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Targets inside India identified if attacked: ISI chief

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Pakistani posters. Really guys. I live in Botswana and South Africa. Even a satellite state of South Africa (Bostwana) is laughing itself sick at how you guys got eggs on your faces by the Yanks. Now your ISI chief is rumbling on about India. In the last 4 years, how often has India been a threat to you? Despite all your claims about India having a hidden agenda in Afghanistan, you haven't tabled a shred of evidence. Now look at what the Yanks and their allies are doing to you on your western front. Drones. CIA en masse into Pakistan. I mean there surely must be more CIA agents stationed in Pakistan then there are at Langley ! Regular invasion of your sovereignity. Financial and other aid being abused by your military and your officials and this being silently condoned by the USA who continously pours aid into your country knowing that it is really just payoffs to your head honchos to do as they please in your country and not really aid meant to benefit the people. Somebody here spoke about a "blowjob". In the greater scheme of things, your country is literally speaking becoming an expert on bending down to the USA and its allies. And despite all this many Pakistani posters here still exclaim that "all is quite on the western front" ! India on your eastern front will be a fool to even consider attacking you in any way, either clandestinely or otherwise. Its economy is evolving to new levels. Its military is more than ready to handle any incursions into its territory. The world's remaining superpower has a gripe to pick with 2 of its enemies, Pakistan on a military enemy scale and China on an economic enemy scale. Jeez all we have to do is yell "somebody pass me the popcorn" and watch as the events unfold to our advantage. You go ahead and hide all the Al Quaeeda ops in your country on the basis that as long as the Americans can't find them then you get aid. Nice strategy. Our strategy is to go on with life , exploring the world whilst you fight the world. why would India even want to pick a fight with a pariah state which is now imploding? In fact I am even tempted to write to our babus suggesting that now is the best time to hold a referendum in Kashmir to call your bluff. I mean really, if you were living in Indian Kashmir, would you really want to join Pakistan now? I mean no insult to your nation which I pray will wake up and become part of the global family of nations. India has always been your rival so perhaps you should try and start rivalling India's growing economy instead of blustering on about how you can military take on India. If you do so, it will benefit the entire of South Asia, including India.

Bullsh1t, why don't you get banned? and before that, let me give you a clue to let you know how your view is twisted.

Pakistan is facilitating the war because UN has the resolution and we are deluded by the US that we have to fight terro the common enemy. Not bending and shame of doing something, mind your words. blowjobs, WOW, you leant a lot from you uncle SAM, are you doing lickering to the west over years and let Russian lord starting to hate you? traitor.

You are happily watch the show, right? US is waging wars against Pakistan and China. Do you know the US owe China nearly 2 trillion dollars? that's more than your GDP. US military against Pakistan, i don't see that's happening. the US won't win the economic war with China. and please note, even military confrontation with China, the US will back off first. they are more afraid. because China may lose 20 years of economic strength, the US will lose 200 years. and the US has to be sure nobody benefit from the superpower scale war. So India will also get back to 1980, or worse.

Kashmir referendum, please, do it, if you dare.
1000s die in india daily for various reasons and you still worried about 10 pakistani dying daily.Aperfect case of misplaced priorities.

Are you a kid?? Are we talking abt injuries or healt related issue..
Proxy warfare we have learnt from you only .wah ji wah if you use it its daring and if we do the same you say its cowardly act.

for ur kind inf proxy war was first used by pak in 1947 & again in 1965 in kashmir known as operation Gibraltar, before posting get ur facts right
selling your own sovereignty for aid

sending proxies to fight your war

taking pride in a foreign country's achievements(historic and contemporary)

taking your wrath at a country unrelated to your present mess just because you don't have the guts to face the real reasons.

If these are signs of bravery, you guys can have that title yourself.

lol USA embarrasses Pakistan in front of the world and then Pakistan start showing anger towards India lol What a joke, why dont you identify targets in the US also considering the facts that they bomb you everyday.

Not exactly seething. Just uncomfortable and funny to watch Pasha squirm. India if it goes ahead will most likey take out a terrorist training camp so I guess the response from Pasha will be to activate terrorist attack Mumbai-2.

Good for Pasha to identify Indian targets and rehearsing it with all gusto.

However, should he and his friends not also check out where the Achilles Heel lies?

They look East and are hammered from the West!

They embarrass themselves and the whole country too!


You mistake timidity for speaking softly and carrying a big stick!

The Wars should indicate that.

I prefer that we remain timid since bluff and bluster does not pay.

That it does not is so evident with the latest unfortunate happening where with impunity its sovereignty has been mauled.

And the Drones continue to prove that it is all Dutch Courage that you exhibit.

Instead of wasting time on meaningless hot air, it would be better to set the house in order and get Pakistan back on the rails to a better tomorrow for all Pakistanis.

Pakistani posters. Really guys. I live in Botswana and South Africa. Even a satellite state of South Africa (Bostwana) is laughing itself sick at how you guys got eggs on your faces by the Yanks. Now your ISI chief is rumbling on about India. In the last 4 years, how often has India been a threat to you? Despite all your claims about India having a hidden agenda in Afghanistan, you haven't tabled a shred of evidence. Now look at what the Yanks and their allies are doing to you on your western front. Drones. CIA en masse into Pakistan. I mean there surely must be more CIA agents stationed in Pakistan then there are at Langley ! Regular invasion of your sovereignity. Financial and other aid being abused by your military and your officials and this being silently condoned by the USA who continously pours aid into your country knowing that it is really just payoffs to your head honchos to do as they please in your country and not really aid meant to benefit the people. Somebody here spoke about a "blowjob". In the greater scheme of things, your country is literally speaking becoming an expert on bending down to the USA and its allies. And despite all this many Pakistani posters here still exclaim that "all is quite on the western front" ! India on your eastern front will be a fool to even consider attacking you in any way, either clandestinely or otherwise. Its economy is evolving to new levels. Its military is more than ready to handle any incursions into its territory. The world's remaining superpower has a gripe to pick with 2 of its enemies, Pakistan on a military enemy scale and China on an economic enemy scale. Jeez all we have to do is yell "somebody pass me the popcorn" and watch as the events unfold to our advantage. You go ahead and hide all the Al Quaeeda ops in your country on the basis that as long as the Americans can't find them then you get aid. Nice strategy. Our strategy is to go on with life , exploring the world whilst you fight the world. why would India even want to pick a fight with a pariah state which is now imploding? In fact I am even tempted to write to our babus suggesting that now is the best time to hold a referendum in Kashmir to call your bluff. I mean really, if you were living in Indian Kashmir, would you really want to join Pakistan now? I mean no insult to your nation which I pray will wake up and become part of the global family of nations. India has always been your rival so perhaps you should try and start rivalling India's growing economy instead of blustering on about how you can military take on India. If you do so, it will benefit the entire of South Asia, including India.

Dude what are you saying? If Australia beats Kenya by 300 runs will it be considered egg on the face of Kenya? The fact that USA is far superior in military technology to Pakistan is not a hidden one. Yes we have been bending down USA and their allies, not because we are afraid of them, not because we do not have the guts to stand in front of them, it is because we have been strangled by the economic ropes laid as a trap by the same US and its allies. Our initial mistake was to take the side of USA and not of Russia back in 1948 and now we are so deep in this that the more we try to break free of it the more we keep on going deeper. But as per the law of the universe, there is a limit to everything. So either Pakistan will perish completely, or will rise from the ashes and climb to unprecedented heights.
Why this thread is not closed yet? :undecided:
India is like the guy of following sequence...
Pakistan :delivers blows.
India: An ki baar mar kar dikha tab batata hun.
Pakistan:delivers blows
India: dont test my patience
Pakistan: Again delivers blows.
India ab ki bar mar ke dikha.

Then america kills bin laden....

India:we can also do it, surgical strikes etc.
Pakistan:delivers blows
India:thinking wat to do? then after two days their PM hiding Indian's collective cowardice under the veil of word peace and non violence, in his squeaky mice voice deliver following message to nation:We are non violent country only true followers of mahatma Gandhi and Gautam Buddha.:rofl:

So an important lesson for Indians here.

cowards hide their cowardice under the wrap of words called peace and non volience.its only brave and daring ones who talks less and delivers blows.

Very accurate description of Indian mentality-
Mumbai attack is one of the most coward est attack ever to happen in earth... Without having the guts to attack our army at the border you cowards attacked civilians... how dare u guys are??

and you consider act of 71 a brave act- I pity your ignorance-
lolz what. Was BD your "behind" in 1971 ? :lol:

And haven't you heard, everything is fair in love and war.

First line- nice joke-
Second line- please dont forget that sentence next time some non state actors screw you from front- :tup:
First line- nice joke-
Second line- please dont forget that sentence next time some non state actors screw you from front- :tup:

lolz that was a smart reply boy.

Ok Ok, we wont complain the next time, we will just send our Flankers to Muridke.

Hope your Falcons are ready.
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