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Taliban to follow Iran model, appoint Supreme Leader as highest authority: Report

I thought the rules were changed in China and Xi Jinping was elected for life voiding the 10 year term limit?
If Xi succeeds in amending the Constitution and extending the legal retirement age by 5 years, he can serve as general secretary of the CCP for 15 years.
But this will leave his successor Hu Chunhua with only a five-year term.

Maybe the CCP will change its successor and choose younger people. But this is too unfair to Hu Chunhua. Wait until the autumn of 2022, and these puzzles will be answered. The twentieth National Congress of the CCP will be held in 2022. Xi Jinping's successor will become the Standing Committee of the Politburo and Party School President.
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I expect them to meet with US officials. US is the only thing that matters to them diplomatically. If US recognize them then everyone will (under US orders).
I expect them to meet with US officials. US is the only thing that matters to them diplomatically. If US recognize them then everyone will (under US orders).
I can see why.

Taliban demand US diplomats return to Kabul

Taliban officials “expect” President Joe Biden to reopen the U.S. Embassy in Kabul despite U.S. insistence that future diplomatic relations will depend on Taliban behavior.

“America should have only a diplomatic presence in Kabul,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday, per an Afghan media outlet. “We have communication channels with them, and we expect them to reopen their embassy in Kabul, and we also want to have trade relations with them.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken hopes that the Taliban will be induced to allow safe passage for Americans still in the country and curtail their abuses of human rights, but the administration maintains that it is not taking the militants' promises at face value. The withdrawal and relocation of American diplomats from Kabul to Qatar, the Gulf Arab state that also hosts the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command forces who orchestrated the evacuation from the Kabul airport, was offered as the most visible sign of that distrust.
I expect them to meet with US officials. US is the only thing that matters to them diplomatically. If US recognize them then everyone will (under US orders).
Stop describing his wet dream in public.
Taliban demand US diplomats return to Kabul
Not a good decision to invite mother of color revolutions to your land. USA militarily could be defeated but in making sedition they are undisputed. The moment they enter Afghanistan, they will go for revenge.
Britain have Queen
PM always keep her in loop and take advice from her , she has a veto power as well on any thing passed by Parliament or gov but she had never used it once
Reasons might be that she is involved in all decision making through PM

so Afghans if find this method suits them then no harm in trying
I wish we followed the Irani model of a Republic or made our own. Instead we copied our British masters and that's why our political system is a mess :(
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