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Takfirism created to counter Islamic Awakening: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Takfirism created to counter Islamic Awakening: Analyst


This file photo shows foreign-backed Takfiri militants operating in Syria.

The US government and its NATO and Zionist allies have created Takfirism with Saudi Arabia’s oil money in order to counter the Islamic Awakening movement, an analyst writes for Press TV.

“More recently, the Islamic Awakening has threatened Western control of global energy supplies and Zionist domination of Palestine. So the US-NATO-Zionist terrorists have used Saudi petrodollars to fund ‘Islamic extremist’ groups,” Kevin Barrett wrote in a column for the Press TV website.

He added that the threat posed by Takfiri groups is “scaring Westerners into supporting a war on Islam” in order to destabilize Muslim states.

“Fabricated, empire-funded Takfiri terrorists have staged rampages of sectarian killings in Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan, destabilizing all three nations and sowing dissension among Muslims,” wrote Barrett.

He said the “Pakistani Taliban are also a front for the US-NATO-Zionist empire’s ‘destabilization campaign’.”

“The Takfiri terrorists plaguing the Islamic world have been manufactured out of pre-existing raw material: The rise of Salafi-Wahhabi ideologies,” the analyst wrote.

Takfiri militants fighting against the Damascus government have worried European governments that have recently been expressing concern about the security threats posed by those European citizens who have been fighting alongside the militants in Syria and who might be coming back to their home countries.

Thousands of foreigners, mainly from European and Arab countries, are thought to be operating against the Syrian government.

Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since March 2011. Over 160,000 people have reportedly been killed and millions displaced due to the violence fueled by the foreign-backed militants.​

PressTV - Takfirism created to counter Islamic Awakening: Analyst
I think muslims should make anti-Al Qaeda death squads. Those people doesn't even deserve 1 bullet. They should be beaten practically to death, and let beeing alive and seriously wounded

They should spend the rest of their life begging for some food, and beeing kicked by youngsters all day until they commit suicide or cry all their days
Elis, you and your buddy are going to go retarded from reading all that PressTV shit. WHOOPS !! Too late.:taz:
press tv analyst... :lol:
even zaid hamid has more credibility that these people.
What's this 'Islamic Awakening' he's speaking of? :)
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