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Talk of the town: Caretaker setup and Financial Emergency in progress

TechnoCrat governments can work for city states. They will abysmally fail in a large country like Pakistan where politics are deeply embedded and not easily extricated.
This TechnoCrat government is nothing but modern day colonialism. It will be devoid of popular support. It will operate Western policies both socially and economically. As such it will be seen as a foreign entity. It will either fail or it will require a large level of local suppression.
Like I said months ago: Welcome to Colonialism 2.0 REDUX!!!
80% of the Pak economy is undocumented under the Deep State. Let the TechnoCrat government take care of the 20% to make it tip-top.....
I actually think a care taker govt could work. But it would require a +1 formula. They would have to give IK PMship and then give him carte blanche to fix things.
No technocrat can solve the fundamental problem of Creation of Wealth: No investment has been made in human capital in generations as most of the resources have been grabbed by the military. No technocrat will have the ability to reduce military resource consumption and steer it towards education and skills development. That is Belling the Tiger.
the only solution is a popular govt with credibility and political capital. guess whose's the only guy able to form such a govt in the forseeable future?
hint: rhymes with Imran Khan
looks like Caretaker will vome and make tough decision. public will have tough time and then when thing gets right new election will call and same circus will go on
I actually think a care taker govt could work. But it would require a +1 formula. They would have to give IK PMship and then give him carte blanche to fix things.
You still think they care about the economy? The economy that sailed right thru covid and was on the mend after years before they fked it all up?

Why didn't they withdraw their efly and left this kleptocratic setup crumble under its own weight a few months back when things we started to really look bleak?
This is a ploy to deny people their vote. they are scared shitless. Even if IK, being the peacenik that he is, doesn't touch the gernails, they are afraid of the statement that his thumping win will make.
They tried every underhanded tactic under the sun and still couldn't take this guy down.

You think they'll let that happen?

looks like Caretaker will vome and make tough decision. public will have tough time and then when thing gets right new election will call and same circus will go on
and people will forget the PDM fuckeries of yore and then'll have their level playing field going into the next election. However, long it takes.

No thanks.
I actually think a care taker govt could work. But it would require a +1 formula. They would have to give IK PMship and then give him carte blanche to fix things.
imran khan should agree for someone as caretaker. He wouldnt be able to fix this economy now and will make tough decision to do so and that will make him unpopular.

You still think they care about the economy? The economy that sailed right thru covid and was on the mend after years before they fked it all up?

Why didn't they withdraw their efly and left this kleptocratic setup crumble under its own weight a few months back when things we started to really look bleak?
This is a ploy to deny people their vote. they are scared shitless. Even if IK, being the peacenik that he is, doesn't touch the gernails, they are afraid of the statement that his thumping win will make.
They tried every underhanded tactic under the sun and still couldn't take this guy down.

You think they'll let that happen?

and people will forget the PDM fuckeries of yore and then'll have their level playing field going into the next election. However, long it takes.

No thanks.
people are nothing to be honest. not sincere with the country thats why such leeches exists in our country. They already accepted NRO1 and now NRO2.

Its just not in pakistani people what it takes to be a nation just floating.
imran khan should agree for someone as caretaker. He wouldnt be able to fix this economy now and will make tough decision to do so and that will make him unpopular.

people are nothing to be honest. not sincere with the country thats why such leeches exists in our country. They already accepted NRO1 and now NRO2.

Its just not in pakistani people what it takes to be a nation just floating.
lol, you think he is fighting for re-election? typical

the guy has a one and only chance to get 2/3rd majority before this nations goes to slumber again.
and you want him to sit out because tough decision will hurt his image?

Frankly, I don't care if he isn't able to fix the economy. I don't have much hope from anyone. But, this is the best change this nation has to see these mofos held accountable. If he can enact structural reforms, make constitutional amendments, kick some a*s, it'll go a long way into
fixing the economy
If he can enact structural reforms, make constitutional amendments, kick some a*s, it'll go a long way into fixing the economy

If he can do that, he will be the true leader he wants to seen as. If only indeed.
I cannot consider that an authentic source, but I will accept that PTI does have public support. No doubt.

But how will that result in any actual economic policies that will help the situation? There is no indication of any change as a result of change of governments at this time. Same old policies will have the same old results. We have seen this cycle repeat so many times before, and this is not likely to change even now.

That is the problem.

The speed at which the diaspora pulled its money and the uptic in emigration indicates the balancing act that was going on in the previous few years, especially during Covid. With Covid hopefully being less of an issue in 2023 and oil prices perhaps coming down, there maybe an opportunity to get back to that balance with a $10-15 Billion of funds into the economy (a number based on the news that the PDM government is looking for a $13 Billion IMF loan). PTI will have to have a plan to raise that kind of funding. FDI, not loans (mostly through remittances).

That’s why both sides (PTI and Establishment) need to get serious and frankly negotiate a new arrangement. PTI has public support, it needs to use it to go around potential investors to drum up support ahead of elections, and prove their economic worth, to those weary of taking them on. It has convinced the world it has deep enough domestic and international support in the diaspora, it’s needs to spend its political capital on building an economic plan for recovery. A platform with a plan. It also needs to have the blessing of the establishment to forge a firm but constructive arrangement with Afghans. No more appeasement but a plan built on economic, that finally gets the Trans-Afghan rail routes built and the mining sector up and running.

Next it need to go through its ranks of advisors and minsters, ahead of the elections, and ask people to step aside for more capable people. Once in power, it will look bad removing people. Only keeping those that are competent or politically necessary, and bringing in the best of the best Pakistanis regardless of their background. It will also have to court liberals domestically and international to rebuild its own image and the national image, to capitalize on domestic momentum.

The establishment will have to end the elite capture and open up industries for investment. New entrepreneurial talent and investment can form joint ventures with existing companies to become more globally competitive and boost exports. New firms should also be allowed to operate on equal footing. The example of the East Asian tigers will have to be studied closely, but cutting out inefficiencies and reducing corruption (such as nepotism) should allow funds to be used where they will generate the most growth and returns.

Pakistan is so inefficient in so many ways (like water use), that just bring in good management and capital can at least let us catch up to neighboring countries.

IK will have to use a 2/3 majority to do real structural changes. He is only mortal, but a change in the political landscape will be beneficial to all political parties in the long run as well as the elite, through a thriving economy (the value of the elites property and businesses will go up as the GDP per capita increases) and a populace focused on their work and no longer as much on politics.

Besides, a caretaker/technocratic/non-democratic government, if it rules for too long will be seen as a type of undeclared martial law. The only solution is one that strengths and works within the constitution
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If he can do that, he will be the true leader he wants to seen as. If only indeed.
Sir, Keeping in mind the current political situation and public sentiment, in your POV what is the solution or best course of action for Pakistan to get on right track?
There would be no elections till previous regime is held accountable for crimes against the state and the people.

Any such election would be considered a reconciliation with the corrupt mafia and will only further detoriate the national fabric.
Seems in the next few weeks technocratic govt is coming. The economy is beyond PDM control. Shabber Zaidi is giving signals something is cooking behind the scene. A recent meeting in GHQ. Caretaker setup already discussed with PDM. PDM ready to make amendment in constitution. From 3 months to 6 months or 2 years.

This country is the experimental lab of GHQ. Technocrats is the buzzword for these idiots sitting in GHQ. They dont understand country needs political stability. They have tried to give NRO to their favorite crooks twice. But these boneheaded idiots controlling this unfortunate country dont understand a technocratic set up will fail just like their two attempts at NRO.

To accept mistake needs a character. Accept it you were wrong. Let there be elections. Let the most popular leader come to power and stop doing these experiments. You dont belong in politics. Go and fight the terrorists. You cant even do the f8cking job properly for which you get nation's respect. You havent learnt any lesson from East Pakistan fiasco because no general has been court martialled.
All of this being done to keep Imran out. Establishment is obstinate like a donkey and it has brain of donkey as well. It was obstinate to not let Mujib become PM. It did all it can to avoid Mujib from getting into power and did not back until country was ripped apart.

Now it has decided to keep Imran out. The technocrat set up will also complete the final phase of NRO where all the Sharif family and their touts will go to London with no questions asked.

Like NRO experiment twice over, this technocrat set up will also fail. The establishment dream has always been to yield actual and absolute power while technocrats run day to day affairs. Every martial law had been demonstration of this model.
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