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Taliban suffocate Pakistan Buddhist heritage

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You should ask Mr. Babur why he build the mosque on Birth Place of Rama.

I thought you guys in India loved Baber, what gives.
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Man why don't u talk with some proof

There are museums with statues from Harappa, Mohenjedaro & taxila, this means they are all.......

u prove me wrong please....

It is never my objective to prove any one wrong , it is matter of principles of Islam , which are very simple to understand for those who want to know and practice for their own benefit.

You can ask any question to mufti at darul ifta deoband for satisfactory answer with reference of hadees and Quran

Fatwa ID: 12384 - Darul Ifta

(Fatwa: 746/746=M/1430)

It is not prohibited to take photographs of non-living being for magazine and documentary. Having photographed a living being, if the face is blurred to an extent that the lines and parts of face disappear, or the head was removed, it will not be regarded an unlawful picture, but it will be sinful to take photograph if it is taken without a valid reason.
what i understand about Islam is that it is a way of life, and in life u have photos of your family for the sake of remembrance and photos of Grand mosque for its grandeur.

Islam prohibits worshiping of idols and if the picture is for preservation/remembrance of ones culture. I believe it is O.K.

Memories change with time and so do the photos, calling all photos as Idols being worshiped is not right depiction of a family photo or a mosque.

This fatwa is by a deo-bandi Mufti and a sunny Muslim which most of the Pakistanis are have different understanding about these matters.

This is my two cents worth.
what i understand about Islam is that it is a way of life, and in life u have photos of your family for the sake of remembrance and photos of Grand mosque for its grandeur.

Islam prohibits worshiping of idols and if the picture is for preservation/remembrance of ones culture. I believe it is O.K.

Memories change with time and so do the photos, calling all photos as Idols being worshiped is not right depiction of a family photo or a mosque.

This fatwa is by a deo-bandi Mufti and a sunny Muslim which most of the Pakistanis are have different understanding about these matters.

This is my two cents worth.

You cant challenge any Mufti 's Fatwa , what is value of your statement having no certification in front of Mufti who have certification of deoband madrasah recognised by Aligargh University India, which one of the oldest institution of Islamic teachings in world and also recognised by jamiah Azhar Egypt.
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Did Babri Masjid got any scurity.
and shame on you all.
Muhammed (p.b.u.h) destory all the statu which people worship openly in mecca


shame on us ? shame on YOU ! just coz india destroyed one of their historical sites doesn't mean we should do the same your example of muhammed (pbuh) of destroying statues in mecca is not valid this isn't 7th century arabia we can't do everything he did then today things were different back then different place different time he did it to stop people worshipping and prove they were false gods so don't compare seems you don't know the difference between a place of worship and a historical site or relic nobody is going to museums today to pray to these statues but to see history and heritage .Egypt is a muslim country too by your logic they should destroy the sphinx.
Women can travel alone if there is no night stay during travel.

I dont understand your question of blowing schools:D

To serve canadian army there is no restriction as per islam , their are more then 100 different nationals are serving their nation ,

In the last i will say angoor ghaty hain. lol

may I ask you one question?
while serving in the canadian army...if your Christian CO tells you to shoot muslim fighters in Afghanistan...you would shoot them along with your other christian platoon mates right?
All members advised to keep the discussion in the pretext of the thread opened, bringing in religion is not advised as no one is qualified enough to discuss about religion.
One has to be QUALIFIED merely to discuss religion?:hitwall:
may I ask you one question?
while serving in the canadian army...if your Christian CO tells you to shoot muslim fighters in Afghanistan...you would shoot them along with your other christian platoon mates right?

Please stick to the post topic , you can open another thread to discuss your question:D
I am not in favour to destroy them better sell them in billion of dollars and feed poor children of Afghanistan .

worshiping idol is haram!, but earning from selling idols is halal????

No diff between Idol worshiper and Idol seller.
Stop all this "idol-worshipping haram" stuff please. Its insulting to non-muslims.

If you want to criticize religion, then criticize all religions equally. Otherwise, don't expect non-muslims to respect you if you cannot do the same.
Stop all this "idol-worshipping haram" stuff please. Its insulting to non-muslims.

If you want to criticize religion, then criticize all religions equally. Otherwise, don't expect non-muslims to respect you if you cannot do the same.

Try to understand meaning of word Haram and Halal , these are applicable to muslims only , so critisim on non muslim religion is out of question.

idol worship haram mean it is not allowed for muslims , word Halal mean allowed , for example meat of cow is halal but pig is haram .
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