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TANK MAN ! 'Cos Today is the 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square, 1989

This is the long shot that was never published publicly until decade later.


Why is it not published by western media? Is it because it doesn't fit with the western narrative and would broken the imagination of the reader?

You see the top of the picture, that is Tiananmen square. That is what you are not suppose to see.

The square instead of infested with rubbish and filth, after weeks of million of people camping there, eating, sleeping and shxting there while blocking the municipal gov't for access, is now cleaned up.

Yes, this happen AFTER the protest has already ended.

And another fact, the tank man is blocking the tanks from leaving after the soldier has clear up Tiananmen, not blocking the tanks from entering Tiananmen.
The West has made big fuss about this "tankman" for 30 years now, but I never really understand the significance of this photo. "Courageous Man", or "Compassionate Troop"? The guy would have been shot dead the second he did that to a police car here.
Bravest Chinese person that the world knows of. Never identified , never seen again ! Tortured and disposed of.

Wow, it show that when Cnese have no job, no food etc, they willing to fight against the Govt.

And we all know that there r million Cnese lost jobs due to Hwei's dead and factories closed in CN now

Trump is waiting for another CN chaos :coffee:
Wow, it show that when Cnese have no job, no food etc, they willing to fight against the Govt.

And we all know that there r million Cnese lost jobs due to Hwei's dead and factories closed in CN now

Trump is waiting for another CN chaos :coffee:
Yes, just like the thousand of Viet ladies over here despite so many factory jobs. =)
i think u.s caused more damage to human life when they nuked japan and when they killed millions of innocent women and children in iraq,afghanistan,Syria and lybia in the name of war on terror.They should shut up their mouth and have no moral grounds to speak and teach others on human right issue as they are biggest enemy of humanity in the world
Yes, just like the thousand of Viet ladies over here despite so many factory jobs. =)
Many Cnese women fleeing to VN to avoid trade war, we r thinking what should we do wt them now,dude.

Btw, CN is dying like ita Hwei, when CN collapse ( in 2023), ur houses in CN-Sing will be destroyed by angry mobs, life is so misarable for Cnese like u :cry::cry:
Many Cnese women fleeing to VN to avoid trade war, we r thinking what should we do wt them now,dude.

Btw, CN is dying like ita Hwei, when CN collapse ( in 2023), ur houses in CN-Sing will be destroyed by angry mobs, life is so misarable for Cnese like u :cry::cry:

Yah sure, I know alot of Chinese businessmen, be it Singaporean, Malaysian, HK, Taiwan or Mainland go to Vietnam to exploit the cheap labor and reexport to the US. Those people don't bring their wives there, all have a second concubine in Vietnam.

There is even a Mandarin+English international school where all Chinese Diaspora send their kids to in Vietnam. Do you even know how powerful the Chinese Diaspora link is in the world? The previous ties were partially destroyed after 1949, but since China's resurgence, new networks have formed with the Mainland Chinese elite. The same businesses help Chinese manufacturers diversify to Thailand, Cambodia to reexport to US. You can stomp us, bash us, we will never die, we are like the Jews of the East only difference is our motherland is a SUPERPOWER, a real SUPERPOWER not like India.
Yah sure, I know alot of Chinese businessmen, be it Singaporean, Malaysian, HK, Taiwan or Mainland go to Vietnam to exploit the cheap labor and reexport to the US. Those people don't bring their wives there, all have a second concubine in Vietnam.

There is even a Mandarin+English international school where all Chinese Diaspora send their kids to in Vietnam. Do you even know how powerful the Chinese Diaspora link is in the world? The previous ties were partially destroyed after 1949, but since China's resurgence, new networks have formed with the Mainland Chinese elite. The same businesses help Chinese manufacturers diversify to Thailand, Cambodia to reexport to US. You can stomp us, bash us, we will never die, we are like the Jews of the East only difference is our motherland is a SUPERPOWER, a real SUPERPOWER not like India.
Haha, they ( Cnese investors) still dont forget to be beaten up by VN workers and dragged like dogs on VN street in 2014 yet. U also can see lots of Cnese bussiness women ( or sex worker, Im not sure cos those Cnese wearing like whores) in VN too.

No one know how "powerful" CN stupid "disapora" is, but everyone saw rich Cnese, rich TW, rich Sing were dragged like dogs on VN streets in 2014 but still have to come back VN and beg for protection in trade war ( increasing 450%). Google for pictures dude :lol:
This is the long shot that was never published publicly until decade later.


Why is it not published by western media? Is it because it doesn't fit with the western narrative and would broken the imagination of the reader?

You see the top of the picture, that is Tiananmen square. That is what you are not suppose to see.

The square instead of infested with rubbish and filth, after weeks of million of people camping there, eating, sleeping and shxting there while blocking the municipal gov't for access, is now cleaned up.

Yes, this happen AFTER the protest has already ended.

And another fact, the tank man is blocking the tanks from leaving after the soldier has clear up Tiananmen, not blocking the tanks from entering Tiananmen.
And if one watches the whole clip, he will see that tanks were trying to maneuvre around the tank man, instead of running him over. Tanks were not running at a high speed, which made the maneuvering around him quite difficult. That was actually the first impression I got when I watched the video. And this may surprise many people: I actually watched it when I was in a Chinese military base where my home was.

Ok, since the US did this in 1932, China SHOULD do this in 1989 ? Great logic, congratulations.

In that case, China should bring back slavery, since the USA had it 150 years ago ?

BTW, did the USA drive the tanks over 100s , perhaps 1,000 and then set the bodies on fire and dispose of them ?
China is not yet a democracy, which is considered as a backward country by many people. Let China move forward by practicing whatever have been practiced by all the democracies, including slavery!
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