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Taliban Reportedly Deliver American Military Hardware To Iran

No sir, purchased from Taliban.

ANA escaped to Iran in bunch of Humvees. Iran has purchased Choppers from Taliban first to financially support and secondly improve ground forces of Iran.

I have seen pictures of Helicopters arrived at Iranian borders with Afghanistan. Blackhawks amongst them :lol:

Will you sell them through an auction at Chahbahar and invite Pakistani bidders?

We like to bid not buy.
Probably all the equipment from the ANA soldiers who drove to Iran.
it was the deserters from Afghan National army that escaped to Iran with vehicles and equipment.
will need all the equipment and weapons they can use to keep security and fight Daesh and thugs at Punjshir
Reporting doesn't make sense why Taliban would give this to Iran, they'd need it for their own forces and considering the fighting in Panjshir going on last thing they'd do is give heavy equipment away.
My guess would be that these are token amount of military equipment which Taliban gave to Iran as a gesture of good will so that Iranians can reverse engineer them.
I think we need those vehicles. It's like you are friends with someone. you helped someone and someone send gifts to nobody. They shouldn't transfer rifles because these rifles can be distributed to BLA. What are we doing?
Pakistan can't supply muuuuuuch needed fuel that Taliban and resistance very much and absolutely needs to fight and gain victories Iran can, in turn it doesn't need money but western technology and arms
Reporting doesn't make sense why Taliban would give this to Iran, they'd need it for their own forces and considering the fighting in Panjshir going on last thing they'd do is give heavy equipment away.
with what fuel ?
I guess it was the ANA fleeing but Iran has returned most of it to Taliban
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Pakistan can't supply muuuuuuch needed fuel that Taliban and resistance very much and absolutely needs to fight and gain victories Iran can, in turn it doesn't need money but western technology and arms

with what fuel ?

Don’t worry about fuel, if they were able to keeping fighting for 20 years I’m sure fuel wouldn’t be a problem. Where their is a will their is a way, and don’t forget Iran started supplying oil so that happens a part of your question.
Don’t worry about fuel, if they were able to keeping fighting for 20 years I’m sure fuel wouldn’t be a problem. Where their is a will their is a way, and don’t forget Iran started supplying oil so that happens a part of your question.
Iran is the biggest exporter of fuel to Afghanistan with out it they will lose up to 2/3 of there power.
well if US freezes Afghanistan’s assets and Iran comes to rescue by supplying oil… you need way to pay them… selling military hardware is one of such options

Taliban will have legitimate reason to justify this act if US asks for it (as if they care about it)
Why Iran need old and primitive American tech ? they got their Qaher 313 no? :D
My post was no so much about getting American stuff, but having the foresight to equip them with the equipment they deserve. I guess I put it in the wrong thread. We are only responsible for our own actions. Close the border tight shut and then go after the terrorists.
Closing border is not the solution. Iran is providing safe haven. It's impossible to defend every time.
Pakistan can't supply muuuuuuch needed fuel that Taliban and resistance very much and absolutely needs to fight and gain victories Iran can, in turn it doesn't need money but western technology and arms

with what fuel ?
My worry is BLA. You should help us in this BLA problem.
Why Iran need old and primitive American tech ? they got their Qaher 313 no? :D

And we also got our better than anyone bordering us Missile program, Space program, UCAV program that gave us power in entire region. Sanctioned and hated but we are still standing strong. Converted conquered Indos would not understand the Turkic-Iranic mindset that countries like Iran or Turkey represents.
And we also got our better than anyone bordering us Missile program, Space program, UCAV program that gave us power in entire region. Sanctioned and hated but we are still standing strong. Converted conquered Indos would not understand the Turkic-Iranic mindset that countries like Iran or Turkey represents.

So you telling me you are not conquered and converted? Nothing little Iran has is proven or tested their is much talk but little to show for.. Atleast we are an aspiring world power.. don't get your pants wet. You are less armed than even Azerbaijan which conventionally is better armed than Iran
Why don't you read some history and look at the results from DNA tests. You probably won't like the results from those if you're from Turkey since most Anatolian Turks are merely Turkified, Persianized, Islamized Greeks.

Azerbaijan is better armed than Iran ? LOL Iran has thousands of missiles with pin point accuracy and produces half a dozen various type of drones and every conceivable weapon type. Azerbaijan is tiny and only buys weapons or produces them under license. They even produce Iranian cars under license.

Azerbaijan is a city state, patriarchal kingdom pretending to be a Republic. The presidents wife is the vice president or something. LOL. Pretty much how Erdogan runs Turkey, like his personal sultanate from his family and friends.

So you telling me you are not conquered and converted? Nothing little Iran has is proven or tested their is much talk but little to show for.. Atleast we are an aspiring world power.. don't get your pants wet. You are less armed than even Azerbaijan which conventionally is better armed than Iran
So these retards will now run the economy of Afghanistan by selling their stuff...... and they need world recognition. Bunch of savage fanatics!!!
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