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Tamil chat

Thanks bro...


:drag: :drag:

WTF!! :woot:
முற்காலத்தில் ஊரில் கோயில் கோபுரத்தை விட உயரமாக எந்தக் கட்டிடமும் இருக்கக் கூடாது என்று ஒரு எழுதாத சட்டம் இருந்தது. என்ன காரணம்?!

கோயில்களையும் உயரமான கோபுரங்களையும் அதன் மேல் இருக்கும் கலசங்களையும் பார்த்திருப்பீர்கள். அதன் பின் ஒளிந்திருக்கும் ஆன்மிக உண்மை தெரியவில்லை. ஆனால் அதன் பின் எவ்வளவு பெரிய அறிவியல் ஒளிந்திருக்கிறது என இப்போதுதான் தெரிகிறது.

கோபுரத்தின் உச்சியில் தங்கம், வெள்ளி செம்பு(அ) ஐம்பொன்னால் செய்யப்பட்ட கலசங்கள் இருக்கும். இக்கலசங்களிலும் அதில் கொட்டப்படும் தானியங்களும், உலோகங்களும் மின் காந்த அலைகளை ஈர்க்கும் சக்தியை கலசங்களுக்குக் கொடுக்கின்றன.

நெல், உப்பு, கேழ்வரகு, தினை, வரகு, சோளம், மக்கா சோளம், சலமை, எள் ஆகியவற்றைக் கொட்டினார்கள். குறிப்பாக வரகு தானியத்தை அதிகமாகக் கொட்டினார்கள். காரணத்தைத் தேடிப் பார்த்தால் ஆச்சர்யமாக இருக்கிறது. வரகு மின்னலைத் தாங்கும் அதிக ஆற்றலைப் பெற்றிருப்பது என இப்போதைய அறிவியல் கூறுகிறது.

இவ்வளவுதானா? இல்லை, பன்னிரெண்டு வருடங்களுக்கு ஒரு முறை குடமுழுக்கு விழா என்ற பெயரில் கலசங்களில் இருக்கும் பழைய தானியங்கள் நீக்கப்பட்டு புதிய தானியங்கள் நிரப்பப்படுகிறது. அதை இன்றைக்கு சம்பிரதாயமாகவே மட்டும் கடைபிடிக்கிறார்கள். காரணத்தைத் தேடினால், அந்த தானியங்களுக்குப் பன்னிரெண்டு வருடங்களுக்குத்தான் அந்த
சக்தி இருக்கிறது. அதன் பின் அது செயல் இழந்து விடுகிறது!! இதை எப்படி அப்போது அறிந்திருந்தார்கள்..?!

ஆச்சர்யம்தான். அவ்வளவுதானா அதுவும் இல்லை. இன்றைக்குப் பெய்வதைப் போன்று மூன்று நாட்களா மழை பெய்தது அன்று? தொடர்ந்து மூன்று மாதங்கள் பெய்தது. ஒரு வேளை தானியங்கள் அனைத்தும் நீரில் மூழ்கி அழிந்து போனால், மீண்டும் எதை வைத்துப் பயிர் செய்வது? இவ்வளவு உயரமான கோபுரத்தை நீர் சூழ வாய்ப்பில்லை. இதையே மீண்டும் எடுத்து விதைக்கலாமே!

ஒரு இடத்தில் எது மிக உயரமான இடத்தில் அமைந்த இடி தாங்கியோ அதுதான் முதலில் 'எர்த்' ஆகும். மேலும் அது எத்தனை பேரைக் காப்பாற்றும் என்பது அதன் உயரத்தைப் பொறுத்தது. அடிப்படையில் கலசங்கள் இடிதாங்கிகள். உதாரணமாக கோபுரத்தின் உயரம் ஐம்பது மீட்டர் என்றால் நூறு மீட்டர் விட்டம் வரைக்கும் பரப்பில் எத்தனை பேர் இருந்தாலும் அவர்கள் இடி தாங்காமல் காக்கப்படுவார்கள். அதாவது சுமார் 75008 மீட்டர் பரப்பளவிலிருக்கும் மனிதர்கள் காப்பாற்றப்படுவார்கள்!

சில கோயில்களுக்கு நான்கு வாயில்கள் உள்ளன. அது நாலாபுறமும் 75000சதுர
மீட்டர் பரப்பளவைக் காத்து நிற்கிறது! இது ஒரு தோராயமான கணக்கு தான்.
இதைவிட உயரமான கோபுரங்கள் இதை விட அதிகமான பணிகளை சத்தமில்லாமல் செய்து வருகின்றன.

"கோயில் இல்லா ஊரில் குடியிருக்க
என்ற பழமொழி நினைவுக்கு வருகிறது.

Silver, powder, eggs: household items turn criminal monikers

His name is Srinivasan. However, for many, including members of the city police force, this 81-year-old thief is ‘silver’ Srinivasan.

He earned the moniker by targeting only silver articles. He carried out a large number of thefts in agraharams across the state over a period of 50 years. He showed up on the police radar after stealing a silver glass at a wedding in Tiruchi, his native town. He has more than 120 cases against him, all for stealing silver objects from households across the State. In his last outing a month ago, Srinivasan stole silver valuables from a house in MKB Nagar in north Chennai.

Apart from petty criminals and small-time repeat offenders, gangsters too get nicknames to distinguish them from others with the same names.

‘Powder’ Ravi of Vyasarpadi in north Chennai got his nickname for selling narcotic substances in the city for decades. ‘Sketch’ Ravi got his after he proved himself adept at masterminding murders. These crimes were invariably executed by his gang or associates.

“The reason we give monikers to criminals is mainly for identifying two who share a name. They might have been involved in different crimes at different places. So, having monikers helps avoid mistaking one offender for the other,” said a senior police officer.

A nickname is often derived from a criminal’s physical features.

‘Kolikal’ Vicky from north Chennai, arrested last week along with two of his associates while planning a murder, got his nickname from the fact that his legs are extremely thin. His legs are being compared to those of a chicken’s.

“Gopi got his nickname as he has always been fond of boiled eggs. We came to know of this through his associates and he became ‘Muttai’ Gopi. Likewise, years of paan-chewing by Ravi Kumar, another gangster, made him bucktoothed. So, he is referred to as ‘Bokka’ Ravi in the police records,” said a police officer.

Some others, like ‘Madurai’ Senthil, who was involved in murder cases in the city, are named after their places of origin. ‘Mint’ Ramesh, who has more than a dozen criminal cases involving assault, kidnap and theft against him, is a resident of the north Chennai locality. ‘Tambaram Market’ Shiva, who earlier had a shop there, has been involved in cases of extortion. ‘Burma’ Ganesan, who is a Tamil repatriate from erstwhile Burma, got his name after he settled in north Chennai.

But ‘Tokyo’ Mani does not belong to Japan. He got that moniker because many people think he looks like someone from that country, the police say. Mani is a notorious gangster from Redhills.
A success story

Author of hundreds of short stories, several novels and articles, J. M. Sali’s literary journey began in his childhood.

It is a story of achievement for an author of around 55 books in the field of Tamil contemporary literature. J.M. Sali, who was awarded the coveted Cultural Medallion of the Singapore Government, was also honoured on May 5 by the Trustees of Devan Endowments, Chennai.

Sali began as a writer for children through the fortnightly Kannan. He was groomed by its editor ‘Aarvi,’ who had observed the flair for writing in young Sali.

Sali was a prolific writer even as a college student. He migrated to Singapore after a short stint in the AG’s Office, Chennai, as he was offered the assistant editor’s post in the island’s newspaper, Tamil Murasu.

Joining Singapore Broadcasting Corporation, which was later changed to Television Corporation of Singapore, he rose to become its senior broadcast journalist and news editor in Singapore. He received the Cultural Medallion award from the Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam.

Recently, Amizhtha Tamizh Aaivarangam, Chennai, also felicitated Sali in the presence of Prof. Sundaramurthy, Prof. T. Gnanasundaram, Amudhasurabi editor Tiruppur Krishnan, Prof. Maraimalai Ilakkuvanar, poet Mu. Methta and Ilakkiya Veedhi Iniyavan, apart from a host of his admirers.

“I owe this award to Tamizhavel Go. Sarangapani, former editor of Singapore’s Tamil Murasu”, said the writer, with his trademark humility. He is a man of few words. “I left for Singapore on a ship from Nagapattinam when I was young and Tamizhvel Sarangapani trained me in all aspects of the newspaper. At one stage, he even asked me to write editorials! He had such confidence in me!” said Sali.

He was the only Tamil writer whose name was announced by the Information and Culture Minister in the Singapore Parliament in 2005 The aesthetically produced souvenir for the recent award carried Sali’s elaborate profile, which was followed by the rest of the recipients’ in Malay, Chinese and English (the four official languages of Singapore).

“In the international literary arena, Sali has won the Cultural Medallion and this is the recognition accorded to our Tamil language,” pointed out Dr. A.R. Sivakumaran, National Education Council’s Tamil Language and Culture Department of Singapore.

On translations

The 80,000 Singapore dollar grant would enable Sali to get some of his outstanding novels and short stories translated into English and other languages. “Many of the Ministers who met me on the occasion suggested that the stories written in the Singapore ambience should get priority in translation. ‘Alaigal Pesuginrana’ would, therefore, be taken up first. As a tribute to Sarangapani Sir, who treated me as his son and taught me the nuances of the print media , I am planning to write a book on him. Other translations would be decided in due course,” said the award-winning author.

Sali’s winning streak started when he won the first prize for ‘Iru Kangal’ in Kannan’s novel competition, followed by Children’s Writers Association’s prize for ‘Thanga Kiligal’, Tamil Nadu Government’s prize for ‘Kana Kanden Thozhi’ and ‘Ariviyal Munnodigal’, Singapore National Book Development Council’s prize for ‘Nonbu’, besides awards such as ‘Kanaiyazhi’ Virudhu and Chennai Kamban Kazhaga Virudhu.

“I started writing when I was just a student in my native village Iravancheri, in what is now Tiruvarur district. I graduated from the Government Arts College, Kumbakonam, and came to Presidency College, Chennai, for my Master’s, ” reminisced Sali. “After serving for a few years in Ananda Vikatan, I went back to Singapore to join the broadcasting media. Later, when Mr. Balasubramanian and Manian visited Singapore they met me and asked me to return to Chennai and re-join Vikatan. I obliged and began my second innings in Ananda Vikatan and then moved to Mayan, a magazine for the youth, started by Manian. But after a few years, Singapore’s radio and television called me back as they required my services. Although I retired after working with them for a long time , the job related to translation continued and I extended my stay with the Television Corporation of Singapore, winning the Long Service Award twice.”

While his collection of short stories has been prescribed by Madras University and Queen Mary’s College, his novel Vellai Kodugal has been accorded text book status by the Bharatidasan University, Tiruchi, and Kozhikode University in Kerala.

The New College, Chennai, has prescribed ‘J.M. Sali Short Stories’ for its students. While many of his short stories have been translated into English, Hindi and Urdu, one story, ‘Sayal,’ was also translated in Sinhalese and was published in Sri Lanka. Sali has penned 30 novels, 400 short stories, 200 articles on various subjects and 80 radio and television plays.

Sali also served as contributing editor to Singa from 1987 to 1990 and as a member of the editorial team for the anthology of ASEAN Literature, volumes I and II. He has conducted several Tamil short story writing workshops at various organisations, including the National Book Development Council of Singapore, the National Arts Council and the National Institute of Education. Sali’s contribution in other fields of public institutions include, translator for Health Promotion Board, Land Transport Authority and Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports. “J.M. Sali is one of Singapore’s most treasured Tamil writers,” claims Prof. Sivakumaran.

Sali has the satisfaction of having trained and produced a number of writers in Tamil who specialised in all areas of contemporary literature. His impact and contribution was recognised when he was appointed in the editorial department of Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS). At 74, Sali’s mind often turns to religion. “People refer to us in our village in Tamil Nadu as ‘the ones who came to Islam.’ I only know the past three generations of my family. I strongly feel I am a Tamil first. Other things come later!” proclaims Sali.

(J.M. Sali can be contacted at 94884 18522

A success story - The Hindu

"ஜேர்மன் நாட்டிலும் தமிழ் பெயர் பலகையோடு பேருந்து சேவை "
The name of this thread should be changed to Aryan Chat, because obviously, Tamils are Aryans with blue eyes blonde hair. Lollolololol

Would you blue eyed blonde haired Aryan Tamils share the history of your achievements, like the Pre Ice-age cities? Lolololol,
The name of this thread should be changed to Aryan Chat, because obviously, Tamils are Aryans with blue eyes blonde hair. Lollolololol

Would you blue eyed blonde haired Aryan Tamils share the history of your achievements, like the Pre Ice-age cities? Lolololol,

The name of this thread should be changed to Aryan Chat, because obviously, Tamils are Aryans with blue eyes blonde hair. Lollolololol

Would you blue eyed blonde haired Aryan Tamils share the history of your achievements, like the Pre Ice-age cities? Lolololol,

Islam forbids racism, & being a muslim you are taunting people based on race theory that too in the Holy month of Ramadan ! don't you have any shame ? (sic)

control your hate, it will take you nowhere, instead of ranting on those that you don't like , contribute to positive nation building of your country that will indeed help, but taunting & racist hate speech will only give it a negative image

Wow what a good looking blue eyed blonde haired Aryan Tamil, his father must be the king of Pre ice age cities...lololoolol

So inspiring. Hitler took inspiration for his genocide from these blue eyed blonde haired Aryan Tamils.....lololoolol.l

get some help, you are sick

hope mod'sare taking note of your racist posts
Islam forbids racism, & being a muslim you are taunting people based on race theory that too in the Holy month of Ramadan ! don't you have any shame ? (sic)

control your hate, it will take you nowhere, instead of ranting on those that you don't like , contribute to positive nation building of your country that will indeed help, but taunting & racist hate speech will only give it a negative image

get some help, you are sick

Are you a Muslim? Or not?
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