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Taliban threaten to attack Imran’s anti-drone rally


Sep 18, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: A faction of the Pakistani Taliban on Friday threatened participants of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's march on Saturday to South Waziristan's tribal region to protest US drone attacks, saying they will "be responsible for any loss of life during the rally''.

The marchers would include 30 American anti-drone campaigners and Khan's sons besides some Western journalists.

The faction distributed pamphlets in Tank, near Waziristan, describing Khan as "an agent of Israel, the US and Britain, who wanted to strengthen the hold of Jewish and Christian forces in the tribal regions of Pakistan''. "Khan's march to South Waziristan is a pack of lies and farce. He only wants to make the tribal areas a stronghold of foreign forces in the garb of raising voice against drone attacks," said the pamphlets.

But Khan vowed to go ahead with the march despite the threat and the government's refusal to allow it. "I will embark on the planned peace march into the tribal region to protest the drone strikes.''

Earlier, the Taliban issued a statement denying reports that they will provide security to the march. "Our Mujahideen are not so cheap that we will deploy them to protect a westernized and secular person," the statement said.

Taliban threaten to attack Imran’s anti-drone rally - The Times of India
USA approving drones!
Taliban against US Presence and their assets in Afghanistan
Taliban attempting to destroy US assets in Afghanistan in any chance they get
TTP trying to stop the peacefull march to Waziristan proves only one thing. THEY ARE NOT AGAINST DRONES! and what does this imply?

Is it just me or does anyone see the big picture here?
USA approving drones!
Taliban against US Presence and their assets in Afghanistan
Taliban attempting to destroy US assets in Afghanistan in any chance they get
TTP trying to stop the peacefull march to Waziristan proves only one thing. THEY ARE NOT AGAINST DRONES! and what does this imply?

Is it just me or does anyone see the big picture here?

You needs to Add one more point; Pakistani government is involved in destabilizing and indirectly Threatening IK-PTI-Civilians.
The only agents here are the Taliban who do not see good in a rally against drone strike and therefore indirectly support drone strikes against Pakistan and its citizen. What a bunch of hypocrites...the wimp government should take action.
USA approving drones!
Taliban against US Presence and their assets in Afghanistan
Taliban attempting to destroy US assets in Afghanistan in any chance they get
TTP trying to stop the peacefull march to Waziristan proves only one thing. THEY ARE NOT AGAINST DRONES! and what does this imply?

Is it just me or does anyone see the big picture here?

Most of above Toilet news being in immediate contact with TTP!

IK have all the right for his march or rally in any part of the country incl. FATA.

Although, on principal grounds, i disagree with IK's direction-less steering of leader-less people of Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD: A faction of the Pakistani Taliban on Friday threatened participants of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's march on Saturday to South Waziristan's tribal region to protest US drone attacks, saying they will "be responsible for any loss of life during the rally''.

The marchers would include 30 American anti-drone campaigners and Khan's sons besides some Western journalists.

The faction distributed pamphlets in Tank, near Waziristan, describing Khan as "an agent of Israel, the US and Britain, who wanted to strengthen the hold of Jewish and Christian forces in the tribal regions of Pakistan''. "Khan's march to South Waziristan is a pack of lies and farce. He only wants to make the tribal areas a stronghold of foreign forces in the garb of raising voice against drone attacks," said the pamphlets.

But Khan vowed to go ahead with the march despite the threat and the government's refusal to allow it. "I will embark on the planned peace march into the tribal region to protest the drone strikes.''

Earlier, the Taliban issued a statement denying reports that they will provide security to the march. "Our Mujahideen are not so cheap that we will deploy them to protect a westernized and secular person," the statement said.

Taliban threaten to attack Imran’s anti-drone rally - The Times of India

Media tell us that TTP control FATA!
If TTP control FATA than they do not need to attack, they can move the people against IK.
Why not TTP show there popular support in their so called strong hold?

Such news only, proves TTP is nothing more than bunch of thieves.
If Talibunnies had to attack him....This is a perfect situation to do so..
No Bullet proof glass...People all around him..
No bullet proof jacket

You needs to Add one more point; Pakistani government is involved in destabilizing and indirectly Threatening IK-PTI-Civilians.

Oh dear my dear sahib.

Pak government and PPP are inept, but do not accuse them of threatening IK rally out of sheer malice.

Pak gov guys are genuinely worried that god forbid if something happens, the whole world is going to laugh at us and so soon after they laughed at us thanks to Mullee and Ayatullee rallies for that infamous video.

They do not want to see another Benazir incident. Ever again. That brought so much shame to us all the whole country.

So calm down and stop spreading constipated conspiracy theories.

For once let's see the reality here.

I am no fan of PPP or Imran.

I am hoping that other parties lead much bigger rallies to FATA, and not for drones but for real change in that f'd up, bombed out, smuggling and illicit drug haven.

NS and PPP should rally for overturning the draconian FCR, and giving the same Pakistani laws and treating the tribals the same way (good and bad) like the rest of the citizens of Pak,.

It is time for one country, one law.

it is time to get rid of the fing FCR. enough is enough

peace to you. Peace to all.
Political stunt nothing else.... FROM the TTP for you know who....

If there was slight chance of TTP attack on IK, He would have stopped this from the start like he did while going to Quetta.. Also, We all know This (rally) is just a political stunt, not to stop these Drone Attacks... If he was so against US Drone, He should have joined DPC rally against opening up the routes.

Any how Best of Luck PTI, As they are working very hard to make this Rally successful. NOT for the people of tribal areas, but to get some voters from that Area ..
Looks like IK needs to announce a bounty on the anti Islam film maker - TTP will remove him from their target list for sure then :D
It might be possible that some talibans who are particularly religious do not like Imran khan (he is westernized,ex wife is jewish etc might not be liked by some? )
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