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Taliban delegation heads to Pakistan today for renewed Afghan peace push

From 1979 to 2019 is a short journey that changed the world... superpowers to hyperpowre to superpowers.

Is it a Square?

Is the Circle Completing Itself?

Is it the Benginning?

Or is it the End?

BerlinWall fell and champaign got uncorked... Celeberations... Democracy ... Freedom pervailed. EasternEurope got liberation and joined the EuropeanFamily.

Pakistan got the Ak47 and army of druggies... and unempolyed FazoolMullahMaffia.

Who paid for the Freedom of the West?

Russia got bankrupt and 1992 happened... from the ashes arose Putin.

China opened up in the mean time... billions of T-shirts for one Boeing... Keep your head down, bid your time... said Great Deng!

Da Bomb. Forged in ItfaqFoundary by the very hands of Nawaz... the supreme leader exploded it with his own very hands... and let go of juicy $Billions... for honour of ThePakNation... Or so it is told in the QimaywalaNaanJalsaz...

Sanctions. Coup. KargilHero returns to save the day!

JumWhoriat kay liaye qurbanian from a palace in Jeddah and BB abroad giving CNN interviews from SurreyPalace?

got unleashed upon Karachi... and now K2 of kachra ... death of politics in Pakistan.

ASEAN emgered and got integerated into the SinofiedEconomicValueChain.... as a result of ASEAN CurrencyCrisis..and the ChineseBailbout. Win-Win. First Piece in the Chinese Resurrection from the Century of Shame.

9/11 ... Bomb ya back to stone age... Commando goes JellyBeans... NRO. JumWhoriaat. EconomicTerrorism ... to foster BloodBorders...

From Swat to TTP to PTM/BLA combined... exponential investsments in MarasiMedia. Sweet, beautiful AyanAli... Diesel in WikkiLeaks.

80K Paks dead and $220+Bln economic loss. DebtCrisis. Total Instituional Capute by the CriminalEnterprise. ArshadMalikVideoGames and rise of Nani-Billo-Diesel combine.

Ad nauseam ShinnyIndia.. IncredibleIndia on CNN and ever-moving-dead-line of ShooperPauer ...

BushJr. declaring in Dheli to make GanguDaesh a ShooperPauer....

to OragneKing ... all in pursuit of that illusive anchor to ContainChina and make Pivot2Asia success... ConcertOfDemocracies doing dallas in Pacific now IndoPacific ... but then 27thFeb happened.

Back to drawing boards. Annexation of IoJK accelerated in perfect rythm of AfghanPeacTalkFailure tamasha.

Houthis chewing leaves and flying CruiseMissile. Iraq dead. Syria dead. KSA under constant attack. SecterianFools becoming cannon fodder... all giving rise to an empire at the cost of PakLives which Don'tMatter???.

To default or not to default... think hard PMIK. UsadUmar first made in Pakistan FinMin sabotaged from within!!! CriminalEnterprise Zindabad!

bails Pakistan out.

US says NoIMFLoan. Funny?

Enter the implants of EconomicHitmenSquad and harshest IMFBailout in history. And we must be grateful.
FATF to keep us in line. Funny?

Fazlu's men go to the WikkiLeaks2 i.e. US embassy just yesterday. Islam is in danger again?

Billo scarying us with Sindhudesh and PTM postergirl is in NY...scot free.

Vote ko izzat do
eating AllooGosht and planning the utter destruction of PakState. Nanni's makeup is top priority!

Unnaturally undervalued PKR and inflation killing already killed Paks... StuntedGrowth we love ya! OryaMaqboolJan singing songs of victory... some victory this!

MarasiMedia blissfully ignoring PakKashmiris in IoJK and giving primetime to MarasiPoliticians
... Why?

And daily threats for GanguTerroristArmy and then there is GanguMedia ...

No answer form Pakistan's MarasiMedia? Lifafa ko izzat do... Where is ArshadMalikVideoGame?

PMIK is going to China to meet President Xi.

Turkiye is coming to Pakistan.

Biggest Fire in ME can erupt... and without Paks sending money home... how to default is the question then.

Yes, sure, Taliban are in Islamabad and going to meet PMIK.

What is the Cost?

What are the Benefits?

Pakistan has become a SoftState.

In 1979 we were stronger inside our bordrers. Today, well... it is what it is!

After paying the Price of 80k PakLives and $220Bln in economic loss.. a DarkDecade of JumWhoriaat and total decay, deep rot in State Instuitions... we stand at the End and Beginning of a Squre and a Circle.

What is ending, what is beginning, how big is the square and how large is the circle... it all depends on actors in The Greatest Game ...

It started as Grand Chessboard and now it is transmutting into Grand Game of Go ...

It is a frozen tragedy, a strategic paralysis within PakState that one has not yet seen any PakPolicy to claim Benefits of liberating EasternEurope, creating strategic space for Hyperpower to brief End History and create two decades of Peace for China to Accelerate its Tranformational Drive to ASEN totally Sinofied...

NOTHING but total hollowing out of PakState through EconomicTerrorism...has been our reward. We cann't Think!

Pakistan through Afghanistan has once again created The Catalyst for Changing the Global Power Architecture... yet we have recieved ZERO benefit so far.

All of the 'free' F16s and Zulus are worthless compared to what we have just created.

Momentum of History is in Acceleration, courtesy Pakistan once again.

So, what are the Benefits Pak needs to get?

1- FATF Whitelisting
2- UN observers in IoJK
3- IMF backing off
4- Systematic exposure by the IntlMarasiMedia of stolen wealth of Looters of Pakistan... from General to Babu to Politician
5- Debt write-off ... yeah.. WalkLikeAnEygptian PakStyle.
6- Leashing of GanguFacistRegime
7- Pak-US EconomicCorridor
8- Pak-EU EconomicCorridor
9- Acceptance of Pakistan as NuclearWeaponState and entry into NuclearSuppliersGroup

In order to Square the Circle PakState must stop being appologetic in all aspects of International Relations.

Wisdom is foresight not in words but Actions.

Pakistan remains The Heartland.

Let us offer Talibans Peshawari qawa ... and shoot FazoolMullahMaffia for good!

CFL is unusually hot @Signalian ... Why?

@Slav Defence @HRK @Horus @WebMaster @Khafee @Oscar @The Eagle @Arsalan @araz @Dazzler @PakSword @Major Sam @Irfan Baloch @Dubious my dear Paks, have I missed something?
I am waiting to see Taliban delegation shaking hands with PMIK.

Trust me, that will give immense pain to the enemy nations.

Baniyas and Northern Alliance's Bachas @sses will be on fire witnessing two brothers uniting together. Afghan Pushtoons (Taliban) + Pakistani Pushtoon (PM Imran Khan) shaking hands and hugs will give endless nightmares to our enemies.
From 1979 to 2019 is a short journey that changed the world... superpowers to hyperpowre to superpowers.

Is it a Square?

Is the Circle Completing Itself?

Is it the Benginning?

Or is it the End?

BerlinWall fell and champaign got uncorked... Celeberations... Democracy ... Freedom pervailed. EasternEurope got liberation and joined the EuropeanFamily.

Pakistan got the Ak47 and army of druggies... and unempolyed FazoolMullahMaffia.

Who paid for the Freedom of the West?

Russia got bankrupt and 1992 happened... from the ashes arose Putin.

China opened up in the mean time... billions of T-shirts for one Boeing... Keep your head down, bid your time... said Great Deng!

Da Bomb. Forged in ItfaqFoundary by the very hands of Nawaz... the supreme leader exploded it with his own very hands... and let go of juicy $Billions... for honour of ThePakNation... Or so it is told in the QimaywalaNaanJalsaz...

Sanctions. Coup. KargilHero returns to save the day!

JumWhoriat kay liaye qurbanian from a palace in Jeddah and BB abroad giving CNN interviews from SurreyPalace?

got unleashed upon Karachi... and now K2 of kachra ... death of politics in Pakistan.

ASEAN emgered and got integerated into the SinofiedEconomicValueChain.... as a result of ASEAN CurrencyCrisis..and the ChineseBailbout. Win-Win. First Piece in the Chinese Resurrection from the Century of Shame.

9/11 ... Bomb ya back to stone age... Commando goes JellyBeans... NRO. JumWhoriaat. EconomicTerrorism ... to foster BloodBorders...

From Swat to TTP to PTM/BLA combined... exponential investsments in MarasiMedia. Sweet, beautiful AyanAli... Diesel in WikkiLeaks.

80K Paks dead and $220+Bln economic loss. DebtCrisis. Total Instituional Capute by the CriminalEnterprise. ArshadMalikVideoGames and rise of Nani-Billo-Diesel combine.

Ad nauseam ShinnyIndia.. IncredibleIndia on CNN and ever-moving-dead-line of ShooperPauer ...

BushJr. declaring in Dheli to make GanguDaesh a ShooperPauer....

to OragneKing ... all in pursuit of that illusive anchor to ContainChina and make Pivot2Asia success... ConcertOfDemocracies doing dallas in Pacific now IndoPacific ... but then 27thFeb happened.

Back to drawing boards. Annexation of IoJK accelerated in perfect rythm of AfghanPeacTalkFailure tamasha.

Houthis chewing leaves and flying CruiseMissile. Iraq dead. Syria dead. KSA under constant attack. SecterianFools becoming cannon fodder... all giving rise to an empire at the cost of PakLives which Don'tMatter???.

To default or not to default... think hard PMIK. UsadUmar first made in Pakistan FinMin sabotaged from within!!! CriminalEnterprise Zindabad!

bails Pakistan out.

US says NoIMFLoan. Funny?

Enter the implants of EconomicHitmenSquad and harshest IMFBailout in history. And we must be grateful.
FATF to keep us in line. Funny?

Fazlu's men go to the WikkiLeaks2 i.e. US embassy just yesterday. Islam is in danger again?

Billo scarying us with Sindhudesh and PTM postergirl is in NY...scot free.

Vote ko izzat do
eating AllooGosht and planning the utter destruction of PakState. Nanni's makeup is top priority!

Unnaturally undervalued PKR and inflation killing already killed Paks... StuntedGrowth we love ya! OryaMaqboolJan singing songs of victory... some victory this!

MarasiMedia blissfully ignoring PakKashmiris in IoJK and giving primetime to MarasiPoliticians
... Why?

And daily threats for GanguTerroristArmy and then there is GanguMedia ...

No answer form Pakistan's MarasiMedia? Lifafa ko izzat do... Where is ArshadMalikVideoGame?

PMIK is going to China to meet President Xi.

Turkiye is coming to Pakistan.

Biggest Fire in ME can erupt... and without Paks sending money home... how to default is the question then.

Yes, sure, Taliban are in Islamabad and going to meet PMIK.

What is the Cost?

What are the Benefits?

Pakistan has become a SoftState.

In 1979 we were stronger inside our bordrers. Today, well... it is what it is!

After paying the Price of 80k PakLives and $220Bln in economic loss.. a DarkDecade of JumWhoriaat and total decay, deep rot in State Instuitions... we stand at the End and Beginning of a Squre and a Circle.

What is ending, what is beginning, how big is the square and how large is the circle... it all depends on actors in The Greatest Game ...

It started as Grand Chessboard and now it is transmutting into Grand Game of Go ...

It is a frozen tragedy, a strategic paralysis within PakState that one has not yet seen any PakPolicy to claim Benefits of liberating EasternEurope, creating strategic space for Hyperpower to brief End History and create two decades of Peace for China to Accelerate its Tranformational Drive to ASEN totally Sinofied...

NOTHING but total hollowing out of PakState through EconomicTerrorism...has been our reward. We cann't Think!

Pakistan through Afghanistan has once again created The Catalyst for Changing the Global Power Architecture... yet we have recieved ZERO benefit so far.

All of the 'free' F16s and Zulus are worthless compared to what we have just created.

Momentum of History is in Acceleration, courtesy Pakistan once again.

So, what are the Benefits Pak needs to get?

1- FATF Whitelisting
2- UN observers in IoJK
3- IMF backing off
4- Systematic exposure by the IntlMarasiMedia of stolen wealth of Looters of Pakistan... from General to Babu to Politician
5- Debt write-off ... yeah.. WalkLikeAnEygptian PakStyle.
6- Leashing of GanguFacistRegime
7- Pak-US EconomicCorridor
8- Pak-EU EconomicCorridor
9- Acceptance of Pakistan as NuclearWeaponState and entry into NuclearSuppliersGroup

In order to Square the Circle PakState must stop being appologetic in all aspects of International Relations.

Wisdom is foresight not in words but Actions.

Pakistan remains The Heartland.

Let us offer Talibans Peshawari qawa ... and shoot FazoolMullahMaffia for good!

CFL is unusually hot @Signalian ... Why?

@Slav Defence @HRK @Horus @WebMaster @Khafee @Oscar @The Eagle @Arsalan @araz @Dazzler @PakSword @Major Sam @Irfan Baloch @Dubious my dear Paks, have I missed something?
A great analysis, and a solid piece of life saving suggestions!!! If anybody can do it in Pak IMO it's IK at the present!!! And, President Trump will be his "tango" partner!!! No wonder an attempt has been made on IK's life, and impeachment proceedings have been started against President Trump!!! But, both are fighting back like the "cornered tigers"!!! It's no 70s or 80s or 90s....
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