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Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive

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All i have to say is bring on the pain! It's time this PETN wearing, Plunger Switch toting, yellow bellied munafiq's get what's coming to them... God willing we will give them one hell of a thrashing!
If they think hiding in a cave from Pakistan Army will be count as winning then they are already winning many battles.
Should not take more than a week to capture Waziristan.
Kill 'em ALL
These Idiots don't deserve any Mercy, Form SS death Squads for these people, Those who surrender execute them Publicly, this is indeed the biggest test of Pak after '71, We need to win this battle for our survival..

We should admit the reality , talaban are more expeienced in gurrilla war .
Afghan talaban leaders also announced to help mehsud militants, after 71 this is real test for PA.

ISAF could not defeat them in eight years how PA can defeat them in eight weeks , it will be a miracle

Last I checked they got their @ss whopped in Swat by the Army. The other pussies who ran away and are hiding in the r@t-holes in Waziristan are too afraid to come face-face with real soldiers. Remember, we are not the US Army. We know the land & the enemy very well and will soon rid Waziristan of this TTP r@t infestation one way or the other.

And please, stop being a certifiable IDIOT with zero knowledge of tactical and the art of warfare when you refer to this being a 'mother of all battles' for the Army because it pretty obvious from your fundo posts on which side you are on and what you support & stand for!
I think the title of the thread should be"Taliban vow to save their a$$ from being Annihilated by Pak Army"
Should not take more than a week to capture Waziristan.

It is not just to capture Waziristan. I personally think "Capture" is not appropraite word for it is used for lands that belong to other countries. Waziristan is Pakistan's, and this operation is to destroy the terorism, rebellion and foreign interuption.

It is not just to capture Waziristan but to keep it clear for future. I personally think that after clearing Waziristan from these bloody terrorists we must establish a strong army base there.

Victory is been written in Pakistan Army's credit.

KIT Over :pakistan:
The term capture or conquer is not right to use here its Pakistans terrain..! This is a cleanup operation against terrorists
well said , its a clean up operation after exterminating the vermin that have infested waziristan , life can continue there is nothing to 'conquer' here
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Taliban cannot get success in their mission.
Send the entire corps and finish them once and for all . But it won't end until unless pak clears all the terrorist organisations as they all will join their hands behind you back . To hit pakistanis
Taliban cannot get success in their mission.

This thread is from 2009.

We've routed them now from their natural stronghold, the ones that didn't run were killed, the ones that didn't make it the run to Afghanistan were run down once again.

We'll win this war, it's only a matter of time and making it an efficient job.
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