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Taliban fight takes heavy toll on Pakistani troops

Yet those americans are so ungrateful pigs

The problem is with how Pakistan is perceived by Americans and rest of teh west. Ironically most of them have exactly the same view of Pakistanis as you have of Americans ...
The problem is with how Pakistan is perceived by Americans and rest of teh west. Ironically most of them have exactly the same view of Pakistanis as you have of Americans ...

Yea because we wont do their bidding and play ball. eg iran pakistan oil pipeline or contain china etc
Also, may be because alliance with USA for WOT and supporting Afghan Taliban at the same time...

Basically america wants its "freinds" to subjugate their own interests for american ones and pakistanis will never play ball
And now Imagine this: All this misery for 1$ Billion per annum. Is it worth it? Shouldn't we ask for 60$billion or say Fight your own war?? I m sure they'll give even 100$ billion... its still less than what they spend per annum on the war (130$billion per annum)

But well, so much for being sheikh chilli.. cause our generals/politicians are satisfied with a few dollars in their pockets... cheapos

This war is not for money. It's for the country.
The people of Bajaur, Swat, Malakand, Buner, South Waziristan, Kurram, Orakzai are a testament to this fact.
The morale problem must be terrible. I can't imagine that the troops don't suspect that many of the terrorists killing them retain the support of the ISI, that it's mostly a show to please the Americans, and therefore the low-ranking jawans are dishonored cannon fodder in the political battles of their superiors.
The morale problem must be terrible. I can't imagine that the troops don't suspect that many of the terrorists killing them retain the support of the ISI, that it's mostly a show to please the Americans, and therefore the low-ranking jawans are dishonored cannon fodder in the political battles of their superiors.

They don't, thank you for your concern.
and still west US bash on us to do god damn more and indian media bash daily on us .sad :disagree:

this all could have been avoid, we never needed to be part of America's war... anyways its sad, not only these troops but all the civilians who will never catch the limelight...effected by fighting between army and militants...

Dear “Imran khan” and “leader”:

To defeat terrorism is to end the deliberate, indiscriminate loss of innocent lives by those who would sacrifice others for their own self serving agenda; Is it not? Capt. Qasim Abbas in the above article clearly states:”Fight, fight, keep fighting.” These words do not in any way reflect hesitation, regret or speak against the all out War on Terrorism?
Denial is no substitute for the truth. Have we not found that if we do not stop Taliban injustice and violence that Taliban will use violence and justice against us? The significance of protecting our citizens and keeping our lands safe from Taliban murderers sits above all.

Have not the “enemy of the people’s” crimes against humanity continued during the holy month of Ramadan? The Taliban dishonor tradition.

Have not the “enemy of the people” used children as suicide bombers, telling them that they will not die, but they will kill others. The Taliban dishonor our future.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
The morale problem must be terrible. I can't imagine that the troops don't suspect that many of the terrorists killing them retain the support of the ISI, that it's mostly a show to please the Americans, and therefore the low-ranking jawans are dishonored cannon fodder in the political battles of their superiors.

on the contrary they do think that these terrorists are rats of America, and it pleases them to do their job to the Nation and Country...
Dear “Imran khan” and “leader”:

To defeat terrorism is to end the deliberate, indiscriminate loss of innocent lives by those who would sacrifice others for their own self serving agenda; Is it not? Capt. Qasim Abbas in the above article clearly states:”Fight, fight, keep fighting.” These words do not in any way reflect hesitation, regret or speak against the all out War on Terrorism?
Denial is no substitute for the truth. Have we not found that if we do not stop Taliban injustice and violence that Taliban will use violence and justice against us? The significance of protecting our citizens and keeping our lands safe from Taliban murderers sits above all.

Have not the “enemy of the people’s” crimes against humanity continued during the holy month of Ramadan? The Taliban dishonor tradition.

Have not the “enemy of the people” used children as suicide bombers, telling them that they will not die, but they will kill others. The Taliban dishonor our future.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

morals, humanity, value of life... is something that just doesnot fit your American face !! bug off
on the contrary they do think that these terrorists are rats of America, and it pleases them to do their job to the Nation and Country...
Is that what officers say to keep up soldiers' morale so they keep fighting terrorists? That's both deceitful and cowardly! How can such officers make effective military leaders?
Is that what officers say to keep up soldiers' morale so they keep fighting terrorists? That's both deceitful and cowardly! How can such officers make effective military leaders?


Let's not get carried away with street level mullah talk.

Pak army is fighting to defend their land against Islamists. Their morale from soldiers all the way to officers is high. A young captain in our family just lost his life leaving behind 2 young kids and a wife. His younger brother a Lt. left for the Western front the same week.

Unfortunately Pak's leftists media and many in the West love to bad-mouth ISI, and Pak army.

And that my dear poster is a sad thing to see.

Solomon, Let's not get carried away with street level mullah talk.
Please don't under-estimate my ignorance. I do my best but haven't been to Pakistan and while I do read and talk to people that's not the same as being immersed in and thus feeling changes in culture.

Pak army is fighting to defend their land against Islamists. Their morale from soldiers all the way to officers is high.
How do they keep it up, then?

A young captain in our family just lost his life leaving behind 2 young kids and a wife. His younger brother a Lt. left for the Western front the same week.
Are these bereaved families honored by their communities? Or are they told they shouldn't be fighting "America's war" against the Talibs and thus their husbands and fathers "deserved" to die?

Unfortunately Pak's leftists media and many in the West love to bad-mouth ISI, and Pak army.
Well, certainly I experienced an atmosphere "bad-mouthing" the P.A. (Bangladeshi ex-1971 Pakistani diplomat neighbors). Yet try as I might, I can't find much to love about the P.A. and ISI today: they strike me as institutions which, although tactically proficient, continue to cover up their inept strategic choices with the same prevarication, brutality, and hauteur that led to defeat in conflict after conflict, right up to the present day.
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