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Targeted attack: Navy officer shot dead near Karachi Port

I don't know the army. But in every country the biggest brotherhood is in Navy not army or AF (don't get wrong, I respect all'em). I'm sure that his BIA's will kick their a$$es before the cops got them.
Media was reporting that he was rushed to the hospital and now is in good condition! :)
The incident is the second attack on a Shia naval officer this month.

Not a sectarian Armed forces, eh? Well, lets see if this Armed forces has any Honor or is that reserved for the Indian

easy now mate

we got a lot of honour and I have full proof of that so please dont spread rumours
our military felt really insulted and dishonoured when Americans SEALS did what we should have done to a certain dweller in Abbotabad

honor is not reserved for Indians, Somalian pirates have a claim over it.

as Shekh Rasheed says

یہ ستو پی کے سوے ہوے ہیں

we got a lot of honour and I have full proof of that so please dont spread rumours
our military felt really insulted and dishonoured when Americans SEALS did what we should have done to a certain dweller in Abbotabad................

Nobody is perfect. The important thing is to learn our lesson that caused that failure and eliminate the weaknesses as much as is possible.

I don't know how to use the urdu font but "momin eik soraakh sey do baar nahi dasa jaata".
Nobody is perfect. The important thing is to learn our lesson that caused that failure and eliminate the weaknesses as much as is possible.

I don't know how to use the urdu font but "momin eik soraakh sey do baar nahi dasa jaata".

laken Pakistani eik sorakh say baar baar daswata hey
laken Pakistani eik sorakh say baar baar daswata hey

Respectfully, I disagree. Albeit sarcastically, you are putting down Pakistanis unnecessarily in this case. I will concede, however, that your comments apply to the Pakistani leadership only.
Respectfully, I disagree. Albeit sarcastically, you are putting down Pakistanis unnecessarily in this case. I will concede, however, that your comments apply to the Pakistani leadership only.

I wish they could I really do my dear
but it applies to me and the rest of Pakistanis who decide to burn the American flag after the bombing of a mosque or a shrine despite TTP yelling that they did it.

it applies to my common brothers and sisters who still insist to call taliban our angry brothers who have so far killed 40000 fellow Pakistanis.

it reminds me of those imbeciles who were busy arguing among them on a question that how many angels can sit on a tip of a needle when the Mongol Halaku Khan was about to siege Baghdad.

it is people among me and you who are giving shelter to the terrorists who time and again climb the walls of a military base and destroy a billion dollar worth of military equipment or shoot at girls, throw acid on them and execute health workers.

we are a dying breed my dear, the nature will take its course and through process of natural selection it will rid the world of the people who cant tell good from bad who lack the basic sense to see whats harmful to them and whats not.

as far as the leadership goes, they are very fine, they have their duel nationalities and their swiss accounts and their masons and chateau in the west and middle east.

you and I will be left to suck this ignorance and die and it wont really matter if it will be from a smart bomb launched by an infidel from the skies or from a crude bomb exploded by an angry brother on his way to mate with 72 virgins.
I wish they could I really do my dear
but it applies to me and the rest of Pakistanis who decide to burn the American flag after the bombing of a mosque or a shrine despite TTP yelling that they did it.

it applies to my common brothers and sisters who still insist to call taliban our angry brothers who have so far killed 40000 fellow Pakistanis.

it reminds me of those imbeciles who were busy arguing among them on a question that how many angels can sit on a tip of a needle when the Mongol Halaku Khan was about to siege Baghdad.

it is people among me and you who are giving shelter to the terrorists who time and again climb the walls of a military base and destroy a billion dollar worth of military equipment or shoot at girls, throw acid on them and execute health workers.

we are a dying breed my dear, the nature will take its course and through process of natural selection it will rid the world of the people who cant tell good from bad who lack the basic sense to see whats harmful to them and whats not.

as far as the leadership goes, they are very fine, they have their duel nationalities and their swiss accounts and their masons and chateau in the west and middle east.

you and I will be left to suck this ignorance and die and it wont really matter if it will be from a smart bomb launched by an infidel from the skies or from a crude bomb exploded by an angry brother on his way to mate with 72 virgins.

You paint a bleak picture indeed.
This is a worrying picture emergine. The one institution in Pakistan that has remained,relatively, immune to such sectraian in-fighting and has remain ,relatively, intact is now becoming a source for these sectarian attacks. This is a serious threat to the unity of the Pakistani armed forces and by extension the unity of Pakistan as the military in Pakistan is very much so, holding Pakistan together.

This is a sickening attack, anyone joining their respective military is joiining to protect their nation and ALL its people, for them to be singled out because they have the "wrong" surname is just despicable.
Zarvan;3974485]USA is trying to do this for past one decade with all their might and they are not able to do it do you think you can afford to wipe out your own people and first we should see who killed him and for what reasons because situation of Karachi is really complicated

Brother i wish our army had the same patriotism you and others show unfortunately they don't this is a inside job another shia taken a bullet for his mother land.

But no doubt the same who didn't think twice for shooting him will question shias loyalty to pakistan while gunning down shia officers to please their donors from middle east.
You paint a bleak picture indeed.

look we got our priorities right
our faith is very strong

look below the faithful praying and mourning the death of brave Osma Bin laden

there are also pictures and videos celebrating attacks on shias.. like the following one is used by many true Muslims in youtube videos and other websites poking fun on the dead and congratulating the soldiers of Islam


by the way the above picture is a common site in Balochistan, sometimes its the victims of BLA , including Punjabis , Sindhis and Pashtons and some times they are the victims of LeJ that include all above plus hazaras for being shias

since our courts dont admit electronic and print material as evidence so the uploaders who celebrate the death of our soldiers and the fellow Pakistani civilians walk free from courts due to "lack of evidence"

coming to this very specific incident, I think there is a possibility that it was a random attack and it was just a coincidence that the guy had a shia like name. Taliban and LeJ always rejoice when the killed soldiers are shias thats like a bonus that they killed the soldiers of Pakistan military and also that those soldiers were shias.

anyone who condemns these killings is either a shia himself or an agent of ISI and ICA and thus a munafiq and Kafir and deserves death because there is an open fatwa from Sipah Sahabah that
All Shias are kafir and whoever doesnt agree with that is also a Kafir.

well that makes me a kafir by this definition. what about you? is your Islam still safe?

since our courts dont admit electronic and print material as evidence so the uploaders who celebrate the death of our soldiers and the fellow Pakistani civilians walk free from courts due to "lack of evidence"

coming to this very specific incident, I think there is a possibility that it was a random attack and it was just a coincidence that the guy had a shia like name. Taliban and LeJ always rejoice when the killed soldiers are shias thats like a bonus that they killed the soldiers of Pakistan military and also that those soldiers were shias.

anyone who condemns these killings is either a shia himself or an agent of ISI and ICA and thus a munafiq and Kafir and deserves death because there is an open fatwa from Sipah Sahabah that
All Shias are kafir and whoever doesnt agree with that is also a Kafir.

well that makes me a kafir by this definition. what about you? is your Islam still safe?

Why doesn't the respected Chief Justice bring the judicial system into at least the 20th century, if not the 21st, to deal with these dire challenges of trying to prosecute 21st century crimes using 18th century laws?

The increasing intolerance and sectarianism is tearing our society apart. I join you in condemning these targeted killings of the Hazara Shias, Shias in other areas, and of Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtuns, who are ALL Pakistanis in my view.

And if that means being declared a kafir or a liberal or whatever, then so be it.
Why doesn't the respected Chief Justice bring the judicial system into at least the 20th century, if not the 21st, to deal with these dire challenges of trying to prosecute 21st century crimes using 18th century laws?

The increasing intolerance and sectarianism is tearing our society apart. I join you in condemning these targeted killings of the Hazara Shias, Shias in other areas, and of Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtuns, who are ALL Pakistanis in my view.

And if that means being declared a kafir or a liberal or whatever, then so be it.

lack of will and budniyat is all I can say.
the whole civilized world adapted their laws accordingly to deal with these terrorists who have taken the right of life of unarmed innocent civilians and laugh and walk at our face free to re offend

do you know that all captured terrorists of manawan police academy were set free and some of them were involved in further terrorist attacks?

may Allah have Mercy on the innocent and send the terrorists to their end
lack of will and budniyat is all I can say.
the whole civilized world adapted their laws accordingly to deal with these terrorists who have taken the right of life of unarmed innocent civilians and laugh and walk at our face free to re offend

do you know that all captured terrorists of manawan police academy were set free and some of them were involved in further terrorist attacks?

may Allah have Mercy on the innocent and send the terrorists to their end

If we wait for Allah to deal with the terrorists, then we will be waiting for a very long time, for His patience is infinite too.

Updating our legal systems to deal with the terrorism menace would work much quicker and save many more innocent lives.
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