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Sep 14, 2012
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I think this is the right place to ask: I first saw this vid 3 yrs back. A Tamil guy claimed Cameroonian is actually Tamil!

More recently I saw 10 canoes about Aussie aborigines and saw someone say it was very close to Tamil.

I sat and watched Ten Canoes the other day. The language in it sounded like Tamil. Which was a surprise. Just like years ago I realised that Japanese and Tamil words were interchangeable in a sentence. So I went looking for research where others may have found this too. I came across this:

Tamil languages exactly are like Cameroonian and Aussie aboriginal languages? I find it fascinating-Tamil speakers,your opinion is awaited.
Which Tamil languages exactly are like Cameroonian and Aussie aboriginal languages? I find it fascinating-Tamil speakers,your opinion is awaited.

Theres only 1 Tamil language

Cultural Unity of the Dravidian and African Peoples

the most common theory (yet to scientifically proven) is that Tamil originated in Kumari Kandam (a sunken continent) which under went 3 deluges and these resulted in the people migrating to different land.

1st deluge - Australia/Africa
2nd deluge - Middle East (Mesopotamia)
3rd deluge - present Indian sub continent/Sri Lanka


You should pose your question in a Tamil forum, theres no Tamil linguistic/expert/or native speakers in PDF
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Theres only 1 Tamil language

Cultural Unity of the Dravidian and African Peoples

the most common theory (yet to scientifically proven) is that Tamil originated in Kumari Kandam (a sunken continent) which under went 3 deluges and these resulted in the people migrating to different land.

1st deluge - Australia/Africa
2nd deluge - Middle East (Mesopotamia)
3rd deluge - present Indian sub continent/Sri Lanka


You should pose your question in a Tamil forum, theres no Tamil linguistic/expert/or native speakers in PDF

Thanks much for that link! Am going through it now:

"Many scholars have recognized the linguistic unity of

Black African (BA) and Dravidian (Dr.) languages. These

affinities are found not only in the modern African languages but

also that of ancient Egypt. These scholars have made it clear

that lexical, morphological and phonetic unity exist between

African languages in West and North Africa as well as the Bantu


Extremely interesting and indirectly confirms the 2 vids.
I sat and watched Ten Canoes the other day. The language in it sounded like Tamil. Which was a surprise. Just like years ago I realised that Japanese and Tamil words were interchangeable in a sentence. So I went looking for research where others may have found this too. I came across this:

Was the Japanese language influenced by Tamil? The war goes on

Someone threw a rock in a tin can and then shook it around - and then called the noise "Tamil"
Manlion,how do those 2 vids compare with Tamil? Any other Tamil speaker,feel free to comment.
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Manlion,how do those 2 vids compare with Tamil? Any other Tamil speaker,feel free to comment.

based on observation , of the 2, the second video, appears closer to Tami (physically and linguistically)

Australian Aborigines’ genetic links with Tamils

If the theory of Kumari Kandam migration is valid, the 2 group of people were separated by Time and space, and over over the years Tamil has evolved. The possibilities are - Australian Aborigines languages being frozen in time , with a higher likelihood of extinction due to white colonization (same applies to Tamil in the future, with Hindián colonization) .

In my opinion, apart from linguistic study, cultural and DNA studies too can be used to establish the link between the Tamils and the Australian aborigines ( Africans)

e.g Aussie aborigines boomerang was also used by ancient Tamils as a war weapon known as valari


2. Ethnographic Evidence

2.1 Boomerang & Hunting Customs

The boomerang is used by Dravidian abroginals, Australoids and is recorded from Egypt.

2.2 Theological
Both Africans and Dravidians held a common interest in teh cult of the Serpent and believed tn a Supreme God, who lived in aplace of peace and tranqulity. Murugan the Dravidian god of the mounatins parallels a common god in East Africa worshipped by 25 ethnic groups called Murungu, the god who resides in the mountains [ Win.gen ]

2.3 Burial & Death Rites
Burning of the dead body is a characteristic of Indo-Aryans, while burial of the dead was common to Indo-Africans. In both South India and the Western Sudan and Senegambia the dead were buried and interned in terra cotta jars [ Singh ] [ Win.gen ]

2.4 Circumcision & Initiation Rites
Circumcision, both male and female, was practiced by Dravidians and is still widely practiced in Africa.

2.5 Agricultural
Both groups use the hoe for tilling the ground, manuring the ground to fertilize crops, terracing irrrigation and canal building.

Wheat of the 6-row variety, which is found in predynastic graves in Egypt, has been discovered at Harappan sites dating much later, as late as 2300-1750 BC. On the Gangetic plain, barley was found at neolithic Hallum in Mysore state (1800 BC). Pearl millet has been found at Saurasthra and Ahar (1200-100 BC). Indian sorghum is clearly of African origin. Cultivated cotton which came from West Africa appear at Mohenjo-Daro and harrapa from 2300-1700 BC. [ Win.agri ]

2.6 Building Construction & Ship-Building

Both races used a single log or planks tied together

2.7 Inheritance

Among the ali tiravitar (Adi Dravidas, or real Dravidians), the system of inheritance passes from the uncle to his nephews, instead of his sons (maru makkal tayam) as in Africa [ Win.gen ]

2.8 Calendrical

The Dravidians and Africans used the same calendrical systema [ Win.agri ].

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based on observation , of the 2, the second video, appears closer to Tami (physically and linguistically)

Australian Aborigines’ genetic links with Tamils

If the theory of Kumari Kandam migration is valid, the 2 group of people were separated by Time and space, and over over the years Tamil has evolved. The possibilities are - Australian Aborigines languages being frozen in time , with a higher likelihood of extinction due to white colonization (same applies to Tamil in the future, with Hindián colonization) .

In my opinion, apart from linguistic study, cultural and DNA studies too can be used to establish the link between the Tamils and the Australian aborigines ( Africans)

e.g Aussie aborigines boomerang was also used by ancient Tamils as a war weapon known as valari


2. Ethnographic Evidence

2.1 Boomerang & Hunting Customs

The boomerang is used by Dravidian abroginals, Australoids and is recorded from Egypt.

2.2 Theological
Both Africans and Dravidians held a common interest in teh cult of the Serpent and believed tn a Supreme God, who lived in aplace of peace and tranqulity. Murugan the Dravidian god of the mounatins parallels a common god in East Africa worshipped by 25 ethnic groups called Murungu, the god who resides in the mountains [ Win.gen ]

2.3 Burial & Death Rites
Burning of the dead body is a characteristic of Indo-Aryans, while burial of the dead was common to Indo-Africans. In both South India and the Western Sudan and Senegambia the dead were buried and interned in terra cotta jars [ Singh ] [ Win.gen ]

2.4 Circumcision & Initiation Rites
Circumcision, both male and female, was practiced by Dravidians and is still widely practiced in Africa.

2.5 Agricultural
Both groups use the hoe for tilling the ground, manuring the ground to fertilize crops, terracing irrrigation and canal building.

Wheat of the 6-row variety, which is found in predynastic graves in Egypt, has been discovered at Harappan sites dating much later, as late as 2300-1750 BC. On the Gangetic plain, barley was found at neolithic Hallum in Mysore state (1800 BC). Pearl millet has been found at Saurasthra and Ahar (1200-100 BC). Indian sorghum is clearly of African origin. Cultivated cotton which came from West Africa appear at Mohenjo-Daro and harrapa from 2300-1700 BC. [ Win.agri ]

2.6 Building Construction & Ship-Building

Both races used a single log or planks tied together

2.7 Inheritance

Among the ali tiravitar (Adi Dravidas, or real Dravidians), the system of inheritance passes from the uncle to his nephews, instead of his sons (maru makkal tayam) as in Africa [ Win.gen ]

2.8 Calendrical

The Dravidians and Africans used the same calendrical systema [ Win.agri ].


Thanks for that detailed info! Just what I was looking for.
Tamil Nationalists and Tamils in general suffer from an extreme form of linguistic nationalism. In fact it is the root cause for conflict in Sri Lanka. Tamils claim everything under the sun to be Tamil. If we go by Tamil nationalists claims,

1. Jesus spoke Tamil in the cross
2. Tamil is the OLDEST language in the world
3. English originated from Tamil
4. Telugu originated from Tamil
5. Tamil is THE DRAVIDIAN langauge
6. Sinhala came from Tamil
7. Korean originated from Tamil
8. Ancient Cambodian civilisation was built by Tamils
9. Lemur myth
10. Harappa is Tamil
And in Sri Lanka everything belongs to Tamils and Sri Lanka was essentially a Tamil country. This argument was brought forward by Tamil Nationalist politicians back in 20s and 30s and was the turning point in island's ethnic relations.

If you check politics in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nationalism is the FOOD that is fed by Tamil politicians to avg tamil. If you want to be successul in TN politics indulging in extreme Tamil nationalism is a MUST. If not you wont have a future there.

Tamils are capable of bringing out hilarious and extremely illogical historical fantasy stories.
Tamil Nationalists and Tamils in general suffer from an extreme form of linguistic nationalism. In fact it is the root cause for conflict in Sri Lanka. Tamils claim everything under the sun to be Tamil. If we go by Tamil nationalists claims,

1. Jesus spoke Tamil in the cross
2. Tamil is the OLDEST language in the world
3. English originated from Tamil
4. Telugu originated from Tamil
5. Tamil is THE DRAVIDIAN langauge
6. Sinhala came from Tamil
7. Korean originated from Tamil
8. Ancient Cambodian civilisation was built by Tamils
9. Lemur myth
10. Harappa is Tamil
And in Sri Lanka everything belongs to Tamils and Sri Lanka was essentially a Tamil country. This argument was brought forward by Tamil Nationalist politicians back in 20s and 30s and was the turning point in island's ethnic relations.

If you check politics in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nationalism is the FOOD that is fed by Tamil politicians to avg tamil. If you want to be successul in TN politics indulging in extreme Tamil nationalism is a MUST. If not you wont have a future there.

Tamils are capable of bringing out hilarious and extremely illogical historical fantasy stories.

dont try to deviate the thread with your nonsensical post. It just shows your envy for Tamils which is normal trait found in wannabe Aryans. Dont worry about Kumari Kandam, address your Sinhala Buddhist fantasies - i.e Sinhala fore father was a horny lion, Buddha flew to Lanka etc.

This is from Sinhala/
Buddhist historical chronology

Princess of Vanga – Sinhabahu

Long time ago, India consisted of many countries. Vanga was one of the countries of India at that time. The King of Vanga had a very beautiful daughter. Fortunetellers predicted that this pretty Princess would be kidnapped by a lion. One day, when the Princess was traveling to Magadha country (The country where Lord Buddha lived), a lion attacked the caravan near Lala country and kidnapped the Princess. The lion took the Princess to the cave where he lived and blocked the entrance to the cave with a huge rock. All efforts to find the Princess failed. Years later, the Princess had twins, a son and a daughter. The son had hands that looked like a lion. The son was named “Sinhabahu”. (Sinha=Lion, Bahu=Hands) and the daughter was named “Sinhasivali”.


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat today said it was India's responsibility to guide the world as footprints of Indian culture were found all over the globe.


The Hindutva Brahamnist also make spurious claims e.g see above, Bharat varsha, Taj Mahal - Hindu temple, Akhand Bharat ideology etc. If you have guts, question them


The root cause of Sri Lankan conflict was the Sinhala/Buddhist racism/chauvinism e.g Sinhala Only Act which deprived Tamils of employment opportunity.


The new government passed anti-Tamil legislation. The Ceylon Citizenship Act denied citizenship to Tamils of Indian origin (roughly 800,000 indentured laborers brought by the British from south India to work on rubber, tea and coffee estates when the majority Sinhalese refused to work on foreign-owned plantations). The Tamils had been looked down upon not only by the Sinhalese, but also by the minority indigenous Tamils (who had been overrepresented in the Christian elite of administrators and clerks that the British had recruited to run the country). The Ceylon Amendment Act disenfranchised plantation Tamils, dropping the proportion of Tamils with voting power in the new legislature.


The country's ethnic and religious conflicts escalated as competition for wealth and work intensified in the newly independent country. The Sinhalese, who felt resentful of their place under the British, wanted to reassert their culture, language, schools and Buddhist religion.


The Sinhala Only Official Languages Act was passed, making Sinhalese the national language and effectively reserving the best jobs for the Sinhalese. This "Sinhala only" law was partly designed to address the imbalance of power between the majority Sinhalese and the English-speaking, Christian-educated elite. When the bill was introduced, Tamil political leaders were attacked in a four-day riot that left more than 100 Tamils dead. The law limited the education and work opportunities for many Tamil youth. As a result, the Tamil Hindu minority started to push for a federal system of government with greater autonomy in the mainly Tamil areas in the north and east.


The BC Pact was signed to protect Tamil interests with a regional autonomy package. Brokered between Sinhala Prime Minister Bandaranaike and the Tamil leader Chelvanayakam, the pact was broken under pressure from Sinhalese ultranationalist extremists (who themselves were, encouraged by Buddhist fundamentalist clergy). In 1959 Bandaranaike (the "B" of the "BC Pact") was assassinated by a Buddhist monk.


Anti-Tamil riots broke out when Tamils were driven away from the South


Worsening economic conditions set the stage for deep class divisions among the Sinhalese and an anti-government insurrection. Tens of thousands of educated, unemployed Sinhalese young adults had joined the JVP (People's Liberation Army). In 1971, they took up arms against the government. The Sri Lankan army responded by killing over 25,000 youth. Rajani's future husband, Dayapala, was arrested, tortured and sent to solitary confinement during this period.


Ceylon was officially renamed the Republic of Sri Lanka. The constitution formally made Buddhism the country's primary religion. Tamil places at university were cut back. Subsequent civil unrest resulted in a state of emergency in Tamil areas, with Sinhalese security forces imposing many discriminatory laws. As a result, a large number of militant Tamil groups emerged.


Points no - 3 and 4 - I challenge you to show evidence that Tamils make such claims i.e 3. English originated from Tamil 4. Telugu originated from Tamil )

For the rest, open a thread to refute each points instead of whining here like a loser.

Its not Tamils who claim Korean/Japanese languages has Tamil influence (not originated). Its Japanese/Korean linguistic scholars who forward these theories.


- Tamil and Japanese -Susumu OHNO


Jung Nam Kim, president, Korean Society of Tamil Studies, said there were words found both in Korean and Tamil and in both these languages, they meant the same thing and were pronounced the same way.

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What does DUMBI mean in Tamil ? I was told it means Uncle. But if I call a Tamil DUMBI, they seems to get mad.
Can somebody enlighten me ?
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