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Talpur-Kalhora conflict and Kabul


Sep 9, 2014
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In Sindh, following the death of Ghulam Shah Kalhora in 1772, a bitter civil war broke out between the Kalhoras and Talpur, a Baloch tribe. In 1773 Timur Shah Durrani relocated the capital of the Durrani empire from Kandahar to Kabul. This put the empire's center even further from Sindh and Balochistan . But in the choas following Ghulam's death, Sindh again became the target of Afghan invasions, and tribute payments were re-instituted. The Sindhis revolted against Afghan rule in 1779, provoking yet another invasion by Afghan forces determined to collect tribute. Meanwhile the local rivals continued battling for rule of Sindh as Afghan proxies. After a decade of bloodshed, the Talpurs finally defeated the Kalhoras at the battle of Halani in 1782. The Afghan Emperor gave them firman, or Royal mandate,in 1783 to rule most of the Sindh. which they continued to do untill 1843. Five years later, with the Afghan Empire in further decline, the Talpurs stopped paying tribute. The Afghans continued trying to collect revenue by force for another 20 years.(A Brief History of Pakistan By James Wynbrandt, page-101).

In 1780. Miah Abdul Nabi Kalhora murdered Mir Bajjar Talpur and the Talpurs expelled Kalhoras from Sindh. Madad Khan, the Ishakzai chief, marched to Sindh and restored the Kalhora. The Nawab of Bahawalpur adopted a hostile attitude and sheltered the Talpur chief in his fort of Derawar. Mian Abdul Nabi ruled for six months. He murdered several of the leading Talpurs. They took the field and defeated him at Helani-Bhelani (1781). The Kalhora fled to Kabul and Talpur chief was recognized as the ruler of Sindh. Fateh Ali Khan.(The Kingdom of Afghanistan: A Historical Sketch By G.P Tate, page-91)

From A.D 1786, may be dated the accession of the Talpurs, as they were about this time confirmed in their sovereignty by Timur Shah. When the latter died, Zaman Shah Durrrani, his successor to the throne of Kabul, determined to collect in person the tribute of Sindh, which had been irregularly paid by Mirs Fateh Ali Khan , Sohrab , and Tharra, and for that purpose he advanced as far as Multan. The three chiefs fled from northern host, sent penitential excuses and promises of future punctuality, by the friendly intersession of Mir Muhammad, the Wazir, the monarch was prevailed upon to forgive the past , and the fugitives were admitted into the Royal presence. (Sindh and the Races that Inhabit the Valley of the Indus: With Notices of ... By Richard Burton, patge-24)


Ghulam Shah Kalhora, founded the city of Hyderabad in 1768

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Here's an interesting piece from the Talpur Heritage website (The Talpur Family of Sindh

With the defeat of the Kalhora forces by the Talpurs in the battle of Halani in 1783 under the command of Mir Fateh Ali Khan, Sindh came under the sway of Talpurs. Abdul Nabi Kalhora, true to his nature, did not sit idle but went to the Court of Kabul to secure the support of Taimur Shah who was more interested in procuring levy from Sindh. He ordered that Sindh be divided into two parts: one ruled by Mir Fateh Ali and the other by Abdul Nabi. He sent a huge force to have this implemented but the Baluchs under Mir Fateh Ali came out to resist the dismemberment at all costs and assembled at Rohri. When the forces of Kabul's Shah heard of the Mir’s determination, he decided to back off. The Shah then accepted Mir Fateh Ali Khan as the ruler of Sindh. He too had to pay a levy to the Kabul Court but not in the subservient way that the Kalhoras insisted on. The Kabul rulers had tasted the blades of Baluch swords and were not anxious to taste them again. Abdul Nabi continued his subversive activities till his death in the Derajat. Mir Fateh Ali, in spite of the heavy odds was able to consolidate Talpur rule in Sindh.

A little surprising to see how the Durrani Afghans backed off from intervening against the Baloch Talpurs. Sindh was also a relatively rich vassal state of the Durrani Empire at the time
The Kabul rulers had tasted the blades of Baluch swords and were not anxious to taste them again.
Thats poetic and ballad stuff, expected from a Talpur website but the fact is they continued to pay tributes to Sadozai rulers but irregularly because Kabul rulers have tons of their own problems and were mostly engaged in quelling rebellions in Punjab and skirmishes with Bokhara and Iran.

When the latter died, Zaman Shah Durrrani, his successor to the throne of Kabul, determined to collect in person the tribute of Sindh, which had been irregularly paid by Mirs Fateh Ali Khan , Sohrab , and Tharra, and for that purpose he advanced as far as Multan. The three chiefs fled from northern host, sent penitential excuses and promises of future punctuality, by the friendly intersession of Mir Muhammad, the Wazir, the monarch was prevailed upon to forgive the past , and the fugitives were admitted into the Royal presence.

After this long Sadozai and Barakzai civil war started, as well as rise of Ranjeet Singh, and invasions from Persia.......so Talpurs got away with not paying tribute and actually became independent. In 1841 Shah Shuja Durrani conquered Sindh with the help of East India Company as part of the old claim.

Sindh was also a relatively rich vassal state of the Durrani Empire at the time
Not so rich. The revenue was mostly coming from Punjab and Multan. The Sindh at that time didnt have today's irrigation system. Thats why Sadozai rulers were so fixated on recovering Punjab from Sikhs while Kalat and Sindh were left to their own.
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