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Huawei chief says Chinese tech cos should adopt Chinese chips, not rely on 'inferior' foreign chips

While at it, the US should try not to use anything related to gunpowder.


We aren't you dimwit. Gunpowder was replaced in the 1860's with Nitrocellulose...and BTW the Chinese are also using Nitrocellulose (well surprise..surprise) instead of their own gunpowder invention...they should be the ones finding their own Nitrocellulose replacement. What's your answer to that smart guy? Where's all the supposed Chinese brilliant minds that should be finding an even better formula?

Seems China is always following the West whether it be OS's or your own example of gunpowder

China now have the funds to do innovative R&D without committing crimes against humanity.

By "now" do you mean like last weekend or something..but not enough in the last 20 years?

Check out who helped Boeing build the first plane, and the Chinese lady who helped solved the nuclear problem for Enrico Fermi.
It wasn't Boeing's first plane. :rolleyes1: It was some civilian propeller seaplane needing to be converted to a military spec. Plus Boeing was not the Wright Brothers nor the only plane maker.

..and you are sitting in your glass and steel building using the internet on your battery/electricity powered phone/computer..and you are mentioning these two items to sort of impress me somehow?
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I think it was not reported here Huawei's next OS will not be based on AOSP. They are breaking away from that path. It's called "Harmony Next"

View attachment 956172
Any news on the Harmony OS PC? Harmony OS was never based on AOSP. AOSP is something more like a framework/emulator running on Harmony OS...
Any news on the Harmony OS PC? Harmony OS was never based on AOSP. AOSP is something more like a framework/emulator running on Harmony OS...

Ok, I was not aware of it, haven't used a Huawei device here.
Rumors in social media report there is supposed to be a PC version of it. I haven't seen a credible link to more details.

I saw their Harmony 4.0 user interface, extremely smooth, and lots of nice little tricks.
We aren't you dimwit. Gunpowder was replaced in the 1860's with Nitrocellulose...and BTW the Chinese are also using Nitrocellulose (well surprise..surprise) instead of their own gunpowder invention...they should be the ones finding their own Nitrocellulose replacement. What's your answer to that smart guy? Where's all the supposed Chinese brilliant minds that should be finding an even better formula?

Seems China is always following the West whether it be OS's or your own example of gunpowder

By "now" do you mean like last weekend or something..but not enough in the last 20 years?

..and you are sitting in your glass and steel building using the internet on your battery/electricity powered phone/computer..and you are saying this to sort of impress me somehow?
Sorry, China don't go around ROBBING & KILLING natives of resource rich lands, exploit Africa for SLAVES, India and China for skilled labor for the FUNDS to invest in new discoveries.

What has Nitrocellulose got to do with you?
What have you invented that qualify you to demean others from your high horse?
You are just a parasite living off the largesse from the plundering of the IMPERIAL COLONIALISTS using gunpowder.

Be grateful to the Chinese for the things you enjoy today.
The US railway was cheap, exploiting SKILLED LABOR from China.
Chinese workers were an essential part of building the Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR), the western section of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States.
The Chinese numbered 10,000 to 15,000 during high points of construction of the CPRR; and they perhaps amounted up to 20,000 in total between 1865 and 1869, composing as much as 90 percent of the workforce for much of the construction. The eastern section of the line, built by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, required tracks laid across vast flat expanses of mid-western prairie, but the western portion of the line required tunneling through the imposing Sierra Nevada mountains – blasting and digging cuts through deep rock, carving out 15 tunnels through solid granite in high altitudes, dumping large quantities of dirt and rubble to create fills, constructing trestles across deep canyons, building retaining walls. The terrain was a bit easier once they reached the high desert of Nevada and Utah, but there they had to contend with extreme heat, long supply lines, and the breakneck speed of construction.
Sorry, China don't go around ROBBING & KILLING natives of resource rich lands, exploit Africa for SLAVES, India and China for skilled labor for the FUNDS to invest in new discoveries.

Well just think of what the world missed. If you had conquered Africa 500 years ago you would have automatically beaten us to the moon by 450 years. Apparently that's all it takes.

What has Nitrocellulose got to do with you?

It's a Western invention that China uses instead of gunpowder. :coffee:

What have you invented that qualify you to demean others from your high horse?

I just rebut dumb replies to my posts by people like you.
What have you done to keep yourself from hitting the reply button that shows up under my posts? Maybe you need some self-control.

You are just a parasite living off the largesse from the plundering of the IMPERIAL COLONIALISTS using gunpowder.
uh..huh. LOL!

Be grateful to the Chinese for the things you enjoy today.

No, you should be grateful for all the things Westerners gave you today.
Considering modern life to China up until recently was trudging through the rice paddies behind an oxen cart in some farming commune instead of in a high-rise with air conditioning and elevators.

You should be damn grateful you aren't back there.

The US railway was cheap, exploiting SKILLED LABOR from China.
No, it was people desperately fleeing the poverty stricken failed state of China and working for the white man as manual laborers so they could survive. That is the bottom line. This wasn't a bunch of H1-B level workers coming over to help draft great engineering plans.

composing as much as 90 percent of the workforce for much of the construction.

I don't doubt it.
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My prediction is ASML as a semiconductor equipment manufacturing company will go down in the next 5 years and that industry will be taken over by Chinese manufacturers.
until recently was trudging through the rice paddies behind an oxen cart in some farming commune instead of in a high-rise with air conditioning and elevators.

You should be damn grateful you aren't back there.
Concrete cities with a police state and nothing to see isn't better.

No, it was people desperately fleeing the poverty stricken failed state of China
This was during the Anglosaxon forced opium drug dealing period in Shanghai and in the middle of Anglosaxon landgrabbing/stealing and native american genocide, to yet be completed in the next 40 years.
Concrete cities with a police state and nothing to see isn't better.

Well I agree on that...even without the police part.

This was during the Anglosaxon forced opium drug dealing period in Shanghai and in the middle of Anglosaxon landgrabbing/stealing and native american genocide, to yet be completed in the next 40 years.

Most of the laborers were from rural Guangdong and Fujian (near Taiwan) not Shanghai.
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Most of the laborers were from Guangdong and Fujian (near Taiwan) not Shanghai.
They could have worked in Shanghai without the drug dealers as they did a century before.
Well just think of what the world missed. If you had conquered Africa 500 years ago you would have automatically beaten us to the moon by 450 years. Apparently that's all it takes.

It's a Western invention that China uses instead of gunpowder.

I just rebut dumb replies to my posts by people like you.
What have you done to keep yourself from hitting the reply button that shows up under my posts? Maybe you need some self-control.

uh..huh. LOL!

No, you should be grateful for all the things Westerners gave you today.
Considering modern life to China up until recently was trudging through the rice paddies behind an oxen cart in some farming commune instead of in a high-rise with air conditioning and elevators.

You should be damn grateful you aren't back there.

No, it was people desperately fleeing the poverty stricken failed state of China and working for the white man as manual laborers so they could survive. That is the bottom line. This wasn't a bunch of H1-B level workers coming over to help draft great engineering plans.

I don't doubt it.
I don't think with your STUPIDITY, that you have any part in the modern contributions to humanity that the WEST made possible with the LOOT they got PLUNDERING and EXPLOITING THE WORLD.
Americans are at the verge of mental breakdown.

Huawei Patent.jpg
Most of the laborers were from rural Guangdong and Fujian (near Taiwan) not Shanghai.
Calm down. Brother. SMEE has begun mass production of EUV.
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