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Tarbela to soon generate 960 MWs extra electricity


Apr 2, 2008
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Tarbela to soon generate 960 MWs extra electricity
Monday, July 14, 2008
By our correspondent
GHAZI: The Tarbela Dam would produce additional 960 MW electricity soon, official sources told The News. The project, costing $2 billion, was earlier handed over to the Private Power Infrastructure Board by the previous government, but later given to Wapda.

The Tarbela Dam, the largest water reservoir in the country, irrigates around 70 per cent of agricultural lands in the Punjab and Sindh from two tunnels, while three tunnels are used for producing 3,700 MWs electricity.

However, Wapda engineers have indicated recently that tunnel number 4 could produce 960 MWs power after installing two turbines with a capacity of 480 MWs each. Former minister for water and power Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao had handed over the project to the PIDB. However, the project required $2 billion that could only be provided by the government by borrowing money from international financial institutions.:yahoo:

Chief Engineer Khursheed Anwar told The News that the Tarbela Dam Power Station had till now produced 3.4 billion megawatts of electricity. He said that according to present rates, the value of the power produced was Rs 12.6 trillion.

He said the Wapda granted permission to repair the faulty 500kv heavy transformer to local engineers, which in the past was repaired by experts from abroad. The local engineers removed the fault successfully, he added.:cool:
Tarbela to soon generate 960 MWs extra electricity
Monday, July 14, 2008
By our correspondent
GHAZI: The Tarbela Dam would produce additional 960 MW electricity soon, official sources told The News. The project, costing $2 billion, was earlier handed over to the Private Power Infrastructure Board by the previous government, but later given to Wapda.

The Tarbela Dam, the largest water reservoir in the country, irrigates around 70 per cent of agricultural lands in the Punjab and Sindh from two tunnels, while three tunnels are used for producing 3,700 MWs electricity.

However, Wapda engineers have indicated recently that tunnel number 4 could produce 960 MWs power after installing two turbines with a capacity of 480 MWs each. Former minister for water and power Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao had handed over the project to the PIDB. However, the project required $2 billion that could only be provided by the government by borrowing money from international financial institutions.:yahoo:

Chief Engineer Khursheed Anwar told The News that the Tarbela Dam Power Station had till now produced 3.4 billion megawatts of electricity. He said that according to present rates, the value of the power produced was Rs 12.6 trillion.

He said the Wapda granted permission to repair the faulty 500kv heavy transformer to local engineers, which in the past was repaired by experts from abroad. The local engineers removed the fault successfully, he added.:cool:

this "soon" can mean anywhere from 3-5 years so keep your horses in check.
Sound good. I don't know a lot about dams and their costs but doesn't $2 million sound too much for adding two tunnels and an increase of only 960MW. Since it was a loan the electric bill will now also be a little higher.
If i'm wrong than anyone please correct me.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
The big problem is the sand that gathered under the dam, decreasing efficiency of Dam and reducing its over all life, the previous government didn't spend a penny on the countries infrastructure. Instead they sold most of the Power houses and national assets to Saudis.

The government has initiated a international bid to companies who could solve the problem of the build up of sand, cheap and effectively, at the moment the current strategy that was adapted was to give direction to the sand, the government cant afford digging the sand out, over the years it has gathered in million and millions of tons, after digging where will it go, the proposal that was given by experts was to use the sand for new constructions including Dams, so to distribute the sand.
the previous government didn't spend a penny on the countries infrastructure.

1. Dec 2006: President Musharraf said many canals, including the Thal and Raini canals, were being constructed for better utilization of the water available. He said Rs66 billion was being spent on brick-lining of 87,000 canals in the country, adding that 6,000 new canals would be brick-lined next year.

2. Aug 2007: The Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has approved expansion of Tarbela dam power project that would generate 960 MW costing $500 million. Agreements (IAs) with five companies totaling 992 megawatt, while four IAs totaling 715 megawatt are ready for initialing. The IAs initialed include 165 megawatt Attockgen by Attock Group of companies, 225 megawatt Atlas Power of Shirazi Group, 202 megawatt Foundation Power a company of Fuji Foundation and, 200 megawatt Nishat Chunian and 200 megawatt Nishat Power by Nishat Group.

PPIB has issued Letters of Interest (LOIs) to 32 projects totaling 8276 megawatt and Letters of Support (LOSs) to14 projects with a cumulative capacity of 2590 megawatt. Pakistan Times! » Blog Archive » PPIB approves 960 MW expansion of Tarbela project

3. President Musharraf inaugurated the Mirani Dam. Mirani Dam in Kech area of Mekran district with a catchment area of 12,000 square kilometre has been built in four years at a cost of Rs6 billion that includes Rs1.5 billion in compensation to the affected people. It will have a storage capacity of over 300,000 million acre feet of water. http://www.dawn.com/2006/11/17/top5.htm

4. Gomal Zam Dam: This project started Aug 2002 and is expected to be completed early 2008. It is located in the Damaan in NWFP. It is 437 feet high and will irrigate about 163,000 acres of land. The total costs amounts to Rs. 12 billion. Having a gross storage of 1.14 MAF. It will produce 17.4 MW of electricity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomal_Zam_Dam

5. Mushrraf says the government is constructing the Rs40 billion Katchi Canal and Punjab had been gracious to provide land for its 350 kilometre stretch that will pass through the province

6. Subak-zai Dam, Khurram Tangi Dam and Mangla Dam uprising ... all processed and initiated under previous government.
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Although, Motorways & Highways are not relevent to Dams ... but more of INFRASTRUCTURE ....

Corrupt & Incompetent Nawaz Sharif made one motorway M2 (Lahore – Islamabad).

Under Musharraf 6 Motorways completed or under construction, with courtesy of previous government.

• M1 (Islamabad to Peshawar) - (Rs.13 bn) - [155 km] - (started 2003 - Completed Oct 2007)

• M3 (Pindi to Faisalabad) - (Rs.5.6 bn) – [53 km] - (started 2002 – Completed 2004)

• M8 (Gwadar to Ratodero) – [1072 km] - (started 2004 – will complete 2009)

• M9 (Karachi to Hyderabad) – (Rs.6.3 bn) – [136 km] – (

• M10 (Karachi Northern bypass) – (Rs 3.5 bn) – [56 km] – (completed 2007)

• M11 (Lahore to Sialkot) – (Rs.23 bn) –[101 km] – (started 2006 – under construction)

Under Musharraf various Highways under construction throughout the country. Including N5, N-25, N-35, N-45, N-50, N-55, N-65, N-70, N-75, N-80, S-1, etc.
1. Dec 2006: President Musharraf said many canals, including the Thal and Raini canals, were being constructed for better utilization of the water available. He said Rs66 billion was being spent on brick-lining of 87,000 canals in the country, adding that 6,000 new canals would be brick-lined next year.

2. Aug 2007: The Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has approved expansion of Tarbela dam power project that would generate 960 MW costing $500 million. Agreements (IAs) with five companies totaling 992 megawatt, while four IAs totaling 715 megawatt are ready for initialing. The IAs initialed include 165 megawatt Attockgen by Attock Group of companies, 225 megawatt Atlas Power of Shirazi Group, 202 megawatt Foundation Power a company of Fuji Foundation and, 200 megawatt Nishat Chunian and 200 megawatt Nishat Power by Nishat Group.

PPIB has issued Letters of Interest (LOIs) to 32 projects totaling 8276 megawatt and Letters of Support (LOSs) to14 projects with a cumulative capacity of 2590 megawatt. Pakistan Times! » Blog Archive » PPIB approves 960 MW expansion of Tarbela project

3. President Musharraf inaugurated the Mirani Dam. Mirani Dam in Kech area of Mekran district with a catchment area of 12,000 square kilometre has been built in four years at a cost of Rs6 billion that includes Rs1.5 billion in compensation to the affected people. It will have a storage capacity of over 300,000 million acre feet of water. Musharraf inaugurates Mirani Dam in Turbat -DAWN - Top Stories; November 17, 2006

4. Gomal Zam Dam: This project started Aug 2002 and is expected to be completed early 2008. It is located in the Damaan in NWFP. It is 437 feet high and will irrigate about 163,000 acres of land. The total costs amounts to Rs. 12 billion. Having a gross storage of 1.14 MAF. It will produce 17.4 MW of electricity. Gomal Zam Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Mushrraf says the government is constructing the Rs40 billion Katchi Canal and Punjab had been gracious to provide land for its 350 kilometre stretch that will pass through the province

6. Subak-zai Dam, Khurram Tangi Dam and Mangla Dam uprising ... all processed and initiated under previous government.

Dam development projects were initiated in the 70s by Bhutto:lol:. The current governement will implement them. These Dam projects cant be completed overnight, and Musharraf tagging wont give him rep.:lol:

Not one unit of electricity was added by the Dictatorship. Fact is Fact.

As for the expansion of Terbela dam, it clearly says that the PPIB proposed it, and it is a private investment.:D
=Interceptor;175590]Dam development projects were initiated in the 70s by Bhutto:lol:. The current governement will implement them.

Hydro-Electric Tarbela Dam and the Mangla Dam, the major contributers of Electricity were intiated and made by General Ayub Khan and General Yahya Khan. Both military so-called dictators.

Tarbela Dam constrcution began in 1968 till 1974. Tarbela Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mangla Dam was constructed in 1967. Mangla Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like bhutto was left 1-2 years to implement the remaining finishing of Tarbela.

PPP just scrapped Kala-bagh Dam :tdown:

These Dam projects cant be completed overnight, and Musharraf tagging wont give him rep.:lol:

The first unit of 290-megawatt of Ghazi Brotha Hydel Project (GBHP) went into operation in June 2003, and contributed around 50mw of electricity to the national grid. Four more units were added every quarter, and by 2004 the GBHP was contributing 1,450 mw.

Mirani Dam was initiated & completed in Musharraf era. Musharraf inaugurates Mirani Dam in Turbat -DAWN - Top Stories; November 17, 2006

Gomal Zam Dam (2002) is under final stage of construction, and upon completion it will produce 17.4MW Final work was halted when two chinese engineers were kidnapped (Oct 2006)Gomal Zam Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mangla Dam uprising will give another 644 GWh of power. Almost complete. Mangla had nothing to do with Bhutto!

AGAIN looks like PPP government will be left to cut some ribbons.

Subak-zai Dam also almost complete. Musharraf had to inaugurate it in march 2007 - but NWFP situation. Khurram Tangi also under construction. - DAWN - Annual Budget 2007; June 9, 2007

Not one unit of electricity was added by the Dictatorship. Fact is Fact.

Don't believe these politicians when they say "not one mega-watt was added" - as they always lie! FACT IS:

In 1999, our installed capacity was merely 15,860 MW. (With Hydel 4826 + Thermal 10,897 + Nuclear 137)

In 2005-06, our installed capacity increased to become 20,495 MW. (With Hydel 6499 + Thermal 13,534 + Nuclear 462)


As for the expansion of Terbela dam, it clearly says that the PPIB proposed it, and it is a private investment.:D

Yes, who gave them the go-ahead to expand tarbela? Is it free and out of love that the private investors are investing on Tarbela?

Please ask them to build the Bhasha Dam & all our Dams out of love!
As a member of Pakistan's delegation to the United Nation in 1957, at the age of 29 years, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto addressed the Sixth Conference of the United Nations on "The Definition of Aggression", a speech which is still regarded as one of the best on the subject. As a participant at the International Conference in Geneva, Switzerland in March, 1958 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto spoke for mankind with the bold declaration: "The High Seas are free to all." He was the youngest Federal Cabinet member in the history of Pakistan, at the age of 30. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto held the key portfolios of Minister of Commerce, Minister of Information, Minister of National Reconstruction, Minister of Fuel, Power and Natural Resources before becoming the Foreign Minister. As Minister of Fuel, Power and Natural Resources, he signed a path breaking agreement for exploration of oil and gas with Russia in 1960. He set up a Gas and Mineral Development Corporation in 1961 and Pakistan's first refinery in 1962 at Karachi.

Pakistan Peoples Party

Eat your heart out. :lol:

Ayub trusted him with everything, he made the shots, he also asked for the initiation of WAH factory, his name subscribed to the major developments, nuclear program started in the 60s not by Ayub but by Bhutto, like I said tagging names wont give him rep, and I am sure Musharraf isn't that stupid tag himself with another leaders achievement.
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Eat your heart out. :lol:

Thank You for telling us in detail - how much Bhutto has been groomed by the so-called military dictators!

Bhutto became the youngest Pakistani cabinet minister when he was given charge of the energy ministry by President Muhammad Ayub Khan, who had seized power and declared martial law. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1962, he was appointed Pakistan's foreign minister - under a military dictator.

Bhutto is a product groomed by military dictators. PPP should stop criticizing dictatorship unnecessarily, as Bhutto accepted positions during martial law.

Also, please give neutral sources. Not from PPP website. Thanks
like I said tagging names wont give him rep, and I am sure Musharraf isn't that stupid tag himself with another leaders achievement.

Care to show what Bhutto has to do with Mirani Dam, Subak Zai Dam, Gomal Zam Dam, Khurram Tangi Dam, Mangla Dam uprising?

Or you intend to say that Bhutto FOUNDED & INTRODUCED the word DAM in English, and so no one else can be given credit of initiating & constructing a Dam in Pakistan?

Tarbela and Mangla were both acheivements of GEneral Ayub Khan and General Yahya Khan. Bhutto was an ORDINARY minister of their cabinets.

How many Dams did Bhutto make or initiate in his personal tenure of 1973 to 1977 as PM Pakistan ???
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One thing is for sure If there were the slightest of chance that Kala Bagh Dam project could be initiated it was in Musharraf's era. Rest assured if it didn't happen then it wont happen now. Now civilian democratic government can initiate this project. He should have done it in the early days of his government when he became the Chief executive of Pakistan. Its too late now.
Care to show what Bhutto has to do with Mirani Dam, Subak Zai Dam, Gomal Zam Dam, Khurram Tangi Dam, Mangla Dam uprising?

Or you intend to say that Bhutto FOUNDED & INTRODUCED the word DAM in English, and so no one else can be given credit of initiating & constructing a Dam in Pakistan?

Tarbela and Mangla were both acheivements of GEneral Ayub Khan and General Yahya Khan. Bhutto was an ORDINARY minister of their cabinets.

How many Dams did Bhutto make or initiate in his personal tenure of 1973 to 1977 as PM Pakistan ???

You are backwards, in Ayub era there was no democratic system, instead it was district Nazism crap, and the Parliament was a University hall, all Political parties were banned, and in Ayub's own words "New politicians are needed," he hijacked Jinnah's party PML, banned and house arrested Miss Jinnah for participation, Bhutto, was selected by Ayub Khan due to his political background Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto man who was behind the separation signed in Delhi, and the separation of a few cities for Pakistan, Bhutto was no Ordinary man, he was co producer of the Democratic system of Pakistan under the guidelines of Jinnah's points which you search up.

Say what you want or believe what you wish, history is going to haunt with his name.
The big problem is the sand that gathered under the dam, decreasing efficiency of Dam and reducing its over all life
This problem is not some thing out of blue, silting of dams is a known issue.
My cheap solution to the problem is to build Kalabagh dam and than in one winter spill as much water possible creating a near empty situation and than it is much easy to dig out the silt.
Dam may not able to produce much electricity next year because of low water level but than use kalabagh dam and slowly in few years Tarbela will be full again.
the previous government didn't spend a penny on the countries infrastructure.
Yeah right they spent billions not pennies and this attracted the self exiled PPP leader ship as well.
Instead they sold most of the Power houses and national assets to Saudis.
This is called foreign investment. Normally, running corporations are sold more than their build cost. So uf you got the money than build new just don't parcel all Pakistani money to Swiss banks.
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