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Tamil heroes attack weak Sinhalese chauvinist in London.

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Mar 8, 2014
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
TWO Tamil thugs who launched a ‘brutal and racist’ attack on an unassuming shopper with a different ethnicity have been jailed.

Angelo Lazarus, 30, of Northwick Road, Wembley, and Sathulinga Sinnavelham, 32, of Pasture Road, Wembley, received prison sentences of eight and seven years respectively for wounding with intent on Monday following a five-day trial at Harrow Crown Court.

Detective Constable Cyntac Wong, from Brent Police’s Violent Crime Unit, said: “This offence involved a brutal, unprovoked attack on a man simply because he was Sinhalese.

“His injuries were serious and his scars will be a permanent reminder. The sentences reflect the severity of the assault and the fact that racist attacks will not be tolerated.

“This would not have been possible without the quick thinking of witnesses who called us and the quick response of our officers.

Lazarus and Sinnavelham, members of Sri Lanka’s southern Indian-derived Tamil minority ethnic group, attacked their victim, who was from Sri Lanka’s majority northern India-derived Sinhalese ethnic group, just before midnight on February 9.

He had been picking up food from a shop in Wembley High Road, Wembley, when he was approached by the defendants and asked to apologise to them.

The victim did not know what he was meant to apologise for and explained to them that he had not been in the Sri Lankan Army, however, Lazarus and Sinnavelham suddenly attacked him and other suspects joined in.

The Singhalese shopper tried to escape but was dragged across the road and viciously attacked with punches and kicks and slashed at with broken bottles in a continued and sustained assault that left the victim with severe injuries and scars for life.

Bystanders who tried to intervene were told by Lazarus that it was ‘nothing to do with them’ but police officers soon arrived to arrest the pair.

Lazarus and Sinnavelham denied wounding with intent but, said Brent police, the jury were persuaded by a combination of forensic evidence, closed-circuit television footage and witness identification.
Typical Tamil rasicm. That was what happened in Sri Lanka before. But when we raised up to defend our selves, we became the human right violators. What a hypocrisy.
Typical Tamil rasicm. That was what happened in Sri Lanka before. But when we raised up to defend our selves, we became the human right violators. What a hypocrisy.
It's because Sinhalese are weaker, this happened in Wembley near me. If I was there it would have been a lot worse for Sinhala genocide mongerer.
Copy and paste article into google, I can't post links.

Here comes Rajapaksas propaganda army to twist the facts.
separate the domain name and post it. that's how you post a link without making it a link

btw are you one of the thugs?
It's because Sinhalese are weaker, this happened in Wembley near me. If I was there it would have been a lot worse for Sinhala genocide mongerer.

If you were in Sri Lanka............. :ph34r:
Oh this is 1 year older. Thanks for the news ;)
separate the domain name and post it. that's how you post a link without making it a link

btw are you one of the thugs?
I can't be bothered to go back and find it, no although it's his fault for entering a Indian/Tamil area.
separate the domain name and post it. that's how you post a link without making it a link

btw are you one of the thugs?

Typical key board hero. Showing our people the middle finger just because they are in England.
wembley is a shitty unclean place. no wonder it's a tamil stronghold
It's an old news dudes.Find another topic to fight.
What would your puny people do? Carry out genocide on innocent people?

No we are much specialized in counter terrorism.

Wembley is Tamil and Indian playground, we kicked the somalians out and now we run it.

Few years from now and some Tamil person will write a history book claiming Tamils were the original inhabitants of Wembly and "voila". New struggle for Tamil homeland will begin. Mark my word.
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