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Tamil Civilization - the Origins

Who is the most revered deity in tamil culture??? I think its lord shiva right???

U are right. Tamil popular saying ennatharukum ulla iraiva poartri , thennatdaiya Shivane poartri means hail to others worshiping god , Hail to south country owning Shiva. Majority of TN temples are Shiva's temple.
It is Rudra or Rudrum, another name of Shiva(mentioned in Vedas).

There are many names like Sankaran , Rudran , Omaiorupagan , Pragadisvaran , Natarajan(dancing god) , Chokanathan , Sundareshwaran , Ramanathaswamy , Mahalingam , Vaideeshwaran , Viswanathan , Kumbeshwaran , someshwaran , Pasupathinathan , Ekhambareshwran etc…
But majority of the people refusing to accept aryan invasion theory. One more evidence just compare pics of IVC (urban) planning and ancient Madurai urban planning both looks almost the same.

Dravidian are migrated from Africa and Lemuria continent is well documented in Kumari kandam.

I dont accept.

See there is a fundamental contradiction in your two lines.

First you believe in Dravidians getting pushed back from IVC by the Aryan invaders..but also believe in the theory of Dravidians migrating from Africa through the sea and settling down in Lemuria.

The Aryan-Dravidian divide was strenuously propagated by the Westerners for their ulterior motives and people like you have bought that hook line and sinker. :disagree:
yeah, the current inhabitants of N india and pak are actually from c.asia.
Original inhabitants of IVC were modern day south indian , non-brahmins
I dont accept.

See there is a fundamental contradiction in your two lines.

First you believe in Dravidians getting pushed back from IVC by the Aryan invaders..but also believe in the theory of Dravidians migrating from Africa through the sea and settling down in Lemuria.

The Aryan-Dravidian divide was strenuously propagated by the Westerners for their ulterior motives and people like you have bought that hook line and sinker. :disagree:

Mate I think you don't know nothing about Lemuria , just see distance between Africa and Lemuria continent migration is not that difficult. Later they ruled whole India due to Aryan invasion they pushed into south India.

Westerner created that divide?? really???

Read this article from 4th page if you still want entire research article I will provide.

Mate I think you don't know nothing about Lemuria , just see distance between Africa and Lemuria continent so migration is not that difficult. Later they ruled whole India due to Aryan invasion they pushed to south India.

Westerner created that divide?? really???

Read this article from 4th page if still want entire research article I will provide.


Hopeless. Let archaeologists excavate and examine Kumari kandam first. Then we will talk about that. Note that I am not denying it. But just saying it needs more facts to be said as truth and those facts are just not there now. Maybe they will be uncovered in the future.

But as regards AIT, NO that is absolute humbug. There was no invasion as such. It was a facet of the Divide and Rule introduced by the westerners and there are numerous holes in that theory. Neuro, please dont take these things at face value. There are many social, cultural, religious connotations and ulterior motives at play here. That is all I can say now and here.:disagree:

Dravidians are those who took the coastal way en route India and Aryan are those who took the Central Asian route. Present day population is mix of both and genetically homogeneous.
The IVC was indeed Dravidian, and in fact there is still a small pocket in Pakistan that still speaks a Dravidian language. These people got pushed out by the Aryans when they invaded from central Asia, and the Dravidian language was replaced by an Indo-European language that eventually became Sanskrit.
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