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Taliban uses children as young as nine as suicide bombers in Afghanistan

US and West wants guddafi to be held accountable for killings in Libya's social uprising that turned into civil war. WHO in the West will be held accountble for killing children and innocent civilians in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq? Woh will be held acountable for reducing Afghanistan into a war camp and an opium growing economy in the last 10 - 11 years? Being aggressor and occupier, does US/NATO have any moral authority to preach freedom and democracy to any country in the world when it has a record of war crimes?
The UN & other agencies have also under-reported the deaths in Afghanistan, & use the term "'suspected' militants" to indicate that in almost probability, civilians were killed by drone strikes inside Pakistan. The pictures of the dead bodies of the women & children, & all the regular civilians in this war killed by the US & NATO forces would make Americans shudder.
Taliban has chidlren soldiers?

Maybe they love children and maybe they find children are so happy they take the drudgery and tension of life.
Taliban are not human so you can expect anything from them.
but the reason why people let their children join Taliban is poverty.US has spent 100s of billion in Afghanistan on military and war if they had spent even a quater of this money for the social development of Afghan people then situation would have been different.
Taliban give justification that US has killed children and women so using children against US is lawful.
Taliban are not human so you can expect anything from them.
but the reason why people let their children join Taliban is poverty.US has spent 100s of billion in Afghanistan on military and war if they had spent even a quater of this money for the social development of Afghan people then situation would have been different.
Taliban give justification that US has killed children and women so using children against US is lawful.

India is heavily involved in social and infrastructural development of Afghans, but I don't see pakistani members supporting it.
double standards?
India is heavily involved in social and infrastructural development of Afghans, but I don't see pakistani members supporting it.
double standards?

India has total projects cost of 1.5 bn $.0.5 bn $ recentaly pledged.Pakistan too has provided help to Afghanistan although not much but was best of our efforts.
Afghanistan needs many times bigger than these investments which Pak or India cant provide.US and EU willhave to come forward.
US spends 100s of billion for its military but hesitates on investing in social projects.
Taliban has chidlren soldiers?

Maybe they love children and maybe they find children are so happy they take the drudgery and tension of life.

No, they are physically children but their mental capacity is not like your kids who play with toys, go to school, play out with other children, watch movies / cartoons, buy chocolates etc etc.

Since their birth, They have just seen the War and their mom, dad, brothers, sisters blood shedding out and being killed in painful.

The whole thing might be fun for you but it is true picture of their life.
India is heavily involved in social and infrastructural development of Afghans, but I don't see pakistani members supporting it.
double standards?

Why do we support when we actually know the reason of indian presence there. Charity begins at home, a country doing infrstuctural devp. For another county when its own millions of people sleeps on footpaths? If this double standards for u, then u have lost its meanings.
Taliban are not human so you can expect anything from them.
but the reason why people let their children join Taliban is poverty.US has spent 100s of billion in Afghanistan on military and war if they had spent even a quater of this money for the social development of Afghan people then situation would have been different.
Taliban give justification that US has killed children and women so using children against US is lawful.

Dear “Pioneerfirst”:

Desperate times call for desperate measures as it’s been the case with the Taliban! Failing propagandas and losing territory has long pushed them over the brink of desperation. Should we be really amazed that they have scooped to the level of using children as suicide bombers, when they have already targeted Mosques, Shrines and even used women as suicide bombers? Dear readers, do we not see that the insanity of these crimes reveals the terrorist’s ideology of hated and evil doing?

YouTube - USDotUrdu's Channel

Did we not just witness the murder of over 80 paramilitary officers in response to UBL’s death? Do you really believe people are walking around with love and support in their heart for the Taliban, when they continue to plot against democracy and prey upon innocent to achieve their motives? For your information, the US alone has spent more than $50 billion in reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. Our long term commitment to the region ensures suppression faced by the people of Afghanistan under the Taliban regime will not be repeated, and we are providing Afghans with all the tools to further enhance their progression towards self sufficiency. Here you can read about the 5 million dollar project aimed at rebuilding damaged roads in Nangarhar.

Soldiers Rebuild Damaged Roads in Nangarhar | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

In fact here you can read about a program that gives Afghan a reason to refuse Taliban and promotes relations between the US and locals.

U.S. Central Command | US persuades Afghans to put down weapons, pick up shovels

Here you can read about an Afghan citizen informing Afghan National Security Forces that a tractor and trailer passing through Sayad Abad District in Wardak Province was filled with bomb-making materials.

Local Citizen Alerts ANSF About Explosives Filled Trailer, ANP Confiscates Material | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

Should we not view this as Afghans showing faith in our efforts and leadership in the region?

Here you can read about Afghans learning to build a better future through vocational education.

Afghans Learn to Build a Better Future Through Vocational Education | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

Would all this be possible without any financial assistance from the US? Do you see how we are laying the foundation and helping a nation rebuild so people of Afghanistan can independently strive towards freedom and prosperity and democracy? We are in the region to uproot terrorism and eliminate the Taliban and Al Qaida menace once and for all so this terror is stopped and children are no longer targeted. Don’t we agree; the sooner this menace is controlled the faster this world will come closer to peace?

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
India is heavily involved in social and infrastructural development of Afghans, but I don't see pakistani members supporting it.
double standards?

Pakistan has also given Afghanistan $500 million for development projects.
Pakistan has also given Afghanistan $500 million for development projects.

Ok, for a change, I appreciate pakistani efforts of giving $500mn to afganistan for development projects. Now, in return, will you, for once, appreciate Indian efforts in afganistan too? I am waiting for ur kind reply.
Ok, for a change, I appreciate pakistani efforts of giving $500mn to afganistan for development projects. Now, in return, will you, for once, appreciate Indian efforts in afganistan too? I am waiting for ur kind reply.

there is a difference, the pakistani aid is being utilized for afghan devp. whereas major part of indian aid is spent on development of indian consulates, and will be utilized by afghanis when indian will leave Afghanistan. So, we will appreciate even thank you when that is actually used by afghanis.
how come Paksitani give aid to Afghanistan when pakistani themselves are living on the aid of USA... any source??

Let me tell you with an example: Suppose they got 1Bn $ from US and out of which they forwarded 500Mn$ to afghanis. The source is US aid.
there is a difference, the pakistani aid is being utilized for afghan devp. whereas major part of indian aid is spent on development of indian consulates, and will be utilized by afghanis when indian will leave Afghanistan. So, we will appreciate even thank you when that is actually used by afghanis.

Never mind, u can never appreciate anything even remotely associated with india. So the 6 new dams that India is about to build in afganistan are actually Indian consulates, and so are the roads, hospitals & schools.
Never mind, u can never appreciate anything even remotely associated with india. So the 6 new dams that India is about to build in afganistan are actually Indian consulates, and so are the roads, hospitals & schools.

Wow wow, we know the intentions behind that, flow of water in Indus, Jehlum and Chenab rivers has already been restricted by indians bcaz of hydropower projects built on these rivers, Now came up with a plan to build hydropower projects on the Kabul River in Afghanistan, another restriction on Pakistan.
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