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Talk of the town: Caretaker setup and Financial Emergency in progress

Their is a method in madness...

If army keep itself to it's original job and let the civilian government do their job

Everything will be fine in few years.

But instead greedy army wants civilians to sacrifice their government for a puppet technocratic setup which isn't gonna work
But instead greedy army wants civilians to sacrifice their government for a puppet technocratic setup which isn't gonna work

Greedy they are, they are so much subservient to US, practically the stooges of US, they cannot go against the coercive orders of the US.

It's now a Slave-Master relationship between Military and US/Pentagon.

The US didn't want IK, didn't want elections, and the slaves are obeying the orders.
I am fond of effective governance and productive growth, and a nationalist leadership who puts our country's interests and territorial integrity above all else.

I don't care which system brings this, but democracy is clearly not capable of that as politicians care primarily about their seats.
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. So, don't take this as if I am talking down to you but I used to think like you. So, I'll offer an advice.
What you are chasing is a red herring. The problem is not the system but the lack of accountability. It's not democracy's fault that our people are sheep. If they had the will to hold their rulers accountable then democracy is the best option as the politicians have to keep the people's interests front and center.

Who's to say an autocratic govt with no consideration for political capital, will serve the people's interest. Example, If anything, it's the very sword of accountability that's keeping our beloved fauj from imposing another martial law because even though the chances are slim, they don't want to take the risk. Otherwise, their love of ruling can't be denied.
LOL. And just what portion of the sky is that? What is unique about this episode compared to exactly similar setbacks and trials Pakistanis have not gone though so many times before? Inflation? Devaluation? High energy prices? Corruption? Economic stagnation? None of those afflictions are new, and indeed established design features (gasp!).
Like I said, it's purely academic to you. (assuming you are a sincere commentator, that is :D )

You should read your post again. In fact, let me paraphrase it here (and add some from your previous thoughts you have expressed on here).
So, what if people are having to stay hungry, go in debt, pay bills through the nose, go without power and gas in the cold, face indignity, bla bla bla. Nothing new. The sky hasn't fallen. They should be used to all that by now, being the insects that they are, instead of clamouring for more like a bunch of ingrates.

I might have missed something.
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Overseas Pakistani's should also boycott the technocratic Goveernment as well.
This is all a plan to delay elections and keep IK out.
Like I said, it's purely academic to you. (assuming you are a sincere commentator, that is :D )

You should read your post again. In fact, let me paraphrase it here (and add some from your previous thought you have expressed on here).
So, what if people are having to stay hungry, go in debt, pay bills through the nose, go without power and gas in the cold, face indignity, bla bla bla. Nothing new. The sky hasn't fallen. They should be used to all that by now, being the insects that they are, instead of clamouring for more like a bunch of ingrates.

I might have missed something.

Actually, you should read your post again. What you have (intentionally?) missed is that you seem to be more upset at me from being insulated from all the travails that are indeed a matter of routine by now, since they are indeed nothing new.

Consider this too: if the sky had indeed fallen for the people, as a certain segment of the twittertits claims endlessly, they would have actually done something about it by now. And they have not. Merely turning the other cheek for more slaps is no way to change anything. Obviously, a majority of the people remain comfortable enough to be not bothered to actually get up and effect a serious change.
Actually, you should read your post again. What you have (intentionally?) missed is that you seem to be more upset at me from being insulated from all the travails that are indeed a matter of routine by now, since they are indeed nothing new.

Consider this too: if the sky had indeed fallen for the people, as a certain segment of the twittertits claims endlessly, they would have actually done something about it by now. And they have not. Merely turning the other cheek for more slaps is no way to change anything. Obviously, a majority of the people remain comfortable enough to be not bothered to actually get up and effect a serious change.
Bhuttos dream will be fulfilled
“We will get the bomb even if we have to eat grass”
The bomb is here, eating grass part is left
Bhuttos dream will be fulfilled
“We will get the bomb even if we have to eat grass”
The bomb is here, eating grass part is left

Looks more like a prophecy by now, rather than a mere dream. I agree.
I cannot find much in your reply that I cannot agree with, since I have been accused of being a pessimist here on PDF, when all it is is being a realist. I have used the analogy of Pakistan screaming down the highway stuck in first gear so many times, it is not funny anymore. :D
We need realists to temper our idealism. What this year has shown to everyone across the political spectrum is any solutions can jot be at the expense of any of the elite groups (not specific individuals but as the French would say “Estates”). The anti-corruption drive only works if allowed to do so. the balls in their court, but the costs of the status quo are going up. We all just hope they realize it before the damage really puts us in jeopardy.


The neighboring countries seem poised to keep growing, but Pakistan looks like it will stagnate or decline if something new isn’t done soon.

I have an answer for that, albeit an incomplete one. Pakistan's perennially low savings rate, which has always been lower than 15% or thereabouts whereas most of Asia including relatively poor countries like IND and BD have kept it at close to 25-30% for over 2 decades now. What I don't have an answer to is why it should be so. Perhaps @RiazHaq or @VCheng sb or @niaz sb may have an answer. (I intend to open a new thread when I have time on that)

Good observation.

All the more reason for the elites to end elite capture and level the playing field (the elites have the most to gain from a thriving economy even if they aren’t the largest shareholders of the major companies).

Companies/industries need to be opened up for people to invest in. Money in the bank loses value through inflation, but money invested has a chance to outpace inflation. With 25-40% inflation this year in Pakistan, the alternative is selling rupees for dollars which hurts the economy further.

Pakistan being so inefficient, the grow prospects are there, we just need good management, an initial sum of capital to start the process and modern technology. Agriculture is one example.

A growing economy and strong rupee protects investors but also the common man that depends on the currency holding its value.
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Congrats!! Establishment for destroying the country and keeping your egos and beghairti intact. Hard hitting IRK talk.

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