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Taliban publicly execute man accused of murder


Mar 21, 2007
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United States

Taliban publicly execute man accused of murder, senior officials attend


The Taliban administration on Wednesday put to death a man accused of murder in western Afghanistan, its spokesperson said, in the first officially confirmed public execution since the group took over the country last year.

The execution in western Farah province was of a man accused of stabbing another man to death in 2017, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said, and was attended by senior officials of the group.

The case was investigated by three courts and authorised by the group’s supreme spiritual leader, who is based in southern Kandahar province, said Mujahid. He did not say how the man was executed.

More than a dozen senior Taliban officials attended the execution, Mujahid said, including acting interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, and acting deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar, as well as the country’s chief justice, acting foreign minister and acting education minister.

It comes after the country’s Supreme Court announced public lashings of men and women accused of offences such as robbery and adultery had taken place in several provinces in recent weeks, a possible return to practices common in its rule in the 1990s.

A spokesperson for the U.N. human rights office last month called on the Taliban authorities to immediately halt the use of public floggings in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s supreme spiritual leader met judges in November and said they should carry out punishments consistent with sharia law, according to a court statement.

Public lashings and executions by stoning took place under the previous 1996-2001 rule of the Taliban.

Such punishments later became rare and were condemned by the foreign-backed Afghan governments that followed, though the death penalty remained legal in Afghanistan.

More than a dozen senior Taliban officials attended the execution, Mujahid said, including acting interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, and acting deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar, as well as the country’s chief justice, acting foreign minister and acting education minister.

Why top-ranking ministers attending the execution?
Why top-ranking ministers attending the execution?
which top ranking official ? they all are bunch of terrorists bigger the terrorist top the ranks . i was reading BBC report few days ago taliban themselves do not feel comfortable in office or nation building . they said life is bored and without thrill here . all they know how to destroy .
which top ranking official ? they all are bunch of terrorists bigger the terrorist top the ranks . i was reading BBC report few days ago taliban themselves do not feel comfortable in office or nation building . they said life is bored and without thrill here . all they know how to destroy .

Sir Jee: Shukar karain, kay mujrim ki maari naheen.😛😛
I'm getting disturbed by this daily news of executions and beheadings. Dead serious.
Why. They are rare occurrences that don't affect all Indians. Not even a majority of Indians. Global riots used to happen when I was a boy. Late 70s early 80s.
majority will not be affected as they are lynching others
A spokesperson for the U.N. human rights office last month called on the Taliban authorities to immediately halt the use of public floggings in Afghanistan.

Oh, how lovingly the UN "human rights" office speaks to mullah Taliban. On the other hand this same office started a lynching of the Libyan Jamahiriya system in mid 2011 on basis of trumped up charges of "Gaddafi's forces are killing civilians including women and children". Below is from June 2nd 2011 :
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights forum said on Wednesday a fact-finding mission in Libya has concluded that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

It also said the mission found some evidence of war crimes by opposition forces.

“The Commission has reached the conclusion that crimes against humanity and war crimes have been committed by the Government forces of Libya,” the Human Rights Council said in a statement.

“The Commission received fewer reports of facts which would amount to the commission of international crimes by opposition forces, however, it did find some acts which would constitute war crimes,” the Geneva-based council said.

The 47-member council in April sent a group of independent human rights experts including a former president of the International Criminal Court to Libya to investigate allegations of violations of international human rights law.

The commission’s report -- handed to the council on Wednesday -- is based on their meetings with 350 people across the country, thousands of pages of documents and photos as well as hundreds of videos, the council said.

The experts examined allegations of excessive use of force, extrajudicial killings, torture, interferences with freedom of expression, sexual violence and attacks on civilians and the use of child soldiers among others.

“The Commission expressed its concerns with regard to these violations to both sides of the conflict, urging each to fully implement international human rights and international humanitarian law,” the council said in its statement.

Reporting by Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck; Editing by Michael Roddy
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
"Crimes against humanity". "Attacks on civilians". "Torture". "Excessive use of force". "Interferences with freedom of expression" etc all are easily applied to the Taliban rule yet there has been no fact-finding team sent to Afghanistan and headed by some former president of the International Criminal Court. Why not ?

All this verbal lynching of the Libyan Jamahiriya by the UN "human rights office" came during the massive invasion by NATO, GCC, Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood.

So when is the UN "human rights office" going to send a fact-finding team to Afghanistan to investigate the crimes of the Taliban and when is the UN Security Council, or as Muammar Gaddafi called it - the UN Terrorist Council - going to gather a massive armada of 30+ government militaries plus Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood and invade Afghanistan and remove the burden called Taliban from continuing to do miseries in the life of Afghans ? I wanted to end by posting a tweeted vid of a public demonstration by Afghan women kicking and burning the burqa while under the oppressive rule of the Taliban but the vid has now been removed ( how ? who did it ? ) but this was the tweet :
However, this seems to be the Taliban arresting the women identified from the demonstration after a few days :

UPDATED: 21 JAN 2022 11:26 AM

The Taliban stormed an apartment in Kabul after sundown, smashing the door in and arresting a woman rights activist and her three sisters, an eyewitness said Thursday.

A Taliban statement appeared to blame the incident on a recent women's protest, saying insulting Afghan values will no longer be tolerated.

The activist, Tamana Zaryabi Paryani, was among about 25 women who took part in an anti-Taliban protest on Sunday against the compulsory Islamic headscarf, or hijab, for women.

A person from the neighbourhood who witnessed the arrest said about 10 armed men, claiming to be from the Taliban intelligence department, carried out the raid on Wednesday night.

Shortly before she and her sisters were taken away, footage of Paryani was posted on social media, showing her frightened and breathless and screaming for help, saying the Taliban were banging on her door.
“Help please, the Taliban have come to our home . . . only my sisters are home,” she is heard saying in the footage. There are other female voices in the background, crying. “I can't open the door. Please . . . help!”

Associated Press footage from the scene on Thursday showed the apartment's front door, made of metal and painted reddish brown, dented and left slightly ajar.
The occupants of a neighboring apartment ran inside their home, not wanting to talk to reporters. An outer security door of steel slats was shut and padlocked, making it impossible to enter Paryani's apartment.
The witness said the raid took place around 8 p.m. The armed men went up to the third floor of the Kabul apartment complex where Paryani lives and began pounding on the front door ordering her to open the door.

When she refused, they kicked the door repeatedly until it opened, the witness said. “They took four females away, all of them were sisters,” the witness said, adding that one of the four was Paryani, the activist.
The witness spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing Taliban reprisal.

The spokesman for the Taliban-appointed police in Kabul, Gen. Mobin Khan, tweeted that Paryani's social video post was a manufactured drama. A spokesman for the Taliban intelligence, Khalid Hamraz, would neither confirm nor deny the arrest.

However, he tweeted that “insulting the religious and national values of the Afghan people is not tolerated anymore” — a reference to Sunday's protest during which the protesters appeared to burn a white burqa, the all-encompassing traditional head-to-toe female garment that only leaves a mesh opening for the eyes.
Hamraz accused rights activists of maligning Afghanistan's new Taliban rulers and their security forces to gain asylum in the West.

Since sweeping to power in mid-August, the Taliban have imposed widespread restrictions, many of them directed at women.

Women have been banned from many jobs, outside the health and education field, their access to education has been restricted beyond sixth grade and they have been ordered to wear the hijab. The Taliban have, however, stopped short of imposing the burqa, which was compulsory when they previously ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s.

At Sunday's demonstration in Kabul, women carried placards demanding equal rights and shouted: “Justice!” They burned a white burqa and said they cannot be forced to wear the hijab.

Organisers of the demonstration said Paryani attended the protest, which was dispersed after the Taliban fired tear gas into the crowd of women.

Paryani belongs to a rights group known as “Seekers of Justice," which organised several demonstrations in Kabul, including Sunday's. The group's members have not spoken publicly of her arrest but have been sharing the video of Paryani.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch criticised the crackdown, saying that since taking over Afghanistan five months ago, the Taliban “have rolled back the rights of women and girls, including blocking access to education and employment for many."

“Women's rights activists have staged a series of protests; the Taliban has responded by banning unauthorized protests,” the watchdog said in a statement after Sunday's protest.

The Taliban have increasingly targeted Afghanistan's beleaguered rights groups, as well as journalists, with local and international television crews covering demonstration often detained and sometimes beaten.
Also Thursday, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued a statement asking the Taliban to investigate a recent attack on a documentary film maker Zaki Qais who said two armed men, who identified themselves as Kabul police officials, entered his home and beat him. One tried to stab him, according to Steven Butler, the CPJ's Asia programme coordinator.

"Afghanistan's Taliban rulers must immediately launch an investigation to identify and bring to justice those who attacked journalist Zaki Qais,” said Butler. “The Taliban's continued silence on these repeated attacks on journalists undermines any remaining credibility of pledges to allow independent media to continue operating.”

Last week the CPJ sought information on an attack on another Kabul-based journalist, Noor Mohammad Hashemi, deputy director for the non profit Salam Afghanistan Media Organization, who was beaten up by three unidentified men.
So when will the UN Terrorist Council gather an armada and invade Afghanistan and bring regime change by overthrowing the Taliban ? Or is that honor reserved only for progressive, leftist systems ?

Taliban publicly execute man accused of murder, senior officials attend


The Taliban administration on Wednesday put to death a man accused of murder in western Afghanistan, its spokesperson said, in the first officially confirmed public execution since the group took over the country last year.

The execution in western Farah province was of a man accused of stabbing another man to death in 2017, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said, and was attended by senior officials of the group.

The case was investigated by three courts and authorised by the group’s supreme spiritual leader, who is based in southern Kandahar province, said Mujahid. He did not say how the man was executed.

More than a dozen senior Taliban officials attended the execution, Mujahid said, including acting interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, and acting deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar, as well as the country’s chief justice, acting foreign minister and acting education minister.

It comes after the country’s Supreme Court announced public lashings of men and women accused of offences such as robbery and adultery had taken place in several provinces in recent weeks, a possible return to practices common in its rule in the 1990s.

A spokesperson for the U.N. human rights office last month called on the Taliban authorities to immediately halt the use of public floggings in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s supreme spiritual leader met judges in November and said they should carry out punishments consistent with sharia law, according to a court statement.

Public lashings and executions by stoning took place under the previous 1996-2001 rule of the Taliban.

Such punishments later became rare and were condemned by the foreign-backed Afghan governments that followed, though the death penalty remained legal in Afghanistan.

What’s wrong with executing murders?
Even USA has capital punishment for many crimes. Pakistan has death penalty. Many countries have it.
I’m sure if Pakistan publicly executed murders like ttp and murders who murdered innocent children, Pakistan would be a lot safer place.
Some crimes are just so heinous that public execution is required.
Death penalty is in Islam for many crimes as well.
Public executions serve as a deterrent to deter people from crimes. In Pakistan’s case if we had public executions we wouldn’t see the amount of crimes we see right now. Everyone committing crimes cuz judicial system is in shambles and hardcore ttp terrorists even get freed from jails. Our soft policy on them means everyone thinks it’s easy to get away with big crimes. If we had public executions we’d see a significant drop in crimes because those people who plan on committing a crime will think twice because they will know they can’t just bribe their way out.
I’m sure we would like to see many public executions in Pakistan especially of people like the person who raped the women in front of her family on the motorway at night in Lahore. If we had public executions these guys wouldn’t have the courage to do such crimes.

The sheer hypocrisy of people nowadays is staggering.
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