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Taliban-led offensive in Farah repelled

You don't understand this conflict. The Ts already have the territory. Its not about capturing a piece of land. Its about destroying the established order.


Taliban attempted to capture provincial capital of Farah but they did not anticipate American intervention in this region (so close to Iran). Taliban has to do something grand in order to market itself as a strong opposition to US-led Afghan government but this may not materialize if US is willing to act. Taliban-led offensive in Farah was an unusual break from its typical hit-and-run operations but it turned out as a miscalculation.

If Taliban is neutered in Farah (mission in progress), the move will contribute to the cause of Afghan government and enable it to draw additional set of recruits.
US (and Pakistan) made it possible for the so-called Mujahideen to defeat Soviet Union in Afghanistan (google 'Operation Cyclone'). However, US (and Pakistan) didn't realize at the time that they were creating a Frankenstein Monster which will turn rogue one day and find a way to subsist on its own. This Frankenstein Monster continue to draw recruits from all over the world to its cause which is baffling to say the least.

as much as i know, this frankenstein monster never cross the said borderlines of afghanistan.

I cannot say for sure.

Bush administration chose to hammer Taliban into submission and its efforts produced desirable results for a while (Afghanistan remained peaceful for a few straight years from 2002 - 2005). Then Obama administration came to power and imposed silly restrictions on NATO in regards to engagements with Taliban and this stupidity made it possible for the Taliban to regroup and recover its strength over the course of years. At present, Trump administration has authorized NATO to contend with the resurgent Taliban as it see fit.
I'd say that Trump administration can produce good results in Afghanistan if it stay its course.
what if there were never any plan for peace in afghanistan..

Afghan Opium Production.

In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time.[17]The ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the Taliban in 2002

afghan opium.png


Neither will they win.Taliban are helpless ,they can't take any major urban areas - moment they try conventional battle they will be massacred from air.So they contend themselves with guerilla attacks.NATO to win needs to deploy 500,000 troops but has never reached such troop levels.This is the amount needed to garrison afghanistan including the countryside.ANA only has 150,000 and thus can't take many provincial rural areas.The only other option for an army is to commit systemic genocide of all population like genghis khan ,but that is impossible in modern day.So its a stalemate.

be it 500,000 or 1,000,000 troops of NATO, you cannot control the local population as a foreigner.

and by the way what is the NATO forces want to do in afghanistan?
conquering afghanistan - not possible,
decimating rebellion - not possible, rebels are not outsiders that NATO can stop them, they are the local afghan resident who want to live free without foreigners in their country.

Not really.US can keep this up indefinitely,they have a few troops and advisors there,not really costly.Their main punch comes from drones and airpower which is unchallenged.They can keep this level of presence forever if they want to.

indefinitely. that's the real question here, why US wants stalemate for indefinitely, what is the point of having stalemate with locals.. its their country, your are an outsider.

Vietcong was a massive force and very well armed in comparison to Taliban. Not a valid comparison.
Vietcong was supported by the USSR, the Super Power of that time with active military and intel support.

Did Taliban has the same kind of support compared to vietcong?
The US thrives on war. The country doesn't get tired or jaded. People do. People are replaceable.
One way to handle this would be to take the conflict to taliban controlled areas. Search and kill radical leaders. Disarm civilians. Inflict massive casualties on anyone willing to fight.
Taliban strategy is to control the countryside, surround and "besiege" the district centers(e.g Lashkar gah) and use guerrilla tactics to keep the ANA under perpetual pressure. So far, their strategy of death by a thousand cuts seems to be working.
Last year alone the ANA suffered 10,000 casualties, this year their casualties are already very high. Other than the serious losses in men and material, the ANA is suffering from other problems like desertion, corruption, lack of training, morale, and the list goes on and on.

Taliban "capture" cities as a show of power before withdrawing. They are not as stupid as some people here think them to be, they know that without air power, they cannot hold population centers.
And they are able to replace their casualties, it's not much of a problem for them. They suffered 8000 in the 2006 spring offensive yet they were able to make up for the losses even when they were on the back foot. They have safe heavens within Afghanistan and have no trouble in finding new recruits, funds and weapons. The situation is stalemated, it will only grow worse for the Afghan regime. With every passing year, the security situation is deteriorating and here some people are gloating about repelling a rag tag militia with brute air power which is a battle not a war.
indefinitely. that's the real question here, why US wants stalemate for indefinitely, what is the point of having stalemate with locals.. its their country, your are an outsider.

US goal is to prevent Taliban from ever returning to power ,and ever being able to turn it into a terrorist launchpad again.For that purpose they can spend a few billion dollars on a few thousand troops and couple of squadrons and drones very easily.US would ideally like to wipe out taliban ,but that would require too much manpower they don't have -so they have 'sanitized' the taliban.Keep them confined to countryside on guerilla attacks.The US is not suffering any casualities,its ANA vs taliban.US just provides airpower to ensure taliban can make no gains and take no big urban centres.There's a reason Taliban wants peace talks,because it realizes USA is not suffering any casualities itself and can keep it up for as long as there is political will to do so.Its not an economic problem for them like the soviets.

The US Air Force's new MQ-9 Reaper drones killed about 28 Taliban fighters Wednesday, Task and Purpose reports, revealing the carnage in footage posted on the US Forces Afghanistan Twitter account. The drones circled the battlefield from far overhead, striking Taliban forces in conjunction with the Afghan Air Force, which used its new A-29 Super Tocano ground attack aircraft and Mi-17 Hip attack helicopters, said Army Lt. Col. Martin O'Donnell, a spokesperson for Operation Resolute Support.

Associated footage => https://www.dvidshub.net/video/600746/airstrikes-farah (Taliban combatants blown to bits in several air strikes)

Source => https://sputniknews.com/military/201805171064556368-US-Drones-Bombard-Taliban-Farah-Video/

Afghan security forces and US air raids have driven the Taliban out of the centre of Farah, a city in western Afghanistan, a day after the group fought its way in.

Clashes between the group, armed with heavy weapons, and Afghan security forces on Tuesday left at least 25 members of the forces and five civilians dead, according to Abdul Basir Salangi, governor of Farah province.

At least 300 Taliban fighters were also killed in the clashes, Salangi said.

The city was taken back by security forces, who then conducted a clearing operation, on Wednesday.

Source => https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018...ffort-capture-farah-city-180516134943097.html


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Read this intercept report to get a glimpse of 'A great deal of HUMINT'. Some light is also shed on what happens after civilians are killed.


I do not deny occurrence of tragedies in these developments but I would advice to look at the bigger picture.


Taliban combatants (and terrorists in general) do not wear uniforms and are able to blend into crowds (they live and behave like normal people until they decide to act). More importantly, these regimes do not 'manufacture' recruits somewhere but draw them from regional population centers. Unfortunately, they find it easy to brainwash Pakistani and Afghan civilians due to prevalence of Anti-American and Anti-Israeli views in the region, and lure them to their trap by playing with their mindset.

HUMINT operations are carried out to distinguish scum from normal civilians in populated regions and therefore a time-consuming endeavor. However, errors can be expected and good people end up paying with their lives along with the scum at times.
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Seven provinical capitals(out of 34)are in major risk to fall into Taliban hands right now. Except Farah(West Afghanistan) other provincial capitals that are threatened are Kunduz(North), Pul-i-Khumri(North), Tarinkot(South-central), Faizabad (Far North east), Maimana(North west) and Ghazni(Central). Keep in mind that other capitals are pressured too like Lashghar Khan in Helmand. Currently there is not a single Afghan provine that does not see fighting between Kabul and Taliban forces. Even Ghor province has seen a huge escalation in violence forcing Ghor governor to dismiss the rumors about imminent fall of the capital to the Taliban
HUMINT operations are carried out to distinguish scum from normal civilians in populated regions and therefore a time-consuming endeavor. However, errors can be expected and good people end up paying with their lives along with the scum at times.
Taliban enjoy tremendous local support within their areas of influence. A large part of Afghan population is sympathetic to their cause.They are seen as fighting foreign occupiers and their puppets, not some outlaws who can be classified as scum. That is how they have sustained their movement throughout the years---With the help of a large number of people supporting them.

BTW the allies of your ""good guy" US are no saints either.

US goal is to prevent Taliban from ever returning to power ,and ever being able to turn it into a terrorist launchpad again.For that purpose they can spend a few billion dollars on a few thousand troops and couple of squadrons and drones very easily.US would ideally like to wipe out taliban ,but that would require too much manpower they don't have -so they have 'sanitized' the taliban.Keep them confined to countryside on guerilla attacks.The US is not suffering any casualities,its ANA vs taliban.US just provides airpower to ensure taliban can make no gains and take no big urban centres.There's a reason Taliban wants peace talks,because it realizes USA is not suffering any casualities itself and can keep it up for as long as there is political will to do so.Its not an economic problem for them like the soviets.
How does the fact that taliban can't take urban centers guarantee that the country (large parts of which are governed by taliban) couldn't be used as terror launch pad?
There is a bigger threat of ISIS-KP which has emerged. Unlike the taliban, ISIS has a global agenda.
Dogs fighting Dogs. Kill each other all of you Sellouts and Salafi Jihadi Takfiris!!!!

I do not deny occurrence of tragedies in these developments but I would advice to look at the bigger picture.


Taliban combatants (and terrorists in general) do not wear uniforms and are able to blend into crowds (they live and behave like normal people until they decide to act). More importantly, these regimes do not 'manufacture' recruits somewhere but draw them from regional population centers. Unfortunately, they find it easy to brainwash Pakistani and Afghan civilians due to prevalence of Anti-American and Anti-Israeli views in the region, and lure them to their trap by playing with their mindset.

HUMINT operations are carried out to distinguish scum from normal civilians in populated regions and therefore a time-consuming endeavor. However, errors can be expected and good people end up paying with their lives along with the scum at times.
even if half of the population is killed off they will find recurits...

solution is end of opium , good governance , engagement of neighbors like Pakistan (real meaning asking afghans to stop acting like conquering Pakistan ) and economy ...zero development in this
A sense of normality appears to have slowly returned to the Afghan city of Farah after it witnessed some of the heaviest fighting in the country in months.

Taliban fighters on Tuesday attacked the capital city of the western province - also called Farah - and overran several security checkpoints.

A battle between government forces and the fighters ensued, lasting for about 24 hours. A second Taliban assault was also launched in the early hours of Thursday.

Officials said the fierce fighting left at least 25 security personnel and 300 fighters dead. The numbers could not be independently verified.

The city's main square was under Taliban control for hours before Afghan special forces backed by US airpower were able to drive the fighters out.

"Farah is getting back to normal," Al Jazeera's Jennifer Glasse said from the capital, Kabul on Saturday, after returning from the city, which is home to more than 50,000 people.

"Some shops are open and people are gradually coming out to the streets ... a couple of trucks delivering supplies - but the scars of what happened just four days ago are still there," she added.

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/farah-normal-scars-heavy-fighting-remain-180519182209071.html
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