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Tamil Civilization - the Origins


Feb 24, 2012
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Excavations in 1920 - 22 at Harappa & Mohenjodaro (which lie in what is now Pakistan) confirmed the existence of a hitherto unknown civilization in the Indus Valley. Contacts with dated phases of Mesopotamian civilizations showed that the great cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, built of brick, including well constructed houses, a regular city plan and an elaborate covered drainage system, were flourishing before and after 2350 BC. After this discovery the Indus Valley took its place with Mesopotamia and Egypt as the home of one of the oldest evolved civilizations of the world. It is evident from the excavated material that the civilization was essentially indigenous in character.

Indications exist that Harappa and Mohenjodaro which were strongly fortified citadels with rectangular watchtowers at regular intervals were seats of centralized government resembling that of autocratic priesthoods or priest-kings who combined the secular and religious administration, similar to temple rulers of Ur in Mesopotamia. Seventy-five smaller sites have been identified with a distance between the two extreme points of more than 1000 miles North to South, and 300 miles East to West. Its area exceeded contemporary civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Iran.

The Harappa site, unfortunately, fell into the hands of brick-diggers and this vandalism is one of the greatest losses to archeology as otherwise more knowledge about the Indus Valley culture would have been available. Excavations have revealed nine occupation levels, one above the other, indicating long periods of prosperity and then decline. It was finally abandoned around 1700 BC.

In addition to dwelling houses, there were well-organized workmen's quarters, workmen's platforms for pounding grains, and granaries. Roofs of buildings were flat and were made of wood, reed and mud. Walls were often 5 feet thick and the size of the average house was 35 ft by 35 ft with several rooms placed around a central courtyard. A majority of the houses were two stories high and some were even higher. They appear well designed and comfortable, with most having bathrooms and a circular well.

The most remarkable building at Harappa is the "Great Granary" with dimensions of 168 X 135 feet, possibly serving as a public storage, and at Mohenjodaro, the "Great Bath", possibly used for religious or ceremonial bathing. The dimension of a large palace was 242 X 112 feet and another was 177 X 116 feet.

Their system of drainage is the most complete ancient system yet discovered and might almost be termed "modern". A brick lined channel flowed down every street and into this main drain ran small tributary drains from the houses on either side. The drains were covered over with brick laid a few inches below street level and which could be lifted if necessary, to inspect or clean.

The streets run in straight lines from East to West and are crossed by others at right angles going north to South, making these cities to be considered the earliest examples yet discovered where a scheme of town planning existed. Everywhere the impression is of order and symmetry. Some of the main streets of Mohenjodaro are of considerable size. Sir John Marshall the expert archeologist has marveled at the planned city and drainage system and says that such wonderful buildings were never found in any other ancient civilization.

Some slight differences in the earthenware found in Harappa and Mohenjodaro led researchers to the conclusion that Harappa was older than Mohenjodaro.

Their ships sailed from the western port of Lottal excavated in what is now Gujerat.

The skeletal remains belong to heterogeneous races. Both cities seem to have been cosmopolitan as they had a floating population owing to their commercial character. The valley had flanks open to the intrusion of other races and the interior was occupied from times immemorial by races of comparatively lower stages of development. The main stock of the people had affinities with the Mediterranean people. Other types found were Austro-Asiatic and some Mongolian and Alpine people from the Central Asiatic highlands. The burials contained large collections of pots numbering 15 to 40. The dead wore ornaments - shell bangles, necklaces, anklets of paste beads, a copper finger ring, and earrings of thin copper wire.

In their pottery there is everything from huge storage jars down through a wide range of household utensils to tiny delicate domestic containers. Pottery is wheel-made and well fired and generally shows a thick red fabric, often treated with a bright red slip. There are offering stands, beakers, cups & saucers, goblets, dishes, basins, ladles, heaters, cooking pots and water pitchers. Painted designs include foliated and geometrical devices, mostly inter-locking circles, vase, comb, and scale motifs. Toilet articles included handled copper mirrors (the copper, when polished, had to do for the still undiscovered glass), antimony rods, shell spoons and mother of pearl shells.

Other items found are chisels, axes, saws, knives, spears and arrowheads, even a copper razor; also fish hooks, needles, frying pans and even a dinner dish with cover. There are bone and ivory objects, statuettes in stone and red sand stone with details worked out with extreme realism and artistic skill. Though antedating the Greco-Roman statuary by about 2000 years, it can easily stand comparison to it. There were also inlaid work and high-class miniature statuary.

Of the large number of terracotta human figurines found at Harappa, the majority are female, nude, except for a narrow girdle round the hips. Many wear a distinctive fan-like headdress at the back of the head and are bedecked with profuse jewelry. Similar features favor the belief that they were sacred images representing the "Great Mother Goddess" whose images are found in large numbers in Iran, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Male figurines were nude and mostly bearded and wore long hair at the back. The figurines were modeled by hand and painted red. There were similarities with such objects found in the Middle East around the second millennium B.C. Animal and bird figurines were also found in large numbers.

The figural art is also illustrated by steatite seals bearing life-like representations of such animals as Brahamani bull, buffoon, tiger, rhino, crocodile, unicorn, a human figure with horns and a tail, and a horned tiger. The seals also bear short inscriptions in pictographic script. The plastic art was also well developed.

Ornaments are of many materials - terracotta, shell, copper, bronze, beads, precious metals overlays with gold, ivory, carnelian and other stones. Necklaces & pendants of beads of semi-precious stones are most common. Square disc-shaped etched carnelian beads decorated with white designs similar to those of Mesopotamia & Iran have also been found, to indicate trade with those neighbors to the west. Gold necklaces, armlets, bangles, finger rings and fillets for head wear were worn both by men and women while carnelian beads, earrings, nose studs, anklets and conical head ornaments were worn exclusively by women.

The most characteristics of all objects found are the seals and sealings. Some Indus Valley seals found in Mesopotamian sites have helped to establish the close connections between the two cultures and to fix a date for the Indus Valley civilization. The date of the Indus Valley has been fixed with some certainty as contemporaneous with the early dynastic period of Babylonia - about 2500 - 1800 B.C. It must be remembered that it depends on Mesopotamian chronology, and any modification of the latter must entail a corresponding re-dating of the Indus Valley finds.

Their system of weighing was binary, the ratio being 1:2:4:8:16:32:64. Of a large number of weights found, very few were fraudulent. Copper and bronze were used for making domestic utensils, implements, statuettes and ornaments. The total absence of iron made implements indicates that they belonged to the Bronze Age.

Agriculture was the main occupation. They grew wheat, barley and date palm and were meat eaters. The existence of brick lined street drains and rain water pipes, the universal use of brick in construction and the representation of the seals of animals such as the tiger, rhino, elephant and buffaloes which favor moist habitat showed that the Indus Valley enjoyed heavy rainfall. They bartered crop surplus to import essential raw materials such as metals and other commodities. The architecture was plain and utilitarian. The aim seems to have been to make life comfortable rather than luxurious. Their religion seems to have included "Mother Goddess", and trees and animal worship.

It is certain that they were of non-Aryan racial stock and highly civilized, possessing a high standard of art and craftsmanship and a well-developed system of pictographic writing that had existed for a considerable period before the arrival of Indo-Aryans. It could be that they were invaders as their settlements have also been found in Baluchistan. They were probably already highly civilized before they entered the country. Almost all experts call the civilization "proto-Dravidian" and many are of the opinion that they are the ancestors of Tamils.

Prof Ra. Mathivanan, a research scholar, has determined that letters found in the Harappa inscriptions were ancient Tamil. The pictographic writing found under a painting on a rock formation in the South Arcot district of Tamil Nadu was the same as that found in the Indus Valley. A four foot long brick found during excavations in the Karunool district of Andrapradesh has inscriptions in Indus Valley letters. A seal found during excavations in Anaicoddai in Eelam contained both Indus Valley letters and brahmic script. All these have been translated into modern day Tamil.

More evidence of who the Indus Valley people were is found in the translations of the Vedas ( which were written by the Aryans who came to India some 3500 years ago) by H.H. Wilson, Ralph Griffith, and A.A. McDonnell and A.B. Keith in English and by M.R. Sambunatha Iyer in Tamil. The Indus Valley people are described as noseless, black and godless barbarians. They are called Dravidians, Thasar, Thayook, Asurar, Arakkar, Rakshather and Sutra. They are also described as anti-gods, chandalas, milechas, sons of prostitutes and in many other derogatory terms. However, their courage and fighting abilities are praised. There are several reference to the town of Hariyupa (later became Harappa).

Some of the many major kings of the Thasar (Tamils) referred to in the Vedas are Samparan, Varacinan, Viruthiran and Susunan with whom the Aryans fought many battles. With Samparan they fought over a period of 40 years. Several sub-rulers and army chiefs are also mentioned. Thanu who went to the battle front to help her son Viruthiran and Kiraki and Arayi, wives of the sub-ruler Kijava, who also went to the front are some of the heroines mentioned. Even today these names are common in parts of Tamil Nadu. The army of the Tamils had women battalions.

The Vedas also refer to the Dravidians occupying the whole of the then known India from the Himalayas to Cape Comrin. They also mention that during the war the Aryans killed hundreds of thousands of Tamils, took several as slaves, destroyed several cities and fortresses, plundered their wealth, broke dams against rivers and bunds of tanks thus inundating the areas, and took their livestock and weapons.

The abandoning of Harrapa and Mohenjodaro was probably due to several factors such as sacking and flooding by invaders, progressive desiccation of the Indus Valley and dangers of floods.

There is no doubt that the civilization was ancient and well advanced. Tamils should be proud to belong to it.

Tamil Civilization

If you need more details go to back reference link.
and now we proud of our Leaders who ruled and ruling...making Tamil become a Ancient lang..
and thanks to the GOI leaders..and Our Indian Special Guest Rajabakshe for making our lives in Lanka
and now we proud of our Leaders who ruled and ruling...making Tamil become a Ancient lang..
and thanks to the GOI leaders..and Our Indian Special Guest Rajabakshe for making our lives in Lanka

Rajapakse is too close to GOI than TN , now its their's time so just wait for our turn.

Dancing dravidian girl.
you know
i have been saying this for a long time, IVC was a dravidian civilization who were pushed back by the invaders of the north west

But majority of the people refusing to accept aryan invasion theory. One more evidence just compare pics of IVC (urban) planning and ancient Madurai urban planning both looks almost the same.

Dravidian are migrated from Africa and Lemuria continent is well documented in Kumari kandam.

Tamil civilisation formed the basis for Indian civilisation. Tamils culture spread all over India according to S.A. Taylor and other researchers. Tamils from the south migrated north when Kumari Kandam that is the southern tip of India was eroded by the sea.

These people settled around the banks of the Sindu river and over the years were responsible for the creation of Indus Valley civilisation according to Hendry Heras, a christian priest, who did research about that era. The Indus Valley is one of the world’s earliest urban civilizations, along with its contemporaries, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Among the settlements were the major urban centres of Harappa, Mohenjo-daro (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Ganweriwala, Dholavira, and Rakhigarhi.

Indus valley civilisation is more or less 7000 years old and there is documentary proof to show that it is very advanced, people were well versed in architecture, laying of roads, making clothes, furniture, jewellery and utensils. The Tamils were very knowledgeable in the arts, business, religion, language and administration. At its peak, the Indus Civilization may have had a population of well over five million. Tamils of the ancient Indus river valley developed new techniques in handicraft (carnelian products, seal carving) and metallurgy (copper, bronze, lead, and tin).

Nearly 1,400 Indus Valley sites (towns) have now been discovered. That is very big civilization, large enough to be called an empire. The towns were laid out in grids everywhere, straight streets, well built homes. These people were incredible builders. The houses and buildings were built with uniformity and standard materials. The baked-brick blocks were made with standard proportions of materials. Scientists have found what they think are giant reservoirs for fresh water. They have also found that even the smallest house at the edge of each town was linked to that town’s central drainage system. They not only drained waste water out, but also had a system to pump fresh water into their homes, similar to modern plumbing. The civilization is noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses.

Remember, these systems were built nearly 7000 years ago.

Tamil Language in Indus Valley

The Indus script, refers to short strings of symbols associated with the Indus Valley Civilization, people who lived in these 1400 towns had a common language. Scientists have found artifacts at different sites (towns) with the same or similar picture of a unicorn on them.

Russian scholar Yuri Knorozov surmised that the symbols represent a logosyllabic script and suggested, based on analysis, an underlying agglutinative Dravidian language as the most likely candidate for the underlying language. Knorozov’s suggestion was preceded by the work of Henry Heras, who suggested several readings of signs based on a proto-Dravidian assumption.

The word Tamilar underwent many changes to Dravidia as follows :

Tamilar > Tamilia > Tamila > Ithramila > Ithradida >Dravida

According to linguistic researchers it can be seen that the Sindu-Dravida civilasations was Tamil civilisation. Indus Valley Civilization is generally characterized as a literate society on the evidence of these inscriptions.

Between 400 and as many as 600 distinct Indus Valley symbols have been found on seals, small tablets, ceramic pots and more than a dozen other materials, including a “signboard” that apparently once hung over the gate of the inner citadel of the Indus city. All the Indus valley seals had been read by Dr. R. Mathivanan and it is established that it is Tamil writings.

Fish symbol in Seals

A fish is a common symbol found in all Indus Valley seals. Father Hera’s properly identified it as “meen” in Tamil means ‘fish’ as well as ‘star’. Fish also shown as symbol for planets in outer space. It is a symbolism that the stars swim in the space ocean. So far various interpreters had identified this fish applicable both for stars as well as planet. “Mee” (௴) characters in Tamil means “month”. The most significant interpretation is that this “fish” symbol indicates a “month” in all Indus seals . This particular break through in Indus script decipherment effort properly explains all inscriptions found on these Indus seals.

Tamils in the Sindu area spoke in olden Tamil called Kodunth Tamil. When they migrated to other parts of India, the language changed based on the dialects of those areas. When people migrated to different countries, their language further changed as it was influenced by that country’s dialect.Lingustic researchers say that the north-dravidia Tamil merged with languages from Sumeria, North Africa and even Europe. The north-dravidia language later merged with the Persians and European languages brought in by the Aaryans.

Aaryan, a white race, who were mostly shepherds, lived in the area between the Caspian Sea and Black Sea and the these people had to migrate due to natural disasters. They migrate in groups to Europe and Persia. From Persia, they moved to India through passing Khyber. As their language had many Persian words, scholars used that as evidence to show that they had stayed there for a long period.

Aaryan vedas were a combination of old Indo-European languages. After settling in Sindu area their language absorbed old Tamil words. This was called piragrtham and most of the mantras were in this spoken language.

Tamil Religion in Indus Valley

The research findings from Indus Valley described the religious way of life of Tamils, in that era. The evidence to support elements of Tamils Religion, Saivam present in Indus Valley is with the recovery of many symbols of Siva lingam from the Indus Valley’s remains. Some seals show Swastikas, which are found in many worldwide religions. Swastika is an evolved Tamil Syllabic character representing the sound “OM”. Swastika Seals from the Indus Valley Civilization preserved at the British Museum.

Saivam in Indus Valley

Many Indus valley seals show animals. And old carving which was discovered showed a yogi with three horns, kneeling under a banyan tree gazing at the tip of his nose. Surrounding him were a goat, buffalo, cow, tiger, snake, and deer. Sir John Marshall was of the opinion that this seal showed that people in that area believed that God protects not only man but all forms of life and Pasupathi referred to here, is the Sivan mentioned in Saivam as the ultimate God. This opinion was accepted by many researchers. As men and animals were seen around God it was assumed that, people in that era also believed in the concept of re-birth. A statue which was found standing on one leg, with the other leg lifted was the early form of Nataraja, according to researchers.

In Mohenjodaro, wells were found among the temples ruins and there were buildings with rooms. Hence, it was affirmed that there were facilities to wash up and rooms to stay for the people who came to the temple. Statues of Gods and evidence of poosanai (worship) done by priests were found in the temples. It was believed that there could have been guidelines to sculpt statues and to do poosanai at that time.

These findings show that the four Tamil Vedas and Saiva Aagamams were there before the arrival of Aaryans. Thus, it was deduced that the Aaryan vedas were based mostly on Tamils vedas. Tamils contributed to Aaryans vedas according to many scholars. Hence, Aram, Porul, Inbam, and Veedu mentioned by Tamils were the basis for Aaryan veda thoughts regarding Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha or Mukthi.
I guess that's the reason why Lord Shiva is also referred to as Pashupati nath and the concept of Shaivism was imbibed into the Vedic fold at a much later period.Moreover even in the Shivmahapuran we could see that it is Lord Shiva who teaches Tamil to the sage Agastya and Shiva is also the one who is the progenitors of Tamil language!!On the other hand in Puranic literature Shiva is viewed as a God who has got a good amount of affinity for the Daityas and Asuras who apparently reside in the Southern Part of India. . . But since Kailash is the habitat of Mahdev it would be wise to infer that this entire Shaivism trait at some point of time developed all along Indias Northern Belt which could very well be the Harappan Civilization.Moreover Karthikeyan or Lord Murugan who is Shiv Putra seems to have characters which are essentially South Indian in nature.For eg: He smears his forehead with Chandan (sandalwood),His nomenclature,the widespread worshiping of Lord Murugan in the South and all such thing's make it clear that the inhabitants of the Mohenjodaro and Harappan sites could have well migrated to Southern India at a later stage!!!
Neuro, IVC is not a "Tamil Civilization". it was probably a "dravidian" one
Who is the most revered deity in tamil culture??? I think its lord shiva right???
Who is the most revered deity in tamil culture??? I think its lord shiva right???

If I correctly remember the most revered deity in Tamil culture is not Shiva - it however somehow has some linkage with Shiva.
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