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Talwar Class (Krivak-III) Frigate Thread




These 3 Stealth frigate will add dead fire power to Indian Navy and that good to see them in service on schedule.

Frigates , Destroyer , AC all are getting iducted very well, Indian navy is lagging on submarine end, lets hope next line of submarine is decided and Scropene are induced too asap. I really wish next line of sub goes to U-214 or Amur class.

New Delhi, Jun 18 (PTI) INS Tarkash, a guided missile frigate of the Talwar class, will be launched next week at a Russian shipyard that is constructing the warship for the Indian Navy.

Ramma Dewan, wife of Navy vice chief Vice Admiral D K Dewan, would launch the vessel at a ceremony in the Russian shipyard on June 23, a Navy official said here today.

Tarkash (meaning Quiver), fifth under the Talwar class of frigates of the Indian Navy, is expected to be ready for commissioning in the later part of next year.

"Once the ship is launched into the waters, further integration of weapons, sensors and heavy equipment will take place before it is taken out for trials," the officer said.
talwar class and shivalik combined take as our stealth fleet numbers to total 8,and many more to come:yahoo:
Great news indeed..

Any major differences between the Shivalik and Talwar class, i mean since both are frigates??

Also why is IN inducting 2 different classes of frigates?? (i am noob, so forgive me if it is a silly question).
sure, but US/EU don't sell weapon systems to China --- thus the trade inbalance/deficit only getting bigger.
Whereas India can buy from just about anyone, everywhere, and it does,
I mean India has probably more mixed weapons from more countries than anyone else, agree ?

sorry to say but i m not sure that russian stealth technology even compare with indian homemade technology
sorry to say but i m not sure that russian stealth technology even compare with indian homemade technology
already some people started burning :flame:.do your scientists have better technology than this russian technology???:tdown:
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