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Taliban Blitzkrieg of 2021 ....


May 27, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
As it turns to a late hour here in the UK and as i about to settle in for the night, i am wondering what Afganistan will look like when I wake up in the morning.

- Will the Taliban be breaking down the gates of Kabul ?
- Will the Tabilan be using Ashraf Ghani head as a paperweight in the morning ?
- Is this is what was felt to hear of the Spanish war in 1936 when huddled over radio sets in the UK ?
- Or the German Blitzkrieg attack on Poland in 1939 that overwhelmed organised resistence in days when huddled over radio sets in the UK ?
- Or listening to the blow by blow account of the Blitzkrieg on the lower countries in France ?

I think the last time organised armed resistence fell this quickly was during the German Blitzkrieg attack in WWII ..

We are seeing this unveil itself over the modern internet - but the atmosphere must have been similar. Every hour is brining news of significant changes on the ground ...

So ... Lets see what tomorrow delivers ....
Kabul is in reach. LOL my prediction seems to be spot on if the Taliban capture Kabul in coming days and week at most.
Kabul is in reach. LOL my prediction seems to be spot on if the Taliban capture Kabul in coming days and week at most.

Probably in time for the Aug. 19 Afghan Independence day; hence why it seems the US asked for 72 hours to get everyone out. The Talib field commanders may not be able to hold their troops back for long while terms are being negotiated.
As it turns to a late hour here in the UK and as i about to settle in for the night, i am wondering what Afganistan will look like when I wake up in the morning.

- Will the Taliban be breaking down the gates of Kabul ?
- Will the Tabilan be using Ashraf Ghani head as a paperweight in the morning ?
- Is this is what was felt to hear of the Spanish war in 1936 when huddled over radio sets in the UK ?
- Or the German Blitzkrieg attack on Poland in 1939 that overwhelmed organised resistence in days when huddled over radio sets in the UK ?
- Or listening to the blow by blow account of the Blitzkrieg on the lower countries in France ?

I think the last time organised armed resistence fell this quickly was during the German Blitzkrieg attack in WWII ..

We are seeing this unveil itself over the modern internet - but the atmosphere must have been similar. Every hour is brining news of significant changes on the ground ...

So ... Lets see what tomorrow delivers ....

Reports of fighting in the outskirts of Kabul already.
Honestly by looking at the speed of their attack, I am starting to believe there was a secret deal under the table between America and Taliban.
read with me this autentic hadit from the prophet Saw :
"I have been granted Victory by stricking fear from a one month of marching distance "
meaning that even when the mujahedines are so far, the enemy collapses moraly because of the fear that allah swt strikes in their ungodly hearts,
thats how a muslim army typically wins,
and that's exacly what happens with Taliban, them cities fall like dominos without a fight out of fear and also they know them Taliban are forgiving those who surrender ...
Kabul is in reach. LOL my prediction seems to be spot on if the Taliban capture Kabul in coming days and week at most.
Taliban 2.0 would never capture kabul ever.
I am sure of it.
They only want ashraf ghani to resign.
This gives them all the elements of victory.
The resignation of Premier, foreign forces escaping, control of all provincial capitals and trade routes.
They would choke kabul. Stop food and petrol supply to the capital. Even stop electricity. The kabul administration would resign itself.
After that they would sit on the negotiating table with strength. Form a unity government in which they are majority.
With different ethnicity have larger autonomy in their states and freedom to do whatever they want in their provinces.

Ofcourse this would be the best case seanario.
But situation can be changed. Western media is desperate to stay. Lobbies working hard for Americans not to leave. UK and other countries wanting to stay.
If anyone bombed and slow taliban then they can change and attack kabul.
Its complicated.
Until now pakistan has played its cards well. The Americans may not be talking to us, but they are following our instructions. President biden has taken a lot of pressure and even owned this decision.
They have even allowed to let taliban gain the provincial capitals. And it is happening with usa Coordination. Otherwise taliban would attack usa staff if they bomber.taliban are not going for City centers unless ashraf ghani and Americans forced them by bombarding them. Which make them take over whole of the country in the matter of weeks.
Afghan Special Forces are retreating from the entry gates of Kabul, meaning the Taliban have now entered Kabul and heavy fighting is ongoing.

I doubt Ghani has even a few hours left word is he is being forced to resign by the US and will be evacuated.
make dua for the mujahedines for Allah's Victory is very near.
Taliban should punish all of them gvt traitors
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Kabul is in reach. LOL my prediction seems to be spot on if the Taliban capture Kabul in coming days and week at most.
Taliban offensive is blitzkreig..hard to believe the level of cordination

However, the question will they attack kabul and risk heavy bombing and apache hell fire..something which devastated saddam professional army..

I doubt it and i hope not..it wont end well for them

Better startegey will be to hold on the gates for another 4-5 days and let the americans run in peace
But again talis might just storm the capital
Taliban 2.0 would never capture kabul ever.
I am sure of it.
They only want ashraf ghani to resign.
This gives them all the elements of victory.
The resignation of Premier, foreign forces escaping, control of all provincial capitals and trade routes.
They would choke kabul. Stop food and petrol supply to the capital. Even stop electricity. The kabul administration would resign itself.
After that they would sit on the negotiating table with strength. Form a unity government in which they are majority.
With different ethnicity have larger autonomy in their states and freedom to do whatever they want in their provinces.

Ofcourse this would be the best case seanario.
But situation can be changed. Western media is desperate to stay. Lobbies working hard for Americans not to leave. UK and other countries wanting to stay.
If anyone bombed and slow taliban then they can change and attack kabul.
Its complicated.
Until now pakistan has played its cards well. The Americans may not be talking to us, but they are following our instructions. President biden has taken a lot of pressure and even owned this decision.
They have even allowed to let taliban gain the provincial capitals. And it is happening with usa Coordination. Otherwise taliban would attack usa staff if they bomber.taliban are not going for City centers unless ashraf ghani and Americans forced them by bombarding them. Which make them take over whole of the country in the matter of weeks.

If the Taliban accept the resignation of the Afghan government, and they form a coalition government. This means that the Taliban recognize the legitimacy of Ashraf Ghani's government and the new coalition government is the continuation of Ashraf Ghani's government.

This is politically naive.

If Ashraf Ghani's government is legitimate, the Taliban must inherit the administrative system of Ashraf Ghani's government, which is a huge burden.
Looking at the Indian, they can't abolish the system left by the colonists, because they can't deny the legitimacy of the British colonial government, because they transfer power peacefully. So they have to struggle in a quagmire of inefficient systems.
Taliban offensive is blitzkreig..hard to believe the level of cordination

However, the question will they attack kabul and risk heavy bombing and apache hell fire..something which devastated saddam professional army..

I doubt it and i hope not..it wont end well for them

Better startegey will be to hold on the gates for another 4-5 days and let the americans run in peace
But again talis might just storm the capital

Reports are coming in that the Taliban are near the outskirts of Kabul airport... exactly where the 5000 american troops are arriving at the moment. Seems like America is already responding via B52. This can turn really ugly fast esp when you has Thousands of american troops possibly surrounded and evacuating diplomats.

The taliban appear to have decided that they will use the thousands of american troops/kabul airport as leverage- but now with the US hitting back well see how it turns out. Next few hours are very critical for afghanistan and the region this shit can hit the fan very easily.

Lastly to put things into context the Afghan army has a total of 7 corps- 5 corps have already been lost/defeated and equipment looted by the taliban. This mean only 2 divions are left gaurding kabul. The Taliban now have better fighters, training, and even equipment than afghan special forces that remain on a scale of 7-1.

Dostum has fled, the top officials remaining are Ghani, Karzai, and Saleh. i have a feeling the talibs will show no mercy to them.
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