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Taliban Expresses Interest In Joining China & Pakistan's $60 Billion CPEC Project

How does Afghanistan join CPEC?
The most important purpose of CPEC is to deliver the goods (mainly Iranian oil) from Gwadar Port in Pakistan to Kashgar (Kashgar oil pipeline) , Xinjiang, so the shorter the road, the better. Does the Taliban want CPEC to bypass Afghanistan?
Did the Taliban get B&R and CPEC wrong?
Afghanistan can leverage CPEC built roads and railroads to export to the Chinese market. This is an important economic lifeline for Afghanistan.

How does Afghanistan join CPEC?
The most important purpose of CPEC is to deliver the goods (mainly Iranian oil) from Gwadar Port in Pakistan to Kashgar (Kashgar oil pipeline) , Xinjiang, so the shorter the road, the better. Does the Taliban want CPEC to bypass Afghanistan?
Did the Taliban get B&R and CPEC wrong?

I think they have mixed both terms i.e OBOR and CPEC into CPEC. What appears to be likely is that they want to have access to the CPEC infrastructure in Pakistan to access sea routes via Gawadar port etc.

There are also other economic zones being built along with a few refineries and they likely would like access to that side of things.

However, I also think they want to be part of OBOR and get investment and help from the Chinese to develop both their infrastructure and economy.
How does Afghanistan join CPEC?
The most important purpose of CPEC is to deliver the goods (mainly Iranian oil) from Gwadar Port in Pakistan to Kashgar (Kashgar oil pipeline) , Xinjiang, so the shorter the road, the better. Does the Taliban want CPEC to bypass Afghanistan?
Did the Taliban get B&R and CPEC wrong?
Afghanistan has access to the sea from Pakistan and rail links to Xinjiang. Afghanistan will truly become a transit point for the Asian continent. The Taliban have unlimited wealth simply by keeping Afghanistan safe and stable.
Afghanistan has access to the sea from Pakistan and rail links to Xinjiang. Afghanistan will truly become a transit point for the Asian continent. The Taliban have unlimited wealth simply by keeping Afghanistan safe and stable.
Everything about Afghanistan is unsure. Better observe for at least 3 years. Afghanistan has been a mess after 40 years invasion by USSR and America. Infrastructure, agriculture, government management, united social basis, education, industry, almost all modern country system are extremely destroyed. And Taliban didn't give good memories to the local 20 rears ago. You can't expect Taliban can solve all problems in one day. America spent 2 trillion dollar in there, they can't get good results, I don't think the problems in Afghanistan is what can be solved by money or investment.
China don't enter Afghanistan for the time being, this is what I think, though Taliban invite warmly. Keep far away off Afghan politics, if Pakistan, Iran or Turkistan want, let them to repair Afghan social and political damages.
The first point, wait to know what kind of nation Taliban want to be, wait to know if America want to accept Taliban, then we decide and move as to Afghan needs.
How does Afghanistan join CPEC?
The most important purpose of CPEC is to deliver the goods (mainly Iranian oil) from Gwadar Port in Pakistan to Kashgar (Kashgar oil pipeline) , Xinjiang, so the shorter the road, the better. Does the Taliban want CPEC to bypass Afghanistan?
Did the Taliban get B&R and CPEC wrong?

It can connect OBOR with CPEC, a bridge between 2 most significant China geostrategic and economic projections.

Will also increase China influence in CAR as by linking the two will enable landlocked states the most direct route to sea via its port and road initiatives.

My humble observation.
Everything about Afghanistan is unsure. Better observe for at least 3 years. Afghanistan has been a mess after 40 years invasion by USSR and America. Infrastructure, agriculture, government management, united social basis, education, industry, almost all modern country system are extremely destroyed. And Taliban didn't give good memories to the local 20 rears ago. You can't expect Taliban can solve all problems in one day. America spent 2 trillion dollar in there, they can't get good results, I don't think the problems in Afghanistan is what can be solved by money or investment.
China don't enter Afghanistan for the time being, this is what I think, though Taliban invite warmly. Keep far away off Afghan politics, if Pakistan, Iran or Turkistan want, let them to repair Afghan social and political damages.
The first point, wait to know what kind of nation Taliban want to be, wait to know if America want to accept Taliban, then we decide and move as to Afghan needs.
China is only interested in three things, regional security, economic cooperation and humanitarian aid. So I don't think we're going to get too involved.
They should start by allowing the rail link between Peshawar and Uzbekistan via Kabul and Mazar to be built, as well as a dam on the Kabul River inside Pakistan ASAP. They can provide security for the route and organize local laborers to help build the portions inside Afghanistan.
How does Afghanistan join CPEC?
The most important purpose of CPEC is to deliver the goods (mainly Iranian oil) from Gwadar Port in Pakistan to Kashgar (Kashgar oil pipeline) , Xinjiang, so the shorter the road, the better. Does the Taliban want CPEC to bypass Afghanistan?
Did the Taliban get B&R and CPEC wrong?
Taliban just need money and recognition.....feed them and you can do whatever in Afghanistan...CPEC or BRI...so long they get money , they don't care.
They can work it out, using the Roads and railway CPEC can expand all the way to central Asia, Afghanistan can work as a middle country that connects Pakistan to CA countries.
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