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Taliban Funding

Not surprising considering the wahhabis in saudi are the ideological grandfathers of the wahhabi taliban, and have used their petrodollars to export their ideology. The zeal shown by the taliban in blowing up shrines, desecrating graves, and brutalizing women is a mirror image of what the wahabbis have been doing in saudi for the last hundred years.

Thanks to a hundred years of alliance with the saud family, the wahhabi establishment in Saudi is clearly rich enough to sponsor such criminal activities without direct support from the government. Having said that, given the symbiotic relationship between the royal family and the wahhabis, I would'nt be surprised if there is a sizeable bloc of pro-wahhabi elements within the saudi government as well.
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Pakistanis should summon Saudi high commisioner and protest over these findings, Why are they trying to implement their idea on us , Infact even they dont like the militant theology instead they have deported all these like minded greedy f*cks in Pakistan.
Financial Times March 25, 2009

The US has told its Nato partners that funds from individuals in Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia now rival drug money as a source of financing for Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The US launched a high-profile push to reduce Gulf funding for the Taliban, al-Qaeda and other militant groups operating out of Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001. As a result, in recent years insurgent links to Afghanistan’s burgeoning heroin trade have become the principal focus.

But Richard Holbrooke, US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, expressed fresh concerns to Nato ambassadors during a briefing this week on the US’s strategic review of Afghan-Pakistan policy, which is expected to be announced on Friday.

“He said that the prime source of funding for the Taliban is not from narcotics but from private individuals and groups in the Gulf region particularly Saudi,” said a western diplomat, without giving further details.

Another official attending the meeting said Mr Holbrooke had suggested that much of the funding from poppy production appeared to go to individuals linked in some way to the Afghan government.

“There is real concern about funding for extremists in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region coming from the Gulf, which we understand rivals or exceeds the money they are getting from drugs,” said another diplomat, quoting estimates of $150m-$300m for insurgents’ drugs cash.

Diplomats made clear that the money did not appear to come from Gulf governments but from groups and private individuals.

The US has for some time been pushing Saudi Arabia to ensure that funds raised for charities do not ultimately finance Islamist militants.

The drive has been headed by Stuart Levey, Treasury undersecretary in the administration of George W. Bush, who was this week formally retained in his post by Barack Obama, Mr Bush’s successor as president. Mr Levey has pushed for years for Saudi Arabia to oversee effectively the international activities of Saudi-based organisations through a charities commission.

The Saudi embassy in Washington did not immediately reply to a request for comment late on Wednesday.
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I hope that US will also try to stop the Indian support for Talibans.

Drug money and Gulf supporters are not as big as the role of India in supporting Talibans.
There are Indians who live in India but they support Kashmir's right to self determination. Why? Is there an answer to that?

In all socities there will be odd ones who would go against the norm. In Gulf state and in the KSA, norm is to support Pakistan but then again there will be people against the norm.
I hope that US will also try to stop the Indian support for Talibans.

Drug money and Gulf supporters are not as big as the role of India in supporting Talibans.

if india is not behind taliban[ which is logically true] and still you being ignorant of saudies and other sources of money for taliban can lead this war extended to very very long time.:woot:
think about it:cheesy:
if india is not behind taliban[ which is logically true] and still you being ignorant of saudies and other sources of money for taliban can lead this war extended to very very long time.:woot:
think about it:cheesy:

I am concerned about the Saudis and others funding Talibans but we have friendly govts. there and individuals can be stopped.

RAW on the other hand is actually financed and supported by the Indian govt. so I am far more concerned by the Indian role.
I am concerned about the Saudis and others funding Talibans but we have friendly govts. there and individuals can be stopped.

RAW on the other hand is actually financed and supported by the Indian govt. so I am far more concerned by the Indian role.

be on your guard, you never know a raw agent is living in your neighbor hood. you might get assassinated coz you know the secret "india is behind Taliban":partay:
SSGPA - I partly agree with you - there may be a small indian dimension.

However, it is the Saudis who have the most to gain by supporting their ideological offspring(Taliban) in its attempt to take control of pakistan. Common sense tells us that Wahhabis benefit from a Taliban victory.
I hope that US will also try to stop the Indian support for Talibans.

Your Government tried this line, but failed to impress anyone.

Drug money and Gulf supporters are not as big as the role of India in supporting Talibans.
Thats emotion speaking. I don't say we would not have any kind of back channel support going on. But the kind of resource's, you are talking about here, cant be done without getting some attention to one self. I don't see anyone (except GoP) tagging us on this line so far.
I hope that US will also try to stop the Indian support for Talibans.

Drug money and Gulf supporters are not as big as the role of India in supporting Talibans.

Are you kidding me? US already has rubbished your accusations of 'India supporting extremist activities in Pakistan'.

And do you have any idea how poppy stuff helps Taliban funding? Have fun reading this.

‘70 percent Taliban’s funding comes from opium trade’

On your RDX question, apparently it isn't much of a mystery at all:

AFAIK RDX is not used in mining. I checked with someone who owns a mine. They use Gelatine mainy.

Edit - I think that only applies to India, not sure about other places.
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