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Talk of the town: Caretaker setup and Financial Emergency in progress

Economic stability needs political stability.

The quicker the Establishment get it, the better.

The establishment is the only and all the stability that is permissible for Pakistan.

The quicker people get it, the better.
Considering the conditions the IMF is asking of the PDM government, it will only cost them politically.

They would be smart to allow early elections to not take the blame for the hard choices that have to be made.
A technocrat government is politically unacceptable too:

Idea of installing technocrat govt for 2.5 years is a joke: Fawad


He has a good point:
Posing a hypothetical scenario, he said: “You will import a technocrat from the US and have him sit here; he will take a decision [then] there will be criticism [and] rallies against it, [after which] he will leave his shoes here and run away.”

Any decision needed to right the economy will be politically suicidal. It will also be unacceptable to the military as any good economic solution will take away resources from the military and put it to developmental use.
Idea of installing technocrat govt for 2.5 years is a joke: Fawad

Just as the idea of installing a non technocrat govt., the imported PDM imbeciles was a joke, it remains to be seen which turns out to be a bigger joke.

So there are not just jokers at the PDM, there are bigger ones at the Establishment.
Fake news being peddled by lafafa journalists to scare Khan into negotiations.

Technocrat government means, establishment openly stands in front of the public. If that happens, PDM and its goons will do everything to put their failures completely on establishment. This scare tactic won’t work.
@ 7:10
Habib Arkam says establishment is not behind the prolonged technocrat government idea. It's PDM.

Habib Akram also says @ 8:00 that Bajwa was planning to topple IK govt since 2019 but relented due to COVID [probably he thought COVID will auto damage IK repute. On same lines, via ISPR making a full lockdown announcement, Bajwa tried to defy IK's partial lockdown plan]

and that @ 7:00 between Bajwa & IK, he believes IK is telling the truth not Bajwa.

Seems in the next few weeks technocratic govt is coming. The economy is beyond PDM control. Shabber Zaidi is giving signals something is cooking behind the scene.

Faisal Javed also seems very confident with repeatedly mentioning March since Dec 3rd ?


. . . to phir N league ko kis nay kaha tha hakoomat main anay ko? . . .
You'll soon see PDM turn all their guns towards establishment too, will start blaming them for all their failures.
PDM will declare themselves "سیاسی شہید".
"ہمیں کام نہیں کرنے دیا گیا" will be their slogan in election campaigns.

A few of PDM members have already been blaming estl for giving them the govt, as if they were such a child who didn't know what they were getting into.
This will intensify once elections care take govt is announced.

. . . It is an ego issue at play here . . .
Ego, and someone said that ingrained belief that only they have the solution to every problem. While others are low IQ gullible.
Same ingrained belief also has ramifications like they will decide what foreign policy of country should be. To side with Russia China or to obey US, etc.

And a misconception that they represent people's will. Which infact is represented through elected representatives.


Turks still call IK as PM
Russians still consider IK the PM [MoFA tagged IK's team despite it being a PDM govt]
See who's tagged in following official tweet on 1-May.

Chinese still consider IK the PM [invited Mehmood Qureshi despite it being PDM govt]


While Bajwa & PDM kept coming empty handed from IMF & from Saudia UAE Turkey's multiple visits, despite him bragging before ex-comrades that it was actually his charisma that impressed lenders :lol:
Below, Najam Sethi begging Bajwa to not listen to retired military officers :lol:
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Fake news being peddled by lafafa journalists to scare Khan into negotiations.

Technocrat government means, establishment openly stands in front of the public. If that happens, PDM and its goons will do everything to put their failures completely on establishment. This scare tactic won’t work.

You mean that Mir Hafiz is also on the path of Harrami-Pun?
Had IK allowed to complete his term, I believe he still would have won.

The fact that IK was not pumping money into media in the form of ads and subsidies, the media was exclusively posting crap about PTI. But that could be an argument for another day.

My take is, the Establishment is adamant and want IK out of the picture. They’ve been at the forefront and pulling the strings all along. How dare, a lowly cricketer/adulterer/(add your adjectives) come and challenge our authority. On top of it, the establishment thinks IK has played a big part in stripping them naked.

It is an ego issue at play here. Nothing rationale about it, post Bajwa. I still think Establishment will have their way, but they’d come out of this damaged and deflowered. No holy cow status anymore.

Caretaker, normally do not have the political capital to achieve anything. They’d get loans approved from IMF, rollover some loans, but the deep structural changes required, will not be done. Hope they don’t go this route.
So who will make the hard choices that need to be made without paying for it politically?

A new government that comes in with an actual mandate and an understanding from the public that they implant the hard reforms but will win back investor and lender confidence to grow the economy, making it possibly for the nation to recover.
A new government that comes in with an actual mandate and an understanding from the public that they implant the hard reforms but will win back investor and lender confidence to grow the economy, making it possibly for the nation to recover.

How does a manufactured mandate help implement effective policies to deliver the hard reforms needed? I would say that it does not.
The main point-of-sale of the technocrat govt. will be they can negotiate with the IMF on new tariff or taxes on petrol, diesel, electricity, gas, others and implement it as there is no electorate or political affinity with them to loose or gain.

And deal with IMF for a new tranche of loan and roll over of older loans. As all the financial dealing with other lenders like ADB, WB, other fin. institutes, China, Saudia are pegged against an approval by the IMF and going into the IMF program.

Comes with caveat. In the longer run this would be another disaster.
Technocratic won’t work because many people will not see it as democratic. The educated workforce will still leave and the diaspora will not feel motivated to invest. The PDM government wants the US via the IMF to loan the country $13 Billion. It’s still a loan. A democratically elected government seen as legitimate by most of the diaspora will increase remittances and attract foreign investors looking for a bargain considering how much ground the country has lost this year.

Betting on loans will just kick the can down the road, more of the people need to invest (not lend) money into the country.

How does a manufactured mandate help implement effective policies to deliver the hard reforms needed? I would say that it does not.

This report, if true, suggests PTI has a mandate in waiting

Looks like the Pak Deep Stste is taking the direct control. Hopefully, it'll bode well for Pak as they "collect" funds from various sources and fix the finances. Let IK wait for some time since the Boss feels very insecured nowadays due to the Sino-Russian axis....
TechnoCrat governments can work for city states. They will abysmally fail in a large country like Pakistan where politics are deeply embedded and not easily extricated.
This TechnoCrat government is nothing but modern day colonialism. It will be devoid of popular support. It will operate Western policies both socially and economically. As such it will be seen as a foreign entity. It will either fail or it will require a large level of local suppression.
Like I said months ago: Welcome to Colonialism 2.0 REDUX!!!
This report, if true, suggests PTI has a mandate in waiting

I cannot consider that an authentic source, but I will accept that PTI does have public support. No doubt.

But how will that result in any actual economic policies that will help the situation? There is no indication of any change as a result of change of governments at this time. Same old policies will have the same old results. We have seen this cycle repeat so many times before, and this is not likely to change even now.

That is the problem.
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