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Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

Good comparative analysis. The thing is that Congress is better at marketing themselves.


BOGUS , congress lost to china and even let tibbet go away .congress went onto dictatorship and finished democracy in 1975 emergency .

congress after 1969 congress breakup is just a NEHRU GANDHI CO PVT LTD.

1969 GUJRAT RIOTS - goverment congress , killed 5000+
1985 Gujrat riots- Govement congress
1984 sikh masscre - 3000 killed in delhi alone , govement congress
1992 Bombay riots - goverment congress
1989 bhagalpur riots 1000 killed - congress

you can check more

List of riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now who is communal ?

only division of india happend when some hindu hating people whent on killing for their new state . their head allowed killing of 10k hindus in noakhali .
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post in stupid and funny section.

But one thing for sure these talibans will get more recruitments just by naming India or its right wing party.

And yeah shame on congress for giving such statements damaging image of India worldover.

BOGUS , congress lost to china and even let tibbet go away .congress went onto dictatorship and finished democracy in 1975 emergency .

1969 GUJRAT RIOTS - goverment congress , killed 5000+
1985 Gujrat riots- Govement congress
1984 sikh masscre - 3000 killed in delhi alone , govement congress
1992 Bombay riots - goverment congress
1989 bhagalpur riots 1000 killed - congress

you can check more

List of riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now who is communal ?

only division of india happend when some hindu hating people whent on killing for their new state . their head allowed killing of 10k hindus in noakhali .

If congress is in govt n something happens because of extremist views of RSS and BJP supporters yu cant blame it on them yes the number yu mentioned would have increased manyfolds had there been a BJP govt at those times...

The way you avoided any mention of independent views of wikipedia on RSS clearly reflects how much biased you are and blind in your judgement regarding whats right n whats wrong...If things keep going like this and maniacs like modi keeps winning india's division isnt that far and nobody would be able to save you from talibans...

here is something to open yr eyes unless yu havnt binded them with the sp**** of modi

What about the women raped in Modi
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I'am not saying BJP is some apostle of so called god , BOTH BJP and congress used communal sentiments of people to gain votes, the only difference is that congress did it earlier so no media scrutiny , BJP did it later so huge media negative hype .
Good the 1st sensible post but i guess yu should admit then that still the BJP is more extremist than congress though nobody is infact purely angel...As bajran dal and RSS are more close to BJP so they obviously are more criticized bu neutral analysts..
@ thread why india cant hold referendum in occupied kashmir as per UN resolution to finish all this drama for once and all and share good trade not only with PAK but also with iran and CAR's via Pak???..
if kashmiries decide to be with india we wont object but let them decide..
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well i would say that both countries should work together to root out all kinds of terrorist activities from there lands ...
terrorism doesn't only mean suicide blasts or raids .... it also include wrong use of media or literature etc ...
and above all issue of KASHMIR should be resolved according to the wishes of KASHMIRI people ...... both countries need to shun ego , so that peacefully end is according to the wishes of Kashmiri people ... and after that that no interference in internal matters until any dire need , in that case too it should be through proper channel ....
If congress is in govt n something happens because of extremist views of RSS and BJP supporters yu cant blame it on them yeh the number yu mentioned would have increased manyfolds had there been a BJP at those times...

Even if you say OFFICIAL figure of gujrat riots were X3 less than the original one, EVEN then its 3000 , Which is DEFINITELY less than 1969 GR or EVEN DELHI Massacre.

Regarding communal views and stance : these are all political dramas , congress fought 1984 elections on SIKH HATRED they published advertisement of sikh man driving and wrote "do you want a terrorist as your driver ".

The way you avoided any mention of independent views of wikipedia on RSS clearly reflects how much biased you are and blind in your judgement regarding whats right n whats wrong...If things keep going like this and maniacs like modi keeps winning india's division isnt that far and nobody would be able to save you from talibans...

1.RSS is fundamentalist but not that fundamental to run terrorist camps .

2.Leave division or such things to south block they can handle it quiet well :cheesy:

here is something to open yr eyes unless yu havnt binded them with the sp**** of modi

Women are Raped in EVERY RIOT from 1700 to 2012 ,Nothing new .
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Good the 1st sensible post but i guess yu should admit then that still the BJP is more extremist than congress though nobody is infact purely angel...As bajran dal and RSS are more close to BJP so they obviously are more criticized bu neutral analysts..
@ thread why india cant hold referendum in occupied kashmir as per UN resolution to finish all this drama for once and all and share good trade not only with PAK but also with iran and CAR's via Pak???..
if kashmiries decide to be with india we wont object but let them decide..

First Pakistan needs to vacate Pak occupied Kashmir, then we will think of plebiscite
well i would say that both countries should work together to root out all kinds of terrorist activities from there lands ...
terrorism doesn't only mean suicide blasts or raids .... it also include wrong use of media or literature etc ...
and above all issue of KASHMIR should be resolved according to the wishes of KASHMIRI people ...... both countries need to shun ego , so that peacefully end is according to the wishes of Kashmiri people ... and after that that no interference in internal matters until any dire need , in that case too it should be through proper channel ....

It was Nehru who suggested both parties should take the opinion of Kashmiri people. Pakistan rejected idea that time. Due the fear she would lose in it So now the bus is gone. Blame the founder's of your nation for not agreeing on that.
HAHAHA We dont fear terrorists, they will just get shot, one after the other and we will keep on living our normal life.

Forgiving the terrorists should be left to GOD, but fixing their appointment with GOD is our responsibility - Indian Army motto
Good the 1st sensible post but i guess yu should admit then that still the BJP is more extremist than congress though nobody is infact purely angel...As bajran dal and RSS are more close to BJP so they obviously are more criticized bu neutral analysts..
@ thread why india cant hold referendum in occupied kashmir as per UN resolution to finish all this drama for once and all and share good trade not only with PAK but also with iran and CAR's via Pak???..
if kashmiries decide to be with india we wont object but let them decide..

You PAkistanis need to read this UN resolution couple of time before bringing Kashmir into discussions....

U.N.Resolution on J&K August 13, 1948

Its Paistan's responsibility to move back first and then only India would be required to do anything like a Plebiscite.

Good the 1st sensible post but i guess yu should admit then that still the BJP is more extremist than congress though nobody is infact purely angel...As bajran dal and RSS are more close to BJP so they obviously are more criticized bu neutral analysts..

NOP ...... media guys are as human as us and they favor the one in GOV .

let BJP come back and they will starting claiming BJP as sooopa dooopa good :lol:

@ thread why india cant hold referendum in occupied kashmir as per UN resolution to finish all this drama for once and all and share good trade not only with PAK but also with iran and CAR's via Pak???..
if kashmiries decide to be with india we wont object but let them decide..

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and
Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes
of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the Stat
It was Nehru who suggested both parties should take the opinion of Kashmiri people. Pakistan rejected idea that time. Due the fear she would lose in it So now the bus is gone. Blame the founder's of your nation for not agreeing on that.

Kashmir is 90% muslim populated area and was even in 47 so there was no question of askin their opinion as the division was based on religion..Did we ask delhi where it wanted to go??? Any ways gandhi being the licker of viceroy's wife(sorry for being crude but im honestThe shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online ) used his dirty relations to do injustice with Pak regarding kashmir and calcutta as both were muslim dominated areas...

what yu guys are afraid of why not go for the opinion of kashmiries coz deep inside yu know they are gonna kick yr a**** out of kashmir after what yu guys have done with them in last 6 decades...Do you know kashmir population is 90 lacs and excluding women and children there might be around 30 lacs adult males and yu have an active 7 lacs armythere...means for every four unarmed men there is one trained soldier fully equipped killing,torturing men and raping their women and then yu blame us for their aggression against hindus and their army...how blind can one be?????
You PAkistanis need to read this UN resolution couple of time before bringing Kashmir into discussions....

U.N.Resolution on J&K August 13, 1948

Its Paistan's responsibility to move back first and then only India would be required to do anything like a Plebiscite.

The UN resolution says since Maharaja the defacto ruler of Kashmir invited India, Pakistan need to vacate whole of Kashmir and India will station few troops. Other reason is Pakistani invaders caused to many atrocities in Baramulla, there was widespread anger against Pakistan. Because of these two reasons Pakistan never pushed for following UN resolution on Kashmir
Kashmir is 90% muslim populated area and was even in 47 so there was no question of askin their opinion as the division was based on religion..Did we ask delhi where it wanted to go??? Any ways gandhi being the licker of viceroy's wife(sorry for being crude but im honestThe shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online ) used his dirty relations to do injustice with Pak regarding kashmir and calcutta as both were muslim dominated areas...

what yu guys are afraid of why not go for the opinion of kashmiries coz deep inside yu know they are gonna kick yr a**** out of kashmir after what yu guys have done with them in last 6 decades...Do you know kashmir population is 90 lacs and excluding women and children there might be around 30 lacs adult males and yu have an active 7 lacs armythere...means for every four unarmed men there is one trained soldier fully equipped killing,torturing men and raping their women and then yu blame us for their aggression against hindus and their army...how blind can one be?????

Because of Gandhi you got Pakistan...otherwise there would have been no Pakistan....
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