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uncle is mama

thambi @manlion mama is urdu not tamil

What does DUMBI mean in Tamil ? I was told it means Uncle. But if I call a Tamil DUMBI, they seems to get mad.
Can somebody enlighten me ?

dumbi is the right word for tamils.

you got that right.

but be careful with them.

tamils are the most racist and fanatic people in the world.

avoid them if you can.
This is the Malaysian text box for secondary school.

It says Tamil is like borrow from other languages like Greece, Portuguese, English etc etc
This is the Malaysian text box for secondary school.
It says Tamil is like borrow from other languages like Greece, Portuguese, English etc etc

To claim theres no borrowed Tamil word in Malay is a blatant lie by the Malaysian Education Ministry or they are a bunch of gobloks, as there are heaps of Tamil loan words in Malay.

The Malay language has many words borrowed from Arabic (mainly religious terms), Hindustani, Sanskrit, Tamil, Portuguese, Dutch, certain Chinese dialects and more recently, English (in particular many scientific and technological terms). It has been said that there are only a handful of true Malay words such as "Batu"(Rock). Some examples follow:


Malay words of Tamil origin

Sanskrit loan words in Malay, entered via Tamil as these words are commonly used in Tamil

These links should debunk the text book's second lie - i.e Tamil is has many loan words from Greek, Portuguese and English. In fact there are many English words derived from Tamil


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It says Tamil is like borrow from other languages like Greece, Portuguese, English etc etc

Portuguese and English!!?? No way.... Tamil is much older than that... Tamil is as old as Sanskrit.. most claim its eve older than Sanskrit.

Tamil is from second or third century BCE
Htf did a simple request turn into a flame war!? I swear there should be a mandatory chill pill for forumers in this place!
Tamil Nationalists and Tamils in general suffer from an extreme form of linguistic nationalism. In fact it is the root cause for conflict in Sri Lanka. Tamils claim everything under the sun to be Tamil. If we go by Tamil nationalists claims,

1. Jesus spoke Tamil in the cross
2. Tamil is the OLDEST language in the world
3. English originated from Tamil
4. Telugu originated from Tamil
5. Tamil is THE DRAVIDIAN langauge
6. Sinhala came from Tamil
7. Korean originated from Tamil
8. Ancient Cambodian civilisation was built by Tamils
9. Lemur myth
10. Harappa is Tamil
And in Sri Lanka everything belongs to Tamils and Sri Lanka was essentially a Tamil country. This argument was brought forward by Tamil Nationalist politicians back in 20s and 30s and was the turning point in island's ethnic relations.

If you check politics in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nationalism is the FOOD that is fed by Tamil politicians to avg tamil. If you want to be successul in TN politics indulging in extreme Tamil nationalism is a MUST. If not you wont have a future there.

Tamils are capable of bringing out hilarious and extremely illogical historical fantasy stories.

Idk about that and you may be right. I asked a neutral Tamil and he swears the Aborigine language of the Yunu Matha speakers in ten canoes is actually closer to Tamil than Cameroonian lingo. No surprise-why are India's first people called Australoids?
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