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Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

Congratulations to your Idiot Home minister... He managed to insult India and Indians around the world.

When a county home minister manage to says 80% of countries populations (800 million people) and peace loving religion like Hindu --- Terrorist. What else u can expect!!!

Somehow, it looks like --- he is connected to these extremist groups operating out side India and doing them favor by making unnecessary talk and legitimizing them.

Cheers to ur Home Minister, if a minister from German or Israel Cabinet says something like against their nations. They would have been sent to jail by now.

there are some fools among us who continue to support this retard (home minister). Democracy was never suited to India, we had to follow china 's model, not that there is something wrong with democracy, those who brought freedom to this country were really great, but those came to power in later stages never gave a SH!T for what this country would become, and they used every opportunity to usurp the power, and went to all lows to do this, and the prime example for this is the statement by this retard who continues to hold office as home minister.
You know that the taliban is guerellia force fighting on own soil=????

You really think that its gonna invade India?
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about

ofcourse not invade india as thats not required its just to kick black indian ***** out of occupied kashmir and that they can do very easily considering coward soldiers you have ...
Congratulations to your Idiot Home minister... He managed to insult India and Indians around the world. When a county home minister manage to says 80% of countries populations (800 million people) and peace loving religion like Hindu --- Terrorist. What else u can expect!!! Somehow, it looks like --- he is connected to these extremist groups operating out side India and doing them favor by making unnecessary talk and legitimizing them. Cheers to ur Home Minister, if a minister from German or Israel Cabinet says something like against their nations. They would have been sent to jail by now.
Buddy, unfortunately people will vote for his party again. :hitwall:
Neither his party's President or Vice President haven't issued apology. Other leaders are now trying to suppress this issue. But damage has been done. Worst is the Prime Minister is still silent. :D
there are some fools among us who continue to support this retard (home minister)

ofcourse there r some who prefers justice and truth but unfortunately they are very less and most of indians are corrupt like you

Buddy, unfortunately people will vote for his party again. :hitwall:
Neither his party's President or Vice President haven't issued apology. Other leaders are now trying to suppress this issue. But damage has been done. Worst is the Prime Minister is still silent. :D

why should they apologize what they said was based on facts and years of investigation?????are yu mad?

Congratulations to your Idiot Home minister... He managed to insult India and Indians around the world.

When a county home minister manage to says 80% of countries populations (800 million people) and peace loving religion like Hindu --- Terrorist. What else u can expect!!!

Somehow, it looks like --- he is connected to these extremist groups operating out side India and doing them favor by making unnecessary talk and legitimizing them.

Cheers to ur Home Minister, if a minister from German or Israel Cabinet says something like against their nations. They would have been sent to jail by now.

The both flags you represent reflects your thought process and the level to which yu have already been brainwashed..away from reality and suffering of common man and just a mere pawn in the agenda of new world orders followers but they are gonna suck each drop of yr blood n will leave yu to burn in hell for eternity..Dumb ***
Buddy, unfortunately people will vote for his party again. :hitwall:
Neither his party's President or Vice President haven't issued apology. Other leaders are now trying to suppress this issue. But damage has been done. Worst is the Prime Minister is still silent. :D

NOPE, never gonna happen, just wait for tonight, India Today group will come out with the "Mood of the Nation" survey, this was there 2012 link:

India Today Mood of the Nation poll 2012: NDA strides past UPA - | Photo1 | India Today |

Surely, they aren't doing any better now.
It is now more than certain that BJP will emerge as the single largest party.

Congress is just doing what it is best at POLARIZING the Indian people, but they forgot that it is no longer 20th century when Indian people were illiterate & were tempted by these sort of comments, actually they have done more damage to there image & more popularity to BJP/RSS, as i always say BAD publicity is not always BAD.

P.S. Sometimes I think RIGHT is more RIGHT :D
ofcourse there r some who prefers justice and truth but unfortunately they are very less and most of indians are corrupt like youwhy should they apologize what they said was based on facts and years of investigation?????are yu mad?The both flags you represent reflects your thought process and the level to which yu have already been brainwashed..away from reality and suffering of common man and just a mere pawn in the agenda of new world orders followers but they are gonna suck each drop of yr blood n will leave yu to burn in hell for eternity..Dumb ***
You do realize that he hasn't given any proof whatsoever that implicate involvement of BJP and RSS in running any sort of training camp.

All he has is 10 people who had links with RSS at one time or other. And do you even know anything about RSS. They wear white shirt, khaki short and in name of weapon they have one Danda (bamboo stick).

His own party is now trying to do damage control on this ludicrous remark.

But as usual, I am asking a Pakistani who ignore obvious case of Political stunt just after National Meet for Coming National Election in 2014 and takes his word on face value.

You don't know a damn thing. So kindly keep your personal attacks to yourself.
ofcourse there r some who prefers justice and truth but unfortunately they are very less and most of indians are corrupt like you

why should they apologize what they said was based on facts and years of investigation?????are yu mad?

The both flags you represent reflects your thought process and the level to which yu have already been brainwashed..away from reality and suffering of common man and just a mere pawn in the agenda of new world orders followers but they are gonna suck each drop of yr blood n will leave yu to burn in hell for eternity..Dumb ***

What is wrong with Israel and Germany?
*Pls stick to the topic and don't make nonsense comment.
Please someone pay attention to these guys. These TTP guys are acting like one of those kids standing in the corner of a school ground yearning for others to take them in the team. Desperate measures at desperate times :lol:

PESHAWAR: Taliban have said the UN bodies and the United States should stop the “BJP-sponsored state terrorism in Kashmir,” otherwise the TTP has the ability to strike inside Indian-administered Kashmir.

Speaking to Dawn.Com on Wednesday, the Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said that the Indian Home Minister’s statement regarding BJP-backed terrors camps is an open confession that Hindu extremists are being patronized under the state’s authority for killing innocent Kashmiri Muslims.

“The US and UN should also order drone strikes and coalition troops invasion, to target these terror camps, which are mentioned by the Indian minister of fanning Hindu terrorism,” said Ehsan.

“If the US and the UN could not take care of the state-sponsored-terrorism in Kashmir and the BJP/RSS terrorism against Muslims in India, then TTP has the ability to strike and take care of it.”

Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde had accused the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its ideological mentor the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) on Sunday of promoting Hindu terrorism, which in turn was responsible for the fatal bombings of the Samjhauta Express among other Muslim targets.

To a query, Ehsan declared the present jihad in Indian-administered Kashmir as “merely a drama” and talked about a “practical jihad” for freedom of the Kashmiri Muslims.

About launching attacks on the BJB and RSS terror camps, the spokesman said, “Soon everyone will realise how much ability they (TTP) have and how they are going to strike both, Indian state terrorism centers and the Hindu terrorists organisations.”

Kuch bhi bolte hai yeh log.... isis liye kehte hain... madarsa main nahi padho... lekin mante hi nahi....
Please someone pay attention to these guys. These TTP guys are acting like one of those kids standing in the corner of a school ground yearning for others to take them in the team. Desperate measures at desperate times :lol:
Well they are expendable mercenaries for some people. :D

These words may bring them more support as 2014 is closing in. :enjoy:
You do realize that he hasn't given any proof whatsoever that implicate involvement of BJP and RSS in running any sort of training camp.

All he has is 10 people who had links with RSS at one time or other. And do you even know anything about RSS. They wear white shirt, khaki short and in name of weapon they have one Danda (bamboo stick).

His own party is now trying to do damage control on this ludicrous remark.

But as usual, I am asking a Pakistani who ignore obvious case of Political stunt just after National Meet for Coming National Election in 2014 and takes his word on face value.

You don't know a damn thing. So kindly keep your personal attacks to yourself.

As for their white flags , here are a few things from wikipedia regarding your beloved RSS.

It was banned three times by the independent Government of India — first in 1948 when Nathuram Godse, a former member[13] who left RSS, assassinated Mahatma Gandhi;[8][14][15] then during emergency (1975–1978); and after the Demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992. Human Rights Watch says that the RSS has plotted to uproot the Muslim population in India, and that during the 2002 Gujarat violence, "the RSS circulated computerized lists of Muslim homes and businesses to be targeted by the mobs in advance"

Human Rights Watch, a non-governmental organisation for human rights, has claimed that the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council, VHP), the Bajrang Dal, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the BJP have been party to the violence that erupted after 56 Hindus were burnt alive in a coach of Sabarmati Express train at Godhra station.[citation needed] Local VHP, BJP and BD leaders have been named in many police reports filed by eyewitnesses.[120] Contrary to the accusations made by Human Rights Watch, RSS and VHP claimed that they made appeals to put an end to the violence and to have asked their supporters and volunteer staff to prevent any activity that might disrupt peace.[121]
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You people are so dumb that cant understand if india is together today its coz congress was in power mostly in last 6 decades otherwise owing to extremist agenda of BJP,RSS and bajrang dal the 2002 riots of gujrat would have been a common thing leading to division of india into may be dozen of independent states but i m pretty sure instead of learning something from these facts you will again comeup with yr stupid n stubborn replies the only thing indians are good at bt for how long yu people would be able to call black white???

LK advani who was the front runner in demolition of babri mosque has been elevated to top ranks in BJP ,isnt that enough to show how much respect BJP has for the feelings of minorities???
why should they apologize what they said was based on facts and years of investigation?????are yu mad?


What made him say this in a function of his political party??why not in a official press note or advisory ?

Why didn't he ban the BJP or dissolve its state governments which are ruling in 33 % of india ?

why did he BACKTRACKED that he was just saying that from some newspaper report ??:woot:

This is PURE POLITICAL DRAMA of congress to get M votes and detract from its failures in governance .
@Albatross Congress was in the govt.that created Bangladesh. In their rule, BLA attacked more.

You should rather pray Congress don't come again in power.

And as an advice, never quote Wikipedia.
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You people are so dumb that cant understand if india is together today its coz congress was in power mostly in last 6 decades

BOGUS , congress lost to china and even let tibbet go away .congress went onto dictatorship and finished democracy in 1975 emergency .

congress after 1969 congress breakup is just a NEHRU GANDHI CO PVT LTD.

otherwise owing to extremist agenda of BJP,RSS and bajrang dal the 2002 riots of gujrat would have been a common thing

1969 GUJRAT RIOTS - goverment congress , killed 5000+
1985 Gujrat riots- Govement congress
1984 sikh masscre - 3000 killed in delhi alone , govement congress
1992 Bombay riots - goverment congress
1989 bhagalpur riots 1000 killed - congress

you can check more

List of riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now who is communal ?

leading to division of india into may be dozen of independent states but i m pretty sure instead of learning something from these facts you will again comeup with yr stupid n stubborn replies the only thing indians are good at bt for how long yu people would be able to call black white???

only division of india happend when some hindu hating people went on killing for their new state . their head allowed killing of 10k hindus in noakhali .
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I'am not saying BJP is some apostle of so called god , BOTH BJP and congress used communal sentiments of people to gain votes, the only difference is that congress did it earlier so no media scrutiny , BJP did it later so huge media negative hype .
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