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Taliban-led offensive in Farah repelled


Aug 28, 2006
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Around 200 NATO soldiers, mainly Italians, have been deployed to Afghanistan's volatile western province of Farah, officials confirmed, after attempts by Taliban fighters in recent months to overrun its capital city.

Source => https://www.tolonews.com/afghanistan/nato-deploys-200-soldiers-farah-province

Afghan government forces have pushed back the Taliban from the capital of Farah Province in western Afghanistan, close to the Iranian border, officials say.

"Subdued" fighting was continuing in Farah city's outskirts, and Afghan forces were being supported with U.S. airpower and advisers, a NATO spokesman said on May 16.

The attack, the first major assault targeting a provincial capital since the militants announced their annual spring offensive, began early on May 15 when several security checkpoints in the provincial capital were overrun.

Source => https://www.rferl.org/a/afghanistan...iban-from-western-city-of-farah/29229458.html

The US military helped Afghan troops repel a major Taliban attack on the Afghan provincial capital Farah on Tuesday and Wednesday that punctured the security perimeter surrounding the city, US and NATO officials tell CNN.

It was unclear how close the Taliban came to capturing the city, which would have represented a major blow to the Afghan government. The insurgents claimed they briefly seized the city center, while the NATO-led coalition said it saw no direct evidence that they ever made it into the city.

Source => https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/16/politics/us-troops-taliban-attack-afghanistan/index.html
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Could be the case but it has been 17 years and NATO is not winning.
Because Taliban is just a slogan; Afghanistan is a tribal society where each tribe has territorial mentality and Southern tribes are known to resist the mandate of Afghan government from time-to-time. This is a pattern since the 1960s.

US can send troops to counter rebellion in a rebellious region but the troops will be called back home some day. There will be peace in the region for a while but rebellion will regain momentum after a while due to a number of factors. It is like a loop.

Read the book of Abdul Salam Zaeef and you will understand.
Because Taliban is just a slogan; Afghanistan is a tribal society where each tribe has territorial mentality and Southern tribes are known to resist the mandate of Afghan government from time-to-time. This is a pattern since the 1960s.

US can send troops to counter rebellion in a rebellious region but the troops will be called back home some day. There will be peace in the region for a while but rebellion will regain momentum after a while due to a number of factors. It is like a loop.

Read the book of Abdul Salam Zaeef and you will understand.

Good Luck USA and NATO hope you find a solution.
That's the reason NATO lost in Afgh?
My point has nothing to do with eventual outcome of war in Afghanistan because Afghanistan is in a perpetual state of war irrespective of NATO in the picture or not.

My point is that the so-called Taliban cannot defeat NATO in the battlefield; this much is apparent from the outcome of any battle between the belligerents since 2001. However, this doesn't imply that Taliban cannot evolve as a regime and adopt new methods to destabilize Afghanistan. All they need to do is wage a never-ending destabilization game and we will get the impression that US is not winning.

Do you seriously think anybody can win in Afghanistan? Send Pakistan Army and see what happens.
Because Taliban is just a slogan; Afghanistan is a tribal society where each tribe has territorial mentality and Southern tribes are known to resist the mandate of Afghan government from time-to-time. This is a pattern since the 1960s.

US can send troops to counter rebellion in a rebellious region but the troops will be called back home some day. There will be peace in the region for a while but rebellion will regain momentum after a while due to a number of factors. It is like a loop.

Read the book of Abdul Salam Zaeef and you will understand.

How can Pakistan save itself from this mess? We are already mini-Afghanistan. Did Salewm Zaeef wrote any solution?
Man has uttered this sentence for as long as history is recordable.

Only names change. Story does not.

Welcome to Afghanistan

I fully understand the big picture of Afghanistan. Only Afghans can find a solution for there country - a foreign entity won't.

US have attempted to reform Afghanistan since 2001 but this country is tribal and unstable beyond measure. US-led forces have slaughtered thousands of Taliban combatants over the course of 17 years but the movement is not dying. Reason is that that Afghans are too tribal and split for their own good; they do not get the concept of statehood.

US is not in the position to address the core issue of Afghan tribalism. It can choose to exterminate Afghan populace at worse.

I fully understand the big picture of Afghanistan. Only Afghans can find a solution for there country - a foreign entity won't.

US have attempted to reform Afghanistan since 2001 but this country is tribal and unstable beyond measure. US-led forces have slaughtered thousands of Taliban combatants over the course of 17 years but the movement is not dying. Reason is that that Afghans are too tribal and split for their own good; they do not get the concept of statehood.

US is not in the position to address the core issue of Afghan tribalism. It can choose to exterminate Afghan populace at worse.

Theres a pashtun genocide in Afghanistan No one wants to Talk about
Hahahahaha....Yet NATO runs why?
Taliban conduct hit-and-run operations to destabilize a region; NATO had stood its ground and fought well in any region where it has intervened since 2001. They have slaughtered thousands of Taliban combatants over the course of years and made it possible for the Afghan government to exercise its control over 50% of the country.

However, Afghan society is internally fractured beyond measure due to its tribal orientation and in a perpetual state of war since a long time. There is no solution for this tribalism.
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