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Taliban Funding

"the fact remains that the source of weapons supplies to the Taliban is primarily Afghanistan..."

There is no "fact" here just because your chief military spokesman ALLUDES to such. It is, therefore, allusion, and also heard/read by your minister of interior and others from time to time. Helps the locals digest this war better, don't you know.

Forget our military spokesman. Prior to the taliban arrival in Afghanistan, how do you think the factional war inside of Afghanistan was being financed? It was not money from outside donors, rather drugs being exported out of Afghanistan. The same goes on to this day.

The facts seem to suggest that Pakistan has its OWN considerable number of financial contributors, based upon Haqqani's comments. It also has a long-standing and FAMOUS illicit small-arms industry operating openly on your lands for years without policing. Further, you've utterly discounted the role that mideast private arms dealers, located in the gulf states near much of the donor money and with long-established networks of their own, in supplying such.

Even if there is financial support coming from Pakistan (there is some without doubt), its nowhere close to the estimated $350 million to almost a billion dollars by some estimates that is going into the Taliban coffers. Also you need to know about the quality of the small arms industry (of Darra) in Pakistan to understand that no talib going into actual combat would use these weapons. They represent very poor metallurgy and tend to pose many problems. For light use in show-off and minor skirmishing between tribals it is ok, however for anything serious, the vast majority of the weaponry is of ex-Soviet and Chinese origin.

Pakistanis simply cannot afford this long running war on the basis of their donations and Darra produced weaponry.
We haven't discounted such but that's your business how you care to see matters. I suggest that your military document the lot #'s of ammo captured and serial numbers of weapons and provide those to us if they wish.

The weapons are in most case of the above origins. In many cases serial numbers are etched off if they are from military stocks. Also it would do the US a lot of good to keep track of what they are giving to the Afghans themselves:

A U.S. government report last month warned that the Pentagon did not have "complete records" for about one-third of the 242,000 weapons the United States had provided to the Afghan army, or for a further 135,000 weapons other countries sent.

Pakistan army spokesman fights media war - CNN.com

Those are a lot of small arms to more than sustain an insurgency.

I've seen nothing yet from your government about FACTS on this matter and certainly no independant confirmation of such so unsubstantiated allegations fits more closely.

S-2, in all fairness, nothing will be as clear cut as you are expecting it to be. By the process of reasoning and deduction, anyone who has operated in the region will tell you that weapons and money are going back and forth and even players like Russia are involved (albeit indirectly).
I've indicated where I think much of the afghan opium travels to the gulf and it does so via Pakistan. You and I'll know more in this regard with the 2009 UNODC assessment as well as the next traffiking report from INTERPOL. I anticipate more opium/heroin than ever departing Afghanistan through your lands.

Yes it indeed does travel through Pakistan, however US DEA has had a presence in Pakistan for almost two decades now and I know folks personally who are aware of the work the Pakistani side is doing in clamping down this business with limited success. The problem is the excessive production and porous border. Again the onus is on the Afghan side to put out more. Pakistan has been one of the success stories for US DEA to advertise. There is only so much Pakistan can do to block the inflow and transit of this stuff.
Networks, naturally, work both ways and so too arms dealers WRT to guns and drugs. They are perfectly positioned to take advantage of such and already are engaged in illicit transactions.

Absolutely and I do not think that Pakistani government or her military spokesman have stated otherwise. We have a pretty good idea as to where the funding and arms are coming from. They are certainly not all from inside of Pakistan.
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I don't see anything in this article that wasn't already known, being seriously investigated or strongly suspected with preliminary evidence. The only thing that has probably changed is the percentage breakdown of opium to foreign remittances; a figure that generally keeps changing from year to year.

The investigations in regards to the hawala system and the businesses and banks that support it is nothing new. It was initially promoted in the 80s to (among other things) facilitate funding for the Afghan war and then heavily researched and cracked down upon in the early 90s after it became a criminal free for all which even included the likes of AQ Khan and Dawood Ibrahim (who was one of the most prolific profiteers of this system, and probably still is).

There have been crackdowns from time to time which have even included some high profile names like the BCCI bank (and a rather colorful collaborator list with titles like Sheikh X and Sultan Y). Unfortunately the sheer market for these services in countries like Pakistan or Afghanistan that have deficient formal financial systems catering to its working class, and other countries like Iran and India which have prohibitive and restrictive financial laws rendering the riskly hawalas more viable an option, makes it impossible to eliminate the system altogether.

While this is undoubtedly the primary financial system supporting illicit trade and terrorism in the region, it is also the only mode of money transfer for millions of people who need it to survive. Obviously the ambiguous nature of the system makes it downright impossible to weed out the criminals from the helpless.

yap, just check the accounts & ASSETS of the brother of the afghan president , all over the EU & off course in USA, but wait plz ! CHECK THE ACCOUNTS & ASSETS OF USA ARMY COMMANDERS & THIER AFGHAN ASSISTANTS TOO?;):cheers::usflag:

with love, for dear S-2 , sir!

Karzai's brother threatened McClatchy writer reporting Afghan drug story
Posted on Sunday, May 10, 2009

By Tom Lasseter | McClatchy Newspapers
McClatchy | Homepage

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — The ride to Kandahar airport was tense. The Afghan president's brother had just yelled a litany of obscenities and said he was about to beat me.

Ahmed Wali Karzai is feared by many in southern Afghanistan, and being threatened by him, in his home, isn't something to be taken lightly:eek:.

In a place like Kandahar, I try to take precautions — letting my beard grow and wearing the traditional Afghan outfit of baggy pants and a long tunic — but at the end of the day, there's no protection when the most powerful official in the region orders you to leave.

So after a quick consultation with locals, I decided to do just that.
I was in my third week of tracking down former Afghan officials and asking them about drugs and corruption. Several had mentioned Karzai, President Hamid Karzai's brother and the head of Kandahar's provincial council.

After talking with poppy farmers, a drug dealer and former officials in Kandahar, it was time to see Ahmed Wali Karzai.
Sitting in his home, Karzai said up front that he had nothing to do with drugs. The political enemies of his brother, the president, were spreading rumors: "I am just the victim of their politics, that's all," he said.
I flipped from one page to the next of my notebook, and started with specifics.

Dad Mohammed Khan, a former national intelligence directorate chief of Helmand province, told me that Karzai had sent an intermediary to force him to release a Taliban commander who'd been arrested in a major drug-trafficking area. Khan was killed by a roadside bomb after our interview.:smokin:

"He died, so I don't know if he told you that," Karzai said, looking unhappy with the question.

He added: "He's dead, so let's leave it there."

I moved on to a second former security official from the region — I had jotted a long list of names — who'd also made allegations about Karzai.

Karzai said that the official "is alive, I can find him and talk to him." He called for one of his men to bring a cell phone.

He began to glare at me and questioned whether I was really a reporter.

"It seems like someone sent you to write these things," he said, scowling.

Karzai glared some more.

"You should leave right now," he said.

I stuck my hand out to shake his; if I learned anything from three years of reporting in Iraq and then trips to Afghanistan during the past couple of years, it's that when things turn bad, you should cling to any remaining shred of hospitality.:lol:

Karzai grabbed my hand and used it to give me a bit of a push into the next room. He followed me, and his voice rose until it was a scream of curse words and threats.

I managed to record just one full sentence: "Get the (expletive) out before I kick your (expletive).":partay:
I won't describe the rest, because it involves the Afghans I was working with, none of whom wants to risk revenge in a country where feuds often end in blood.

Once I was at the airport, there were still several hours until the flight and I had only fuzzy ideas of what to do if the plane to Kabul were canceled, a common occurrence.
I was with my Afghan colleague, and neither of us talked much. It's a routine that we've worked out, the silence in which we collect ourselves and let the fear settle.

After several hours of delay — there was speculation about whether there was no fuel, or a government minister was running late — the plane finally took off.

I looked out the window, and there was Kandahar below. A few minutes later, I looked again, and it was gone, leaving only the darkness of the Afghan night. The trip back to Kabul was a quiet one.

West looked the other way as Afghan drug trade exploded
Posted on Sunday, May 10, 2009

McClatchy | Homepage

By Tom Lasseter | McClatchy Newspapers
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Locals call them "poppy palaces," the three- or four-story marble homes with fake Roman columns perched behind razor wire and guard shacks in Afghanistan's capital.

Most are owned by Afghan officials or people connected to them, men who make a few hundred dollars a month as government employees but are driven around in small convoys of armored SUVs that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Kabul's gleaming upmarket real estate seems a world away from war-torn southern Afghanistan, but many of the houses were built with profits harvested from opium poppy fields in the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar.

"When you see these buildings, that's not normal money . . . that's drug money," said Ghulam Haider Hamidi, the mayor of Kandahar's provincial capital since 2007. "The ministers and the governors are behind the drug dealers, and sometimes they are the drug dealers."

Last year, Helmand and Kandahar provinces accounted for about 75 percent of Afghanistan's poppy cultivation, and Helmand alone was the world's biggest supplier of opium.

Afghan and Western officials say that's because U.S. and NATO-led forces failed to take the drug problem seriously for more than six years after the U.S.-led invasion in 2001 ousted the Taliban regime.

"They (the Western military) didn't want anything to do with either interdiction or eradication," said Thomas Schweich, a former Bush administration ambassador for counter-narcotics and justice reform for Afghanistan. "We warned them over and over again: Look at Colombia."

Now Helmand and Kandahar have become the core of a narco-state within Afghanistan, effectively ruled by the resurgent Taliban. Drugs are the main economic engine there, and most politicians and police are said to be under the thumbs of dealers. "I haven't seen any good police during the last two years in Kandahar," Hamidi said.

In the west Helmand district of Nad Ali, thousands of acres of government land reportedly have been irrigated and cultivated — including wells and farm boundaries dug by heavy machinery — as poppy plantations. Police in the area fired on government eradication teams last year.

Asked what American and NATO forces have done to halt the flow of opium and heroin in the southern provinces, Afghanistan's minister for counter-narcotics, Col. Gen. Khodaidad, who like many Afghans uses only one name, had a quick answer: "Nothing."

The Afghan government hasn't done much, either. Schweich said that at the highest levels of government the issue wasn't always corruption, but political considerations.

For example, he said, U.S.-backed Afghan President Hamid Karzai was seen in 2007 as "trying to prevent serious law-enforcement efforts in Helmand and Kandahar to ensure that he did not lose the support of drug lords in the area whose support he wanted in the upcoming election." Schweich, though, added that Karzai has recently appeared to "adopt a more hands-off approach."

A spokesman for Karzai, Humayun Hamidzada, denied that the government was soft on drugs, and said it was waging "an active campaign against corruption and drug dealing."

Mirwais Yasini, a parliament member who headed Afghanistan's anti-narcotics directorate for about two years, agreed that politics is a factor is the government's lax enforcement. However, he said, there's another consideration: "It's also for their own benefit, because some government officials have large lands that produce opium."

Yasini didn't provide the names of those officials.

Abdul Jabar Sabit, a former Afghan attorney general, said that when many Afghans got government positions, "they see that it is their turn right now" to grab as much money as they could. Sabit was speaking from his recently built house in an expensive Kabul neighborhood.

"All the officials dealing with narcotics are corrupt," said Sabit, who said that he'd borrowed money from a construction company to build his home. "The police are there to make a deal (with drug traffickers); if the police cannot make a deal, then the prosecutor will or the judges after them."

Mohammed Ayub Salangi, a former Kandahar and Kabul police chief, said recently that he didn’t think that drug money tainted many Afghan officials. Salangi, who said he was paid about $6,500 a year, was sitting in front of his house in Kabul with a Lexus SUV parked in the driveway and a small posse of gunmen out front. Rents in the neighborhood run up to $10,000 a month. Officials from provinces where Salangi worked in the past told McClatchy they weren’t aware of any accusations that he’s corrupt. In fact, Salangi was waiting to hear whether he’d be named the police chief of yet another province.


Some Western and Afghan officials say that southern Afghanistan spun out of control because of a serious miscalculation by U.S. and British officials, who all but ignored the long rows of poppy and the opium trafficking that flows from them.

The results were grim.

After the Taliban banned poppy cultivation in July 2000, Afghanistan produced some 185 tons of opium in 2001. The next year, production was 3,400 tons, according to U.N. statistics, and by 2007 it was about 8,200 tons, making Afghanistan the source of roughly 93 percent of the world's opium and heroin. U.S. numbers differ from the U.N. statistics but reflect the same trend.

Production declined last year, but there are differences about how much. The State Department puts it at 5,500 tons; the U.N. says that while the area of cultivation fell by 19 percent, farmers still produced some 7,700 tons of opium because they had higher yields.

Most experts attribute the decrease in land usage to farmers diversifying because of rising prices for wheat and bumper crops in Afghanistan causing a slide in opium prices. Afghanistan, however, still supplied more than 90 percent of the world market last year.

As a lead donor nation to Afghanistan, Britain agreed in 2002 to head up counter-narcotics efforts, but it did little to crack down on drugs and largely avoided the eradication of poppy crops.

While NATO-led forces in Afghanistan provided training for Afghan anti-narcotics units, they would "not take part in the eradication of opium poppy or in pre-planned and direct military action against the drugs trade," Jack Straw, Britain's foreign secretary from 2001 to 2006, wrote in a 2006 letter to Parliament.

The British worried that strong-arming poppy farmers could create more militants, and they preferred to wait for the rule of law to be strengthened, at which point — the thinking went — the Afghans could take care of their drug problem themselves.

"We think that this was a rather simplistic view of the issue, because as we have seen in Colombia, as we have seen in the Golden Triangle" — an opium and heroin production area in southeast Asia — "at the end of the day it is very hard to make a distinction between the drug cultivation and the insurgency," said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, representative for the United Nations office on drugs and crime in Afghanistan.

The softer British approach often didn't achieve much.

During 2003, for example, the British and Afghan governments tried to buy up the poppy crop in Helmand. The $40 million effort "failed to produce lasting results," according to a subsequent report by the U.S. State and Defense departments' inspectors general.

In 2006, the British deployed about 3,300 troops to Helmand and brought with them the same laissez-faire approach to counter-narcotics.

A report published that year from the British House of Commons quoted a British Defense Ministry official as saying that "the military contribution to counter-narcotics might be quite small . . . it will be in support of the Afghan authorities rather than the British carrying out a counter-narcotics mission on its own account."

In 2007, Helmand radio stations carried announcements telling Afghans that NATO-led and Afghan troops "do not destroy poppy fields" because "they know that many people of Afghanistan have no choice but to grow poppy," an advertisement written by British officers, according to British news reports.

Three former Helmand governors said the British forces' reluctance to deal with drugs was disastrous.

"When they're not targeting the source that fuels the terrorism it is difficult to defeat terrorism," said Mohammed Daoud, the governor from late 2005 through 2006. "Unless the international community includes poppy eradication and fighting drugs in their list of ways to fight terrorism, they will not succeed in this fight because it (the drug trade) is the fuel in the machine of terrorism."

Asadullah Wafa, the Helmand governor from 2007 to 2008, said that many Afghans took the lack of action as a signal that it was open season for poppy cultivation.

Cultivation in Helmand nearly quadrupled from 2005 to 2008, and now accounts for some 66 percent of Afghanistan's output. In 2003, the province had roughly 37,980 acres of poppy. Last year, there were some 255,970 acres of poppy there, according to U.N. numbers.

"It was not just the British, it was also ISAF (the NATO-led forces) and the U.S. military" that did little about the opium trade, said a Western official working with counter-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

The British and U.S. embassies in Kabul declined to comment.

Some experts on counter-narcotics contend that in the middle of a war, in a country with a weak central government and a tattered economy, the British had limited options.

"Peace first, drugs next," said Ekaterina Stepanova, a senior analyst at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute who's studied drug economies in conflict zones. "If you want counter-narcotics policy to succeed, you first need a functional and domestically accepted state."

Stepanova agreed with the British decision to sidestep eradication.

"The most counterproductive thing you can do is to start an eradication campaign, because it pushes the peasants further to support the Taliban," she said in a phone interview.

The issue was left mainly to underequipped and often-corrupt Afghan police, who had little inclination to take on the hordes of militants and warlords who were protecting poppy fields.

The police are infamous for being on the payrolls of drug dealers big and small.

"When the police arrested me I would give them 1,000 or 2,000 afghanis" — $20 or $40 — "and they'd let me go," said Ahmadullah, a 20-year-old junkie and former two-bit heroin dealer from Kandahar who was interviewed at an abandoned building in Kabul that's become an opium and heroin den.

When he was asked when heroin started becoming a major problem in Kandahar, Ahmadullah, his hair matted with dirt and face drooping with the lazy gaze of a heroin addict, paused and asked: When did the Western armies and Hamid Karzai come? It was a few years after that, he said.

Christopher Langton, a retired British army colonel who's a senior analyst at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, pointed to the fragile state of the Afghan government, "which has little control over the country," as a major factor.

"Weak control allows cultivation," he said.


The Western powers' hands-off counter-narcotics policy in Afghanistan has begun to change, however slowly. Much of President Barack Obama's surge of 17,000-plus troops to Afghanistan will target the south, a move that's sure to put pressure on the Taliban's drug-running operations. The State Department and other agencies are spearheading eradication campaigns and agricultural development projects across the country, a carrot-and-stick approach.

In Helmand, the Afghan government — with U.S. and British backing — has distributed wheat seed to some 30,000 farmers as part of a pilot program for crop substitution, and has begun to map out supply chains for fruits and vegetables to lucrative markets such as Dubai.

Afghan eradication teams now have regular backup from Western military units that serve as quick reaction forces. Former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration officers are mentoring Afghan Interior Ministry narcotics officials, and a central drug court in Kabul is seen as relatively promising.

Last December, the British military led a contingent of at least 1,500 troops for an operation in and around Helmand's Nad Ali district — home to thousands of acres of poppy — to establish a foothold. Then in February, the British conducted one of the first high-profile military raids of a reputed Taliban drug base in Helmand, in its northeast district of Sangin. They found more than 2,700 pounds of opium and a lab for making heroin.

The number of poppy-free provinces reportedly climbed to 18 from 13 out of 34 last year, including the former number two producer of opium, and there are expectations that the number will increase this year.

However, as poppy cultivation has shifted almost exclusively to five of the country's southern provinces, Taliban areas such as Kandahar and Helmand have become even more volatile. In 2007, 19 Afghan police were killed during eradication efforts. In 2008, that number more than tripled to 72, according to the Western official involved with counter-narcotics.

Government eradication troops in the south now come under attack by platoon-sized Taliban teams broken into squads firing mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns.

Amid the new, fragile momentum in the battle against drugs, the Obama administration has sent some confusing signals.

The president's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, recently lashed out at U.S. policy, saying that American efforts to date have been useless.

"We have gotten nothing out of it, nothing," Holbrooke said at a March conference in Brussels, Belgium. "It is the most wasteful and ineffective program I have seen in 40 years."

During a briefing for White House reporters the same month, Holbrooke acknowledged that the Obama team hadn't finalized its strategy for counter-narcotics in Afghanistan.

In Helmand, convoys of Land Cruisers still speed across the desert loaded with heroin and gunmen, and no one dares stop them, said Sher Mohammed Akhundzada, who was the governor there for about four years.

Sitting in his living room in Kabul, Akhundzada bemoaned the state of his home province. It's a place run by the Taliban and narco-traffickers, he said with a shake of the head.

Akhundzada didn't mention that during his time as governor he was caught storing some 9 tons of opium in the basement of his office. Instead of being prosecuted, he became a senator. Akhundzada now lives in a large house in Kabul

Reports Link Karzai’s Brother to Afghanistan Heroin Trade

Published: October 4, 2008
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
WASHINGTON — When Afghan security forces found an enormous cache of heroin hidden beneath concrete blocks in a tractor-trailer outside Kandahar in 2004, the local Afghan commander quickly impounded the truck and notified his boss.
Before long, the commander, Habibullah Jan, received a telephone call from Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of President Hamid Karzai, asking him to release the vehicle and the drugs, Mr. Jan later told American investigators, according to notes from the debriefing obtained by The New York Times. He said he complied after getting a phone call from an aide to President Karzai directing him to release the truck.

Two years later, American and Afghan counternarcotics forces stopped another truck, this time near Kabul, finding more than 110 pounds of heroin. Soon after the seizure, United States investigators told other American officials that they had discovered links between the drug shipment and a bodyguard believed to be an intermediary for Ahmed Wali Karzai, according to a participant in the briefing.

The assertions about the involvement of the president’s brother in the incidents were never investigated, according to American and Afghan officials, even though allegations that he has benefited from narcotics trafficking have circulated widely in Afghanistan.

Both President Karzai and Ahmed Wali Karzai, now the chief of the Kandahar Provincial Council, the governing body for the region that includes Afghanistan’s second largest city, dismiss the allegations as politically motivated attacks by longtime foes.

“I am not a drug dealer, I never was and I never will be,” the president’s brother said in a recent phone interview. “I am a victim of vicious politics.”

But the assertions about him have deeply worried top American officials in Kabul and in Washington. The United States officials fear that perceptions that the Afghan president might be protecting his brother are damaging his credibility and undermining efforts by the United States to buttress his government, which has been under siege from rivals and a Taliban insurgency fueled by drug money, several senior Bush administration officials said. Their concerns have intensified as American troops have been deployed to the country in growing numbers.

“What appears to be a fairly common Afghan public perception of corruption inside their government is a tremendously corrosive element working against establishing long-term confidence in that government — a very serious matter,” said Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, who was commander of coalition military forces in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005 and is now retired. “That could be problematic strategically for the United States.”

The White House says it believes that Ahmed Wali Karzai is involved in drug trafficking, and American officials have repeatedly warned President Karzai that his brother is a political liability, two senior Bush administration officials said in interviews last week.

Numerous reports link Ahmed Wali Karzai to the drug trade, according to current and former officials from the White House, the State Department and the United States Embassy in Afghanistan, who would speak only on the condition of anonymity. In meetings with President Karzai, including a 2006 session with the United States ambassador, the Central Intelligence Agency’s station chief and their British counterparts, American officials have talked about the allegations in hopes that the president might move his brother out of the country, said several people who took part in or were briefed on the talks.

“We thought the concern expressed to Karzai might be enough to get him out of there,” one official said. But President Karzai has resisted, demanding clear-cut evidence of wrongdoing, several officials said. “We don’t have the kind of hard, direct evidence that you could take to get a criminal indictment,” a White House official said. “That allows Karzai to say, ‘where’s your proof?’ ”

Neither the Drug Enforcement Administration, which conducts counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan, nor the fledgling Afghan anti-drug agency has pursued investigations into the accusations against the president’s brother.

Several American investigators said senior officials at the D.E.A. and the office of the Director of National Intelligence complained to them that the White House favored a hands-off approach toward Ahmed Wali Karzai because of the political delicacy of the matter. But White House officials dispute that, instead citing limited D.E.A. resources in Kandahar and southern Afghanistan and the absence of political will in the Afghan government to go after major drug suspects as the reasons for the lack of an inquiry.

“We invested considerable resources into building Afghan capability to conduct such investigations and consistently encouraged Karzai to take on the big fish and address widespread Afghan suspicions about the link between his brother and narcotics,” said Meghan O’Sullivan, who was the coordinator for Afghanistan and Iraq at the National Security Council until last year.

It was not clear whether President Bush had been briefed on the matter.Humayun Hamidzada, press secretary for President Karzai, denied that the president’s brother was involved in drug trafficking or that the president had intervened to help him. “People have made allegations without proof,” Mr. Hamidzada said.

Spokesmen for the Drug Enforcement Administration, the State Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment.:azn:
An Informant’s Tip

The concerns about Ahmed Wali Karzai have surfaced recently because of the imprisonment of an informant who tipped off American and Afghan investigators to the drug-filled truck outside Kabul in 2006.
The informant, Hajji Aman Kheri, was arrested a year later on charges of plotting to kill an Afghan vice president in 2002. The Afghan Supreme Court recently ordered him freed for lack of evidence, but he has not been released. Nearly 100 political leaders in his home region protested his continued incarceration last month.
Mr. Kheri, in a phone interview from jail in Kabul, said he had been an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and United States intelligence agencies, an assertion confirmed by American counternarcotics and intelligence officials. Several of those officials, frustrated that the Bush administration was not pressing for Mr. Kheri’s release, came forward to disclose his role in the drug seizure.

Ever since the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, critics have charged that the Bush administration has failed to take aggressive action against the Afghan narcotics trade, because of both opposition from the Karzai government and reluctance by the United States military to get bogged down by eradication and interdiction efforts that would antagonize local warlords and Afghan poppy farmers. Now, Afghanistan provides about 95 percent of the world’s supply of heroin.

Just as the Taliban have benefited from money produced by the drug trade, so have many officials in the Karzai government, according to American and Afghan officials. Thomas Schweich, a former senior State Department counternarcotics official, wrote in The New York Times Magazine in July that drug traffickers were buying off hundreds of police chiefs, judges and other officials. “Narco-corruption went to the top of the Afghan government,” he said.

Suspicions of Corruption

Of the suspicions about Ahmed Wali Karzai, Representative Mark Steven Kirk, an Illinois Republican who has focused on the Afghan drug problem in Congress, said, “I would ask people in the Bush administration and the D.E.A. about him, and they would say, ‘We think he’s dirty.’ ”

In the two drug seizures in 2004 and 2006, millions of dollars’ worth of heroin was found. In April 2006, Mr. Jan, by then a member of the Afghan Parliament, met with American investigators at a D.E.A. safe house in Kabul and was asked to describe the events surrounding the 2004 drug discovery, according to notes from the debriefing session. He told the Americans that after impounding the truck, he received calls from Ahmed Wali Karzai and Shaida Mohammad, an aide to President Karzai, according to the notes.

Mr. Jan later became a political opponent of President Karzai, and in a 2007 speech in Parliament he accused Ahmed Wali Karzai of involvement in the drug trade. Mr. Jan was shot to death in July as he drove from a guesthouse to his main residence in Kandahar Province. The Taliban were suspected in the assassination.

Mr. Mohammad, in a recent interview in Washington, dismissed Mr. Jan’s account, saying that Mr. Jan had fabricated the story about being pressured to release the drug shipment in order to damage President Karzai.

But Khan Mohammad, the former Afghan commander in Kandahar who was Mr. Jan’s superior in 2004, said in a recent interview that Mr. Jan reported at the time that he had received a call from the Karzai aide ordering him to release the drug cache. Khan Mohammad recalled that Mr. Jan believed that the call had been instigated by Ahmed Wali Karzai, not the president.

“This was a very heavy issue,” Mr. Mohammad said.

He provided the same account in an October 2004 interview with The Christian Science Monitor. Mr. Mohammad said that after a subordinate captured a large shipment of heroin about two months earlier, the official received repeated telephone calls from Ahmed Wali Karzai. “He was saying, ‘This heroin belongs to me, you should release it,’ ” the newspaper quoted Mr. Mohammad as saying.

Languishing in Detention

In 2006, Mr. Kheri, the Afghan informant, tipped off American counternarcotics agents to another drug shipment. Mr. Kheri, who had proved so valuable to the United States that his family had been resettled in Virginia in 2004, briefly returned to Afghanistan in 2006.

The heroin in the truck that was seized was to be delivered to Ahmed Wali Karzai’s bodyguard in the village of Maidan Shahr, and then transported to Kandahar, one of the Afghans involved in the deal later told American investigators, according to notes of his debriefing. Several Afghans — the drivers and the truck’s owner — were arrested by Afghan authorities, but no action was taken against Mr. Karzai or his bodyguard, who investigators believe serves as a middleman, the American officials said.

In 2007, Mr. Kheri visited Afghanistan again, once again serving as an American informant, the officials said. This time, however, he was arrested by the Karzai government and charged in the 2002 assassination of Hajji Abdul Qadir, an Afghan vice president, who had been a political rival of Mr. Kheri’s brother, Hajji Zaman, a former militia commander and a powerful figure in eastern Afghanistan.

Mr. Kheri, in the phone interview from Kabul, denied any involvement in the killing and said his arrest was politically motivated. He maintained that the president’s brother was involved in the heroin trade.

“It’s no secret about Wali Karzai and drugs,” said Mr. Kheri, who speaks English. “A lot of people in the Afghan government are involved in drug trafficking.”

Mr. Kheri’s continued detention, despite the Afghan court’s order to release him, has frustrated some of the American investigators who worked with him.

In recent months, they have met with officials at the State Department and the office of the Director of National Intelligence seeking to persuade the Bush administration to intervene with the Karzai government to release Mr. Kheri.

“We have just left a really valuable informant sitting in jail to rot,” one investigator said.
Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the Taliban's funding and it's much as S-2 has surmised-opium and donors- with an added kicker of legitimate businesses either owned by the taliban or from which the taliban are receiving kickbacks.

There's a hidden hand alright- in the gulf and among your own Pakistani sympathizers-

Taliban's Foreign Support Vexes U.S. - WSJ.com

"Pakistani Ambassador Hussein Haqqani said his government had frozen hundreds of bank accounts tied to the Taliban and other extremist groups and said the effort is a 'work in progress...

...The extremist networks continue to find new financing schemes and methods to evade law enforcement
,' he said."

How Deeply is the U.S. involved in the Afghan Drug Trade?
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Special for the Huffington Post
By Eric Margolis
October 15, 2008

Afghanistan is in a `downward spiral,' the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, admitted last week, giving the most negative view of that conflict heard in Washington.

Military men are programmed to always be optimistic, so Admiral Mullen's grim words were particularly noteworthy. They also flatly contradicted the rosy claims of `progress' in Afghanistan made by the Bush administration and its increasingly dispirited allies in Canada, France, Germany, Italy and other NATO nations that were dragooned into this deeply unpopular war.

Most Europeans see the Afghan conflict as a 19th-century style colonial war for regional domination and resources. By contrast, Americans are still being misled by their corporate media and posturing politicians of both parties into believing the seven-year U.S. occupation of Afghanistan is a noble `anti-terrorism' mission that is defending women's rights and rebuilding a ravage nation instead of another brutal grab for energy, this time from the Caspian Basin.

In a troubling example of Vietnam-style 'mission creep,' the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, is calling for 15,000 more American troops on top of the 8,000 now slated to arrive in January 2009. His predecessor told Congress that 400,000 U.S. troops would be needed to pacify Afghanistan.

But McKiernan also called for talks with Afghan nationalists resisting western occupation collectively known as Taliban. Days earlier, it was revealed that senior British officers and diplomats in Afghanistan had called the US-led war `un-winnable' and advocated peace talks with Taliban.

Admiral Mullen also ordered U.S. and NATO forces to begin targeting Afghanistan's opium and heroin dealers. Under American tutelage, Afghanistan has become the world's leading narco-state, surpassing even Colombia, and now producing 90% of the world's heroin. Well over half of the nation's GDP consists of drug money. Considering this, Admiral Mullen's 'shoot on sight' orders seem rather overdue.

The 64,000 rupee question that arises from Admiral Mullen's new anti-drug policy is: Why was it not done seven years ago when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan? Why did Washington turn a blind eye to the Afghan drug trade and is only now taking some action?

The answer is simple and dismaying. America's local allies in Afghanistan, the politicians and warlords who overthrew Taliban in 2001, are up to their turbans in the heroin trade. Drug money is the blood that courses through Afghanistan's veins and keeps the economy limping along. The U.S.-installed Karzai regime in Kabul propped up by US and NATO bayonets has only two sources of income: cash handouts from Washington, and the proceeds of drug dealing.

When Taliban ruled 90% of Afghanistan from 1996-2001, it almost totally stamped out poppy cultivation as un-Islamic. The UN's drug control agency has confirmed this fact. The only remaining source of drug dealing was in the remote northeast of Afghanistan controlled by the Russian and Iranian-backed Northern Alliance, made up of Tajik Panshiri tribesmen, brutal Uzbek warlord Rashid Dostam, and the remains of the old Afghan Communist Party.

In 2001, the U.S. overthrew Taliban and put the drug-dealing Northern Alliance and Communists in power. Since then, Afghanistan's drug production has spread across the nation and exports have soared by 60-70%, making Afghanistan the source of nearly all the world's supply of heroin.

Washington called off efforts by the Drug Enforcement Agency to combat the Afghan drug trade for fear of endangering the power base of its former CIA `asset,' President Hamid Karzai. Starting with Karzai's brother, Ahmed Wali, the U.S.-installed regime's most important supporters are all involved in varying degrees with the heroin trade. As this writer has seen himself, almost every important warlord gets revenue from the drug trade. The Northern Alliance warlords are considered the biggest of the nation's narco-dealers. Ahmed Karzai denies involvement.

Moving against the drug warlords would have meant undermining Karzai's sole domestic support. So Washington held its nose and let the drug trade flourish in order to sustain the occupation. The faux `war on terror' and lust for Caspian energy trumped the old war on drugs.

Experience in Indochina and Central America suggests that CIA, the principal paymaster for U.S.-backed Afghan warlords, may be more deeply involved in the drug trade than we yet know.

Author Alfred McCoy's wrote a brilliant study in his ground-breaking `The Politics of Heroin' in which he documents how first French, then American intelligence was drawn into the heroin trade in Laos and Vietnam as a way of supporting anti-Communist guerilla fighters. The same thing happened in Central America where CIA collaborated with cocaine-dealing members of the anti-Communist Contras.

In both cases, drugs served as a currency and became more important than paper money. French and American spies even ended up transporting heroin for their local allies. The same may be happening in Afghanistan.

Equally disturbing, there is no way that simple Afghan farmers or Taliban fighters are running the drug trade, as Washington claims. Poppy sap is collected and converted into opium tar. Then it is smuggled to secret labs in Pakistan to be transformed into first morphine base, and then purified into heroin. None of these drugs would move south into Pakistan or be processed with imported chemicals without the full cooperation and assistance of the Afghan government, its supporting warlords, and local Pakistani officials. The drugs are then smuggled out of the port of Karachi, again under at protection by port and local officials. Pakistan is a key U.S. ally.

The Karzai regime has been totally corrupted by the drug trade, and so has parts of Pakistan's establishment. But the United States has also become corrupted in the sense that it has done nothing to combat this scourge and has collaborated with Afghanistan's drug barons by at minimum turning blind eye.

When the history of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan is written, Washington's sordid involvement in the heroin trade and its alliance with drug lords and war criminals of the Afghan Communist Party will be one of the most shameful chapters.
S-2 - i would like to point out that for a while this was ignored by many in the US media, fueled by the usual 'anonymous officials' and the finger of blame, for both the weapons and funding for the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, was pointed at Pakistan and the ISI.

As such this shift in focusing on the real sources is welcome. Especially the focus on and understanding of the role of the drug and weapons trade out of Afghanistan in financing and arming the insurgencies in both nations, which hopefully your forces will be putting a dent in relatively soon, though I have my doubts, given the lack of plans (AFAIK) of developing either an alternate means of livelihood or disposing of the crop by providing an alternate buyer.

Gen. Athar Abbas on CNN today:

Whatever the role of the donors in the Middle East, Pakistan and India, the fact remains that the source of weapons supplies to the Taliban is primarily Afghanistan, as are the drugs providing a large chunk of the funding, and the US/NATO have to do a lot to bring this under control.

There is something I have always wondered...
I can see how the blacksmiths along Afghan Pak border can manufacture AK 47s. I can also see how the leftover stingers from Afghan war are sometimes still available. But how do these guys manage to collect RDX and other explosives?
When a bombing happens in India (by local terrorists) it is usually gunpowder,TNT, Dynamite or other IEDs. In USA the local bombers have used Gasoline-Fertilizer mixtures (first WTC bombing) or sometimes homemade Nitro glycerine (variant of dynamite).

It is only when the LeT/Taliban/Al Qaeda groups are involved that RDX gets used. It was used in all Mumbai bombings, in Lahore, Karachi, Afghanistan and sometimes in Iraq. RDX is not something a terrorist can cook up at home.

It could be that RDX from Afghan wars are still left over (RDX is extremely stable) , but like in the Lahore bombings it is not a small quantity of this stuff that is being used. Where is all this stored/getting manufactured ? Tracing RDX down will tell a story as informative as the one from tracing the money.
There is something I have always wondered...
I can see how the blacksmiths along Afghan Pak border can manufacture AK 47s. I can also see how the leftover stingers from Afghan war are sometimes still available. But how do these guys manage to collect RDX and other explosives?
When a bombing happens in India (by local terrorists) it is usually gunpowder,TNT, Dynamite or other IEDs. In USA the local bombers have used Gasoline-Fertilizer mixtures (first WTC bombing) or sometimes homemade Nitro glycerine (variant of dynamite).

It is only when the LeT/Taliban/Al Qaeda groups are involved that RDX gets used. It was used in all Mumbai bombings, in Lahore, Karachi, Afghanistan and sometimes in Iraq. RDX is not something a terrorist can cook up at home.

It could be that RDX from Afghan wars are still left over (RDX is extremely stable) , but like in the Lahore bombings it is not a small quantity of this stuff that is being used. Where is all this stored/getting manufactured ? Tracing RDX down will tell a story as informative as the one from tracing the money.
Your question on the RDX is a valid one.

I know that Pakistani military officials in Swat a day or so ago stated that the militants were obtaining explosives from mining operations - I do not know whether RDX is used in mining or not.

However, as Blain pointed out, the cottage arms manufacturing industry in FATA is primarily geared towards satisfying limited enthusiast demand, and of variable quality. It is by no means sufficient for supplying militias numbering in the thousands, and continuing to keep them well stocked despite the regular arms seizures of rifles, RPG's, grenades etc. numbering in the thousands.

The idea that the Darra arms industry is supplying the militants is based more on a romanticized perception of the industry than any factual analysis of its capabilities. Even during the Afghan Jihad, when one woudl have expected the industry to function unhindered and at full throttle, it was weapons manufactured by the POF and purchased from other nations (bought with US and Saudi money) that were primarily used to supply the Mujahideen.

US intelligence has suggested over the past few years that Iran serves as a major source of weapons for the insurgents, Iran also serves as the largest transit route for drugs out of Afghanistan, as do the CAR's at second place (interpol).

Some reports have suggested a lucrative drugs for weapons trade in the north as well, and that may indicate that the CAR's function as another major source for weapons into Afghanistan and then to Pakistan.
On your RDX question, apparently it isn't much of a mystery at all:
MUMBAI/KOLKATA: Guess where terrorists in India are headed these days in search of RDX? Simple, one of the 500 coal mines across the country! India is home to the world’s third-largest coal deposits, and RDX, gelatine sticks and ammonium nitrate are among the most commonly-used explosives in mines. So much so that industry observers estimate that as much as one tonne of explosives is used daily in coal mines.
Terror outfits strike a goldmine in coal pockets- Metals & Mining-Ind'l Goods / Svs-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times
On your RDX question, apparently it isn't much of a mystery at all:

That is a pretty strange article. The mining guys seem to say that they do not use RDX, while the author says they do.

I have seen a couple of mines down south of India (not the mines these guys are talking about in the article, which from my guess are in Bihar). They use dynamites. The same dynamite gets used by Naxalites in southern India or by politically motivated goons. RDX is banned. I am fairly certain of this because I use to be neighbours with a DM of KGF (Kolar Gold Fields) who also worked on a bunch of government mining firms. Dynamite (Nitroglycerine) is fairly easy to make anyway -- the most difficult ingredient being pure nitric acid which is expensive but not rare to find.

To get hold of RDX, you'd need a Class 3 (Division 2) license in India, and they are subject to strict monitoring. There have been no reported cases of stealing/missing explosives. There are also very few manufacturers in India who make the full package of detonator + booster + fuse + timer.


Then there is the question of training. RDX would not explode even if you shot at it. You'd need to know how to set up the whole thing - something you'd need an military engineer for.

In India, Naxalites have used RDX very-very rarely. There have been findings of RDX with Naxalites, but the usage has been rare. ULFA has used it a couple of times in Assam (sparking a speculation at some point about foreign linkages), and LeT/JeM/whoever has used them in Mumbai.

I am not saying the article is wrong, but I don't think it is the full picture. Especially unclear is how it became so easily available (truck-full in the case of Marriott bombing) and who trained these guys to use them.

If I were out to take out terrorists, I'd start questioning Mining engineers and truck drivers on Pak-Afghan border first. (Of course, I am sure Pak Intelligence has already done this)
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There has been atleast one incident when an Indian Muslim attacked London Airport. The accused was raised in Saudi and lived in UK - both of which give the person significant disposable income.

2007 Glasgow International Airport attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And his motivation seems to be more to do with the perceived injustices with the muslims in Iraq, Chechnya, Palestine e.t.c than of muslims in India itself. The possibility of spending a long time in Saudi would make it plausible that he was radicalised by whabist ideology. Still the overwhelming under-representation of Indian muslims in these outfit (either as foot soldiers or propaganda spokesmen) compared to their population should be a highlighted.

Infact, even during the NDA government where a lot of concern was raised about the possibility of Indian madrasshas being involved in terrorism, no links were found after extensive investigations by agencies - even in Kashmiri madrasshas (in India).
Kashmir madrasas have not produced a single terrorist
Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the Taliban's funding and it's much as S-2 has surmised-opium and donors- with an added kicker of legitimate businesses either owned by the taliban or from which the taliban are receiving kickbacks.

There's a hidden hand alright- in the gulf and among your own Pakistani sympathizers-

Taliban's Foreign Support Vexes U.S. - WSJ.com

"Pakistani Ambassador Hussein Haqqani said his government had frozen hundreds of bank accounts tied to the Taliban and other extremist groups and said the effort is a 'work in progress...

...The extremist networks continue to find new financing schemes and methods to evade law enforcement
,' he said."
Fascinating. :)
Special for the Huffington Post
By Eric Margolis
Military men are programmed to always be optimistic,

I offer this up as proof positive that mister Margolis wouldn't know his elbow from his arsehol;e: how many military men on this and other forums are perpetually looking on the bright side of life?
To clarify:
Mining will not use RDX.

Depending on the methane load within the coal the main use here is ammonium nitrate based explosives, be it diesel and AN prill or a stick variety which is AN based. This is because this type of explosive is not as “hot” an NG based explosives.
There is some NG based explosives used but use depends on coal type and also general gas, methane, environment.

Hard Rock:
AN based and NG based explosives.
An based again as in diesel and AN prill or as an AN based stick or the normal NG based stick.

Kindly note NG based explosives are not necessarily ‘Dynamite’ as that is a so called generic name, also a trade name.

The closed to Mil grade explosives in the mining industry is the so called detonator cord.
Your question on the RDX is a valid one.

I know that Pakistani military officials in Swat a day or so ago stated that the militants were obtaining explosives from mining operations - I do not know whether RDX is used in mining or not.

However, as Blain pointed out, the cottage arms manufacturing industry in FATA is primarily geared towards satisfying limited enthusiast demand, and of variable quality. It is by no means sufficient for supplying militias numbering in the thousands, and continuing to keep them well stocked despite the regular arms seizures of rifles, RPG's, grenades etc. numbering in the thousands.

The idea that the Darra arms industry is supplying the militants is based more on a romanticized perception of the industry than any factual analysis of its capabilities. Even during the Afghan Jihad, when one woudl have expected the industry to function unhindered and at full throttle, it was weapons manufactured by the POF and purchased from other nations (bought with US and Saudi money) that were primarily used to supply the Mujahideen.

US intelligence has suggested over the past few years that Iran serves as a major source of weapons for the insurgents, Iran also serves as the largest transit route for drugs out of Afghanistan, as do the CAR's at second place (interpol).

Some reports have suggested a lucrative drugs for weapons trade in the north as well, and that may indicate that the CAR's function as another major source for weapons into Afghanistan and then to Pakistan.
I don't think the flow of drugs through Pakistan to Iran and the flow back of weapons and explosives should be linked directly to the Iranian regime, but rather the illegal cartels who operate across those porous borders.
I don't think the flow of drugs through Pakistan to Iran and the flow back of weapons and explosives should be linked directly to the Iranian regime, but rather the illegal cartels who operate across those porous borders.
Iran shares a very long border with Afghanistan, so I imagine a large amount of the drugs go through that border, though no doubt transit through Pakistan occurs as well.

And I did not imply that the Iranian regime was involved, just that Iran is the major transit route for drugs out of Afghanistan, and the US believes it is a major source of weapons into Afghanistan, which also means Pakistan by extension.
Author Claims Taliban Funds South Asia Fighting With Poppy Cultivation
Friday, 29 May 2009

Taliban insurgents have carried out nearly daily bombing attacks in Pakistan this week. They claim more territory in Afghanistan. Now a journalist and author who spent five years on the border between the two countries says the Taliban is better funded now than at any time since 2001. In her book, Seeds of Terror, Gretchen Peters says she learned in hundreds of interviews insurgents fund the war through the heroin trade, a money trail says the U.S. must disrupt.

Taliban's suicide attacks increasing

Multiple explosions tore through a crowded market area and killed several people in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar, May 28.

The day before, Taliban militants claimed responsibility for a huge blast that destroyed police and intelligence agency offices in Lahore. At least23 were killed.

Tuesday, a suicide bomber killed three U.S. soldiers and three Afghan civilians in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has threatened increased suicide attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan to avenge the deaths of militants in the two countries.

Better funded

Authorand journalist Gretchen Peters says today they are better funded thanthey were soon after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the U.S.

Peterssays the Taliban gets 70 percent of its funds from opium, and sheclaims there is overwhelming circumstantial evidence of al-Qaida leaderOsama bin Laden's involvement in the drug trade.

"Probablytheir biggest source of funding from the opium trade is the protectionracket, protecting opium convoys as they leave the farm areas, alsoputting armed men around drug refineries," Peters said.

Heroin trade

Peterscovered Pakistan and Afghanistan for the Associated Press and ABC Newsand spent five years on the Pakistan-Afghan border for her book Seedsof Terror.

She explains how she learned that heroin produced inAfghanistan reaches Pakistan with the help of different Taliban leaderswho share the turf.

"Southern Afghanistan, Helmandand Kandahar, this is where Mullah Omar's Taliban operates," she said. "You go up a little further on the Pakistani side you havefolks like Baitullah Mehsud. You go a little further, you run into theHaqqani group, operating along the border. You go a little furtherinto the Khyber Pass area, you have the Mangal Bagh group. You go alittle further north, you get into Hekmatyar's terrain in Kunar and Nuristan and that's where it seems a lot of activity is by al-Qaida forces as well."

Money trail

She says the U.S. must disrupt the Taliban's heroin money trail.

"While the insurgents earn some money from collecting taxes from the farmers,the bulk of the earnings come from protecting the trade, protecting the convoys and protecting the refineries and taxing the refineries and yet we are not going after that element of it," Peters said. "Even the US military resisted that until very recently."

Peters calls the image of the Taliban and al-Qaida as pious Islamic leaders misleading. She says they are criminals.

"If you study their day-to-day operations on the local level they start to look a lot more like Mafiosi than Mujahedin," she noted.

Peters says she also learned that drug traders pay for Taliban leaders' restand recreation in guest houses in Pakistan and send senior-level leaders to Dubai for what she calls "their dirty weekends."

"I think exposing this behavior to the local communities is another way of demystifying insurgents in these areas and exposing that they are not the pious Muslims they say they are," Peters said.

Author Gretchen Peters points to the Koran, Islam's holiest book, which she says bans trade in narcotics unless it is for holy war . While the insurgents justify poppy cultivation as a tool to fight Western infidels, she calls the argument bogus because the heroin has created more Muslim addicts.

And so she suggests the teachings of the Koran can be an ally of the West in its fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Source: VoA (link is down at the moment)
Zahid Hussain (veteran renowned journalist; author of Frontline Pakistan)

According to security officials, a large number of Mehsud’s men from Waziristan, along with Uzbeks and Chechens, have joined the militant forces in Swat. And some 6,000 to 8,000 highly trained and well-armed militants are engaged in fighting the government forces. They maintain that the insurgents are being funded by some Saudi and Arab charity groups.
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