of its ambitious plan to stike inside pakistan, surly they need to know exact location's of our air defences.:agree::tup:
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