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Taliban Reportedly Deliver American Military Hardware To Iran

So these retards will now run the economy of Afghanistan by selling their stuff...... and they need world recognition. Bunch of savage fanatics!!!
Did they ever invade your beloved USA massacring innocents on daily basis and providing safe haven for terrorists that you call them so? Did they create fake 9/11?

Americans are the true savages and no savage comes close to them. From Guantanamo to CIA's support for headchoppers in middle east, from supporting filthy dictators of middle east to arming ISIS to fight Iran and Russia in Syraq, from NUKEing Japanese infants and elderly to threatening others with nuclear option, from sanctioning millions of humans around the world to stealing oil and minerals of their modern colonies, from enslaving Blacks/Latinos/Asians to separating Mexican kids from their families, etc etc. How about massacring 60-100 million Indian natives of American continent?

World dictionary should translate the word of United States of America into United savages of America.
Substantiate the claim with evidence.

There is plenty of evidence. Not that you would care as pro-Iran shill propagandist. You'll go through your mental gymnastics to deny it. And at same time request us to believe fake nonsense press tv stories about secret hits on Mossad and CIA everywhere around the world. Your propaganda regime are nothing more than facist liars and propagadanists.
So you telling me you are not conquered and converted? Nothing little Iran has is proven or tested their is much talk but little to show for.. Atleast we are an aspiring world power.. don't get your pants wet. You are less armed than even Azerbaijan which conventionally is better armed than Iran

Out of our 3500 history we got ruled by foreigners for like what 600 years ? that is like tiny compared to Indian converted Muslims who got conquered by turko iranic groups for literally millennia.

Indus valley was formed by Iranian Neolithic farmers ...
Aryans who invaded your South Asia were also BMAC Iranic
Then Sychtian Iranics invaded South Asia
Then muslim Turko Iranics esp from Khorasan started changing your religion and genes ... you name it ...

Your religion came to you from us and you dare question us on being conquered ? LOL before plastering your face with genetic data here is my claim ... IRAN IS THE ONLY NATION IN THE ENTIRE REGION WHOSE GENES ARE PRESERVED FROM IRON AGE TIMES. Disagree and I will cement western published research data on your face.

As for us being armed, we are armed to the point (higher than any country bordering us) that we have brotherly proxy forces and governments in 5 countries (you can count them starting from Mediterranean to Peninsula) and we are unchallenged in those places. We do not give bases to US to bomb our own land like you do. Like I said before you will never understand us west asian races because your are a south asian. We Iranics, Turkics fight wars because its in our blood.

and btw I am an azeri turk lol loyal to my blood and country.
Did they ever invade your beloved USA massacring innocents on daily basis and providing safe haven for terrorists that you call them so? Did they create fake 9/11?

Americans are the true savages and no savage comes close to them. From Guantanamo to CIA's support for headchoppers in middle east, from supporting filthy dictators of middle east to arming ISIS to fight Iran and Russia in Syraq, from NUKEing Japanese infants and elderly to threatening others with nuclear option, from sanctioning millions of humans around the world to stealing oil and minerals of their modern colonies, from enslaving Blacks/Latinos/Asians to separating Mexican kids from their families, etc etc. How about massacring 60-100 million Indian natives of American continent?

World dictionary should translate the word of United States of America into United savages of America.

Did US killed anyone in the name of religion? Modern colonisation is also being done by China (you will soon become one after getting $400 B)...It is also killing in the name of the religion...but hypocrites like you will conveniently close your eyes towards it and only point figures to one which is giving you pain in your A**...isn't it?
Have you looked at your own history?...On terrorism, have you looked at you country first? You sponsor terrorism in most of middle east...read about your country's contribution in Albania, Bahrain, Iraq, Kenya, Argentine, Thailand, France Denmark etc....Hezbollah/Hamas are biggest feather in your cap....
On so called killing of innocent....How many innocent women and Children did Nadir Shah killed when he invaded India?...

What World dictionary "should" translate about US is something time will decide...at present it does translate yours as "A State that sponsor terrorism"...first deal with it.
And we also got our better than anyone bordering us Missile program
Under what metrics does Iran have a superior ballistic missile program than Pakistan?


Indus valley was formed by Iranian Neolithic farmers ...
Iranian Neolithic Farmers does not equate to modern Iranians.

Aryans who invaded your South Asia were also BMAC Iranic
Aryans were not BMAC and BMAC was not Iranic.

Then Sychtian Iranics invaded South Asia
Iranic does not equate to modern-day Iran or Iranian. "Iranic" is a linguistic category.

Scythians were genetically very distant to modern-day Iranians.

Then muslim Turko Iranics esp from Khorasan started changing your religion and genes ... you name it ...
Genetic admixture of Pakistani ethnic groups has not changed much compared to other regions.

Common among many ethnic groups in the region, including Pakistani ethnic groups.


Plenty of evidence that this latest news about the Taliban sending equipment to Iran is fake and that the vehicles photographed recently in Iran are the very same ones which fleeing Afghan army personnel were driving? Not really.

Not that you would care as pro-Iran shill propagandist. You'll go through your mental gymnastics to deny it. And at same time request us to believe fake nonsense press tv stories about secret hits on Mossad and CIA everywhere around the world. Your propaganda regime are nothing more than facist liars and propagadanists.

On the contrary, I very much care about facts and flawless reasoning. And if evidence isn't available, a balanced, rational analysis can do as well.

I never denied that these Afghan army troops fled into Iran with their Humvee vehicles. However, the report in the OP is a different one and was released no less than two weeks later. So it might well be that both these news are true. If someone believes otherwise, they should provide evidence or compelling reasons.

As concerns Iran-Taleban relations, the fact that Iran disagreed with the way the Taleban conducted their operation in Panjshir does not mean that the two sides have broken their newly established ties. Iran still exports cheap fuel and other goods to Afghanistan, the Taleban have still lowered taxes to enable increased imports from Iran; the Taleban are still letting water flow freely into Iran from the Helmand river, as opposed to the US-installed Ghani government; and so on. Now is it possible that bilateral relations deteriorate in the future? Yes, and this will in fact entirely depend on the Taliban's policies. But, it is also possible that they won't. For now nothing's certain.
My post was not so much about getting American stuff, but having the foresight to equip them with the equipment they deserve. I guess I put it in the wrong thread. We are only responsible for our own actions. Close the border tight shut and then go after the terrorists.
These are just ANA abandoned, mostly worn out and damaged Humvees of no real value to Iran, which produces far superior MRAP and all terrain vehicles. It is just another attempt by desperate people to fan anti-Iran nonsense.
Plenty of evidence that this latest news about the Taliban sending equipment to Iran is fake and that the vehicles photographed recently in Iran are the very same ones which fleeing Afghan army personnel were driving? Not really.

On the contrary, I very much care about facts and flawless reasoning. And if evidence isn't available, a balanced, rational analysis can do as well.

I never denied that these Afghan army troops fled into Iran with their Humvee vehicles. However, the report in the OP is a different one and was released no less than two weeks later. So it might well be that both these news are true. If someone believes otherwise, they should provide evidence or compelling reasons.

As concerns Iran-Taleban relations, the fact that Iran disagreed with the way the Taleban conducted their operation in Panjshir does not mean that the two sides have broken their newly established ties. Iran still exports cheap fuel and other goods to Afghanistan, the Taleban have still lowered taxes to enable increased imports from Iran; the Taleban are still letting water flow freely into Iran from the Helmand river, as opposed to the US-installed Ghani government; and so on. Now is it possible that bilateral relations deteriorate in the future? Yes, and this will in fact entirely depend on the Taliban's policies. But, it is also possible that they won't. For now nothing's certain.

You are fooling no one, the evidence is there for everyone to see. While your imaginary 'evidence' about Taliban arming Iran is non-existent. Taliban and Iran don't have good relations, Iran just wanted leverage over post-US process in Afghanistan and it failed to gain any. Now it is venting and lashing out like a baby, as a result.
You are fooling no one, the evidence is there for everyone to see. While your imaginary 'evidence' about Taliban arming Iran is non-existent. Taliban and Iran don't have good relations, Iran just wanted leverage over post-US process in Afghanistan and it failed to gain any. Now it is venting and lashing out like a baby, as a result.

Interestingly though, no "evidence" is contained in the above comment, and none of the facts I cited can be denied.
Interestingly though, no "evidence" is contained in the above comment, and none of the facts I cited can be denied.

So we asked you for evidence to support your claims and you have nothing. Next time don't try to make big lies and pass them off as facts.
So we asked you for evidence to support your claims and you have nothing. Next time don't try to make big lies and pass them off as facts.

Not sure you're following the discussion. You claimed the news in the OP is fake and that the recently released pictures from Iran are in fact showing the same Humvees that Afghan army forces drove into Iran two weeks before. Now go ahead and prove that, if you can.
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