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Taliban tells fighters group is ‘on the threshold’ of ‘pure Islamic government’

Who needs foreign debt when your internal debt (intragovernmental) is spiralling out of control? That debt hitting regular americans harder than any debt? And by the way, when america trades with other countries, it sells it's debt to buy goods from foreign countries, which is termed as "U.S Treasury Bonds" on which america pays out quarterly. Japan and China hold one of the largest amount of U.S Treasury Bonds.

Based on the "Petrodollar" which has consistently been losing its value as the primary currency for Oil Trade, as a growing number of countries have been using currency swaps, Euros and Gold to procure Oil. That has weakened the U.S Dollar and continues to decline in importance and value around the world.

Japan has been america's vassal state since WW2.

This year, around 5000 americans renounced their U.S citizenships. The figure more than doubled since 2017. A contracting economy, fewer well paid jobs, americans forced to have multiple jobs to keep up with their bills and mortgages. Young americans increasingly indebted due to student loans. While this year, america's quarterly financial report stated the most contraction of the U.S economy in recorded history. To top it off, americans working abroad are subjected to taxation even when they don't live and work in america. Hence they don't really have any incentive to keep their U.S passport. Whether it be working in america, or abroad, there seems to be a growing consensus that being a U.S citizen isn't worth it for the common man. Those who have a choice to swap their passports for another country, are doing so and the number is steadily growing.
You arent making any sense

USA cutizens live in poverty no doubt but we are talking about GDP & govt wealth

90% of the world economies including pakistan india have bigger debt issues than USA.

USA will simply print notes (just like pakistan does) to tackle IF a very big IF ..debt becomes the issue
Problem is will us printing notes mean nothing given rupee status them printing notes mean something..

Also lets focus on the thing hand..i cant answer all of ur unrelated questions ..but i will answer this one..usa citizen renounce their citizen ship duw to taxes.. are due even if u earn and live outside usa..usa is unique in this case..

More than a million people get green cards every year ..as long as usa brings in people it will leas the world while countries like china and russia will age and go down(unless they change their poilices on population )
You arent making any sense

It will all make sense when the U.S Dollar collapses, and with it american supremacy.

USA cutizens live in poverty no doubt but we are talking about GDP & govt wealth

Nope. What we are really talking about the amount of money corporations amass.

90% of the world economies including pakistan india have bigger debt issues than USA.

That's only due to america off-setting it's debt with the Petrodollar. If america had to buy oil like the rest of the world, then it would have the largest external debt in the world, in history!!!

USA will simply print notes (just like pakistan does) to tackle IF a very big IF ..debt becomes the issue

OPEC does not sell it's Oil in Pakistani Rupees, it sells it in U.S Dollars. IMF and WB aren't controlled and dictated to by Pakistan, it's America. The International Payment System is not controlled and dictated to by Pakistan, rather it's the United States of America. And that's why America simply prints it's dollars!!!!

That's the only reason why america has not collapsed yet. 75 years on, Russia and China, along with Iran and Venezuela, are successfully challenging american hegemony. Those countries who do not want to be dictated by america, are now moving away from the zionist-american sphere simply because they have an alternative!!!

Mark my words, the total collapse of american economy is around the corner. There isn't anything that can stop it, regardless of however many dollars it prints, no matter how many times the fed implements Quantitative Easing or how many countries america threatens with sanctions.
It will all make sense when the U.S Dollar collapses, and with it american supremacy.

Nope. What we are really talking about the amount of money corporations amass.

That's only due to america off-setting it's debt with the Petrodollar. If america had to buy oil like the rest of the world, then it would have the largest external debt in the world, in history!!!

OPEC does not sell it's Oil in Pakistani Rupees, it sells it in U.S Dollars. IMF and WB aren't controlled and dictated to by Pakistan, it's America. The International Payment System is not controlled and dictated to by Pakistan, rather it's the United States of America. And that's why America simply prints it's dollars!!!!

That's the only reason why america has not collapsed yet. 75 years on, Russia and China, along with Iran and Venezuela, are successfully challenging american hegemony. Those countries who do not want to be dictated by america, are now moving away from the zionist-american sphere simply because they have an alternative!!!

Mark my words, the total collapse of american economy is around the corner. There isn't anything that can stop it, regardless of however many dollars it prints, no matter how many times the fed implements Quantitative Easing or how many countries america threatens with sanctions.

You are hugely confusing everything ..

So its like me saying " i ate a chicken but donkey has legs and i saw an airoplane flying so i decided to drive a car, then i saw a hotel near by, so i went to fill in my car with gas"

None of these things are related to each other..
So i will give you a pass
You are hugely confusing everything ..

So its like me saying " i ate a chicken but donkey has legs and i saw an airoplane flying so i decided to drive a car, then i saw a hotel near by, so i went to fill in my car with gas"

None of these things are related to each other..
So i will give you a pass

My friend, you're looking at pieces of the puzzle, individually. If that's how you want to look at things, that's your choice. However the bottom line is that american hegemony, it's petrodollar and it's economic might is coming to an end, permanently!
Also, Pakistan will need to use a lot of money and manpower to keep the TaIiban happy. Historical bonds will not be enough for them.
Do you think that the Pakistani public will support that?
Because here on PDF there are many Pakistanis who only want the Afghans to go back to Afghanistan and stay there. They do not want the Pakistani government to spend any money on them.

You seem to be oblivious to China's investments in Afghanistan and involvement in the peace process!
TALIBAN are the army of Islam and the sword of Allah swt, they are going to conquer Jerusalem, they are going to pleadge allegiance to the Mahdi when he takes over..
Allah swt prepared them by puting them against the soviets and Americans, and both so called "superpowers" were defeated by the mujahedines supported by Allah swt
TALIBAN are the army of Islam and the sword of Allah swt, they are going to conquer Jerusalem, they are going to pleadge allegiance to the Mahdi when he takes over..
Allah swt prepared them by puting them against the soviets and Americans, and both so called "superpowers" were defeated by the mujahedines supported by Allah swt
Tell that to the innocent men women and children that they have killed during their rule and to all the suicide bombing or car bombs they've ordered that have killed thousands of innocent people.
I hope people who want religious government in pakistan will soon move to afghanistan
Many people are bitter that today Afghans are free to chart their own destiny, without any occupation forces or puppets usurping control.

Afghanistan is finally free. May Allah swt bless your country. You are an inspiration to the whole world.

I look forward when the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan are open again, and we can visit each other and work together without the threats of outsiders.

@Agha Sher @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

But the Americans haven't left yet.

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