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Taliban Confirm Hakeemullah's Death

Thomas drone strikes kill 1 bas..d and 10 civilians if they are done with precision and drone techno s handed over to PA we are more then happy.
Just wish buraq and Tiha come soon so we can exterminate such scums.
Three elements of the picture remain intriguing to me, 1.) the condition of Qari Hussein whom is considered both the lead recruiter for suicide bombings as well as the individual whom has responsibility for manufacturing the vests, 2.) how, if true that Hakimullah died near Multan, a badly wounded individual was able to be transported so far and, 3.) what was the intended destination and its role in assisting wounded TTP personnel past, present, or future?

Guess there'll soon be a funeral somewhere?;)

Ms. Farhat Taj would like America to attack these funerals as they constitute immense gatherings of the clan, so to speak. Naturally I worry that such a spectacle might also appeal to innocents attracted to the hub-bub or even attracted to the false charisma of these men. Still...
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Kill one by one but don't care their teachers , molvi fazlu and sami who are producing these snakes.
These drones have killed 2 prominent killers. hope they kill more of them.
Hakeemullah succumbed to his injuries near Multan

Well we have excellent security(no one will pay the price for this security breakdown) Biggest scumbag made it to the other end of country and no one noticed and we are sitting here congratulating ourselves HELLO S.O.Bs that have the job to protect us are a sleep
Chronicles of Abi Abdul Samad: Confusion over Hakeemullah's death
Hakeemullah Mahsud is dead, Now it’s been confirmed by Taliban. According to media reports on Different channel, Aurak Zai Taliban have confirmed that Hakeemullah Mahsud who got seriously injured in the head in US drone strike on Jan 14th 2010 on his safe House in Shaktoi region bordering South Waziristan Agency is dead.
According to reports on Dunya TV and DAWN tv and Samaa TV Taliban have accepted that he got seriously injured in drone strike in January and was being transported to Karachi for treatment when he died near Multan en route to Karachi.
Geo News also reported that a Taliban source opposing TTP has confirmed the death of Hakeemullah Mahsud and has said that Body of Hakeemullah has been brought to Kurram agency.
Tehrik e Taliban Aurak zai has Nominated Molvi Nour Jamal as successor of Hakeemullah Mahsud. Nour Jamal is also known as Tufaan Mullah. According to Reports Tufaan Mullah is known to be hard liner, aggressive and emotional. It is also reported that he is ruthless man who himself beheaded dozen of people with his own hands.
Molvi Nour Jamal or Tufaan Mullah belongs to Dara Adam Khel but operates in Aurak Zai agency. He was a teacher in a local Madrassa in Hangu, who due to his hate filled speeches was arrested by Law enforcement agencies but managed to escape. After that he went to Kurram agency where again he joined a Madrassa as a teacher. He joined TTP Aurak zai in 2008.
The prime source of reports about Hakeem ullah’s death is Samaa TV, Dunya TV and Dawn TV. These channels reported a week ago about Hakeem ullah’s burial in Mamoonzai, Aurak zai agency a week or two ago. There are serious contradictions in these reports which raise many questions. These questions are
• If as reported by these channels, TTP has accepted the death of Hakeemullah Mahsud en route to Karachi near Multan than which sources confirmed about his burial in Aurak Zai?
• Why his burial was confirmed by so called sources first and after pause of one or two weeks, his death en route to Karachi was confirmed?
• How Hakeem Ullah Mahsud managed to escape from NWA where Army operation is going on against TTP and then from Kurram etc when there is complete blockade and not a sparrow can move without notice?
• Who made Nour Jamal Amir of TTP? Was there any Shura meeting? Who were those who made him TTP head?

Media groups like Express News, AAJ News and Geo are silent on this news because there are no credible sources to re confirm this news. I believe it’s a tactic by TTP to divert attention from ongoing operation in SWA and divert the attention towards Aurak Zai so that TTP SWA gets Breathing Space. This may be an effort for temporarily guiding TTP soldiers to look for command from Aurak Zai until SWA, Kurram; Bajori Leadership is available to direct them.
On other hand there are some observations which suggest that Hakeemullah is dead. There is remarkable decline in terror incidents after the reports of Hakeemullah death after drone strike of 14th Jan. there were also reports that few Taliban circles acknowledged that Hakeemullah was injured in Drone attack and to disapprove the reports TTP presented recorded audio massage of Hakeemullah Mahsud in which he denied his death but after that no new tape came forward and on repeated demands from media Taliban are silent.
Yes there is a clear confusion.
Currently TTP Bajor, Kurram, SWA, NWA etc is getting hell of beating from Security forces. If the news of Hakeem ullah’s death is confirmed than it’s a big blow to TTP and a big opportunity for Government to completely destroy TTP. Pakistani Forces have done a remarkable job in fight against world’s deadliest terror net work , by breaking it thread by thread and knot by knot.
Although I myself wrote about Hakeemullah Death on 16th now I believe that I was wrong. Because If Hakeemullah is dead then why there is no Shura meeting? Does it mean that there is a divide in TTP? Or is the command structure of TTP is completely destroyed? These are the questions which will be answered in coming days. If TTP presents evidence that Hakeemullah is alive , it will be morale boasting for extremists but if they fail in coming few days then it will itself be confirmation of Hakeem Ullah’s end.
Chronicles of Abi Abdul Samad: Confusion over Hakeemullah's death
Shukar-ul-hamadulliah, khabees jhanam chala gaya. I was up very early this morning, saw the dawn crack and this news came, very pleasent moment.

They gotta do something about this azam Tariq guy. This devil's minion got a big mouth and I have an inkeling feeling that he's more than just ttp spokesperson.
Some solace to the families of victims of suicide bombings.
Maulvi Noor Jamal, a native of the Orakzai tribal region has assumed responsibilities as acting leader of the Pakistani Taliban after death of Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud.

The local residents have claimed that Noor Jamal acting as Taliban chief, the paper reported.

Noor Jamal rose to power as leader of the Taliban in the Kurram tribal area. He was given the additional responsibilities for the adjoining area of Orakzai when the military began an offensive against the Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan in October.

Noor Jamal had been close to Mehsud, one factor that might be in his favor if he does seek to replace him.

Noor Jamal, according to different accounts, is in his late 30s and was a teacher and prayer leader at a local religious school before he was made the leader of the Taliban in Kurram by Mehsud.

Anyone care to wager how long this guy lasts before a drone gets him? It sounds like ISI has people fairly close to the TTP leaders giving intelligence on where they are.

I say 45 - 60 days
Anyone care to wager how long this guy lasts before a drone gets him? It sounds like ISI has people fairly close to the TTP leaders giving intelligence on where they are.

I say 45 - 60 days

73+ isi agents habve sacrifised there life in pak-afghan areas.
f..g taliban
KARACHI: The Taliban based in Orakzai Agency confirmed on Tuesday that Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan chief Hakeemullah Mehsud is dead.

According to a DawnNews report, Mehsud died on Sunday in Multan after succumbing to injuries received in a drone attack in Shaktoi village.

However, Alam Tariq the offiicial Taliban spokesman has not yet made a statement.

Sources said that Maulvi Noor Jamal has been nominated as Mehsud's succesor.

Government officials too have confirmed his death.

American and Pakistani officials had been saying Mehsud was dead since the past few weeks.

Maulvi Noor Jamal is a native of the Orakzai Agency and rose to power as the leader of the Taliban in the Kurram tribal area.

He was also given responsibilities for Orakzai when the military began the Waziristan offensive in October.

Jamal is in his late thirties and was a maulana at a local madrassah before he was made the leader of the Taliban in Kurram.

He had a close relationship with Mehsud and is known for his brutality.

One resident who left Khurram for fear of being wanted by him said Jamal “...kills humans like one will kill chickens.”

Jamal is also the man who is allegedly overseeing the flogging of two men and a teenage boy in a recently broadcast video.
Date Posted: 09-Feb-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

Suspected death of Pakistan Taliban leader sparks reprisal fears

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad

This is a revised version of an article published on 5 February.
Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of Taliban militants in Pakistan, has died from injuries sustained in a missile attack carried out by a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in January, according to unofficial reports.

The attack took place in a remote region of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP), which borders Afghanistan, a senior Pakistani intelligence official told Jane's on 3 February.

Pakistan and the United States had yet to officially confirm the news at the time of publication. The intelligence official said this was because the government feared confirmation may spark immediate reprisals from militants belonging to the Taliban and other hard-line groups.

"Information gathered from a number of sources point towards Mehsud's death," said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The official told Jane's that the killing highlighted growing US and Pakistani success in targeting leading Taliban militants. Mehsud became leader of the Taliban movement after Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a missile attack, which was also carried out by a US drone, in early August 2009.

Meanwhile, three US soldiers travelling in a Pakistan military convoy in the 'Dir' district of the NWFP were killed in a terrorist attack on 3 February, with the Taliban claiming responsibility.

The US embassy said in a statement: "The Americans were US military personnel in Pakistan to conduct training at the invitation of the Pakistan Frontier Corps. They were in Lower Dir to attend the inauguration ceremony of a school for girls that had recently been renovated with US humanitarian assistance."

The presence of US troops on Pakistan's soil receives little public acknowledgement from Pakistani and US officials. A senior foreign ministry official in Islamabad, who spoke to Jane's on the condition of anonymity, said that the attack was likely to trigger fresh public opposition from Pakistan's Islamist groups regarding the country's support for the US. "This attack will see the Islamists renew their calls for an end to our relationship with the US," said the official.
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