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Taiyuan Mayor Fired for Campaigning for Votes


Feb 26, 2010
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February 18 morning, the day after the Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, the city's leading cadres of the General Assembly held in Taiyuan, Taiyuan, announced the deputy secretary Zhang Bingsheng removed from office, the nomination without having to Taiyuan City mayor, while the appointment of William Perseverance, Agility in Taiyuan Municipal Committee, mayor of candidates nominated for the decision of Taiyuan.

In the afternoon, was held in Taiyuan-second session of the twenty-ninth session of the Standing Committee, the meeting adopted the "Taiyuan People's Congress Standing Committee on the acceptance of resignation of Taiyuan City Mayor Zhang Bingsheng decision on a request."

According to "Taiyuan Daily" reported in the previous three days of February 15, Shanxi Provincial Committee and Party Secretary Chen Chuanping Taiyuan private enterprises in research and held talks with some private entrepreneurs, with research and participate in discussion of the still "City Zhang Bingsheng leadership. " But, the report did not mention Zhang Bingsheng voice, there is no mention of his "deputy secretary of Taiyuan City, the mayor," the post.

Shanxi Province, according to sources, after the Lantern Festival, the news of Zhang Bingsheng had to be removed from office in the land of the wide spread of Shanxi. Now, the reason for removal of various versions of Zhang Bingsheng still gaining in fermentation.

Zhang Bingsheng is the Eleventh National People's Congress. At 16:00 on March 3rd, the reporter consulted the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress press center around the delegation is due to report after another, had just been dismissed for Zhang Bingsheng will schedule to attend the forthcoming opening of the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress is still unclear.

The General Assembly stressed that "the overall situation," "discipline," "Delicate gas is"

Official who compared the sensitivity of Shanxi, Taiyuan local people more removed from the cadres of the General Assembly announced on Zhang Bingsheng discerned.

The cadres and the General Assembly was held in February 18. According to "Taiyuan Daily" reported the morning of the leading cadres of the General Assembly held in Taiyuan, the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, the organization made an important speech, Minister Tang Tao, Provincial Committee and Party Secretary Chen Chuanping Taiyuan presided over the meeting. Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Organization Department of the Deputy Minister Zhu Xianqi announced at the meeting preceding the provincial decision.

Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, said in his speech, Tang Tao, in the previous municipal government's efforts, the Taiyuan city has made remarkable achievements in all, this is the full recognition of the Provincial Party Committee, Taiyuan cadres are good, provincial cadres in Taiyuan is fully trusted.

The adjustment of the principal leaders of Taiyuan change is the work of Provincial Party Committee from the overall situation of the province, considered the practice of building the leading bodies of Taiyuan, the exchange of cadres according to work requirements and the spirit, the overall consideration and careful selection, repeated deliberation carefully study the decisions taken.

He said that the adjustment of the principal leaders of the Government of Taiyuan City, all aspects of serious concern. Party organizations at all levels want to take effective measures to strengthen ideological and political work, adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion, educate and guide the broad masses of cadres to the spirit of thinking to provincial, municipal bodies ensure a smooth transition and smooth transfer. Leading cadres at all levels to correctly understand the Provincial intentions, take the lead in politics, the overall situation, fulfill their duties and do solid work. In particular, to discipline and keep a clear mind, to ensure the implementation of various tasks in the organization in the discipline, Fengqing gas is.

Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Chuanping also stressed in his speech, leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in city politics, the overall situation, discipline, thinking and action into provincial decision up to unify important speech of Comrade Tang Tao, the spirit, strive to maintain the overall development of the city's unity and stability. To actively support the work of Comrade William Perseverance, Agility, the municipal government bodies to ensure a smooth and orderly transition and convergence of various tasks.

According to public reports, Zhang Bingsheng did not attend the meeting. The source analysis, if it is working to mobilize, according to past practice of the Assembly of similar cadres to be the leading comrades of the general will be removed from the work of the cadres had the appropriate positive, the cadres and the General Assembly did not have any words evaluation Zhang Bingsheng In Taiyuan, the performance on the long term.

In addition, the two leader's speech is to remind the city of Taiyuan cadres to "overall situation", "discipline."

"Non-normal adjustment"

Zhang Bingsheng be removed from office after the news hit the newspapers, a local media who Taiyuan gives his judgments: the feeling of total non-normal adjustment.

Zhang Bingsheng be removed on the reasons for the beginning seen the various versions of the network, and for a time in Taiyuan uproar, in which the most widely rumored to say that, in the Shanxi Province this year, "two sessions", Zhang Bingsheng send text messages, etc. through their own canvassing.

Background is, Shanxi Province, the "two sessions" held between January this year. Eleventh People's Congress of Shanxi Province, the fifth meeting on January 23 primary election Shanxi Luan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. chairman and deputy party secretary appointed vice governor of Shanxi Province run thick.

It is a very good personal relationship with Zhang Bingsheng a Shanxi reporter introduced to the local community, dismissed the news conference said that Zhang Bingsheng "during the period in general, guilty of serious error." Reporter in the interview Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, a leader also said, "probably is such a meaning."

Shanxi provincial authorities, according to a description of a middle-level cadres, the general content of SMS is very competitive candidate, there are so many secretaries, mayors, and so many good director, please cast a vote his grave. However, these have also revealed a short message by Zhang Bingsheng men and secretary to send its content may be contrary to the general discipline. In his view, "is inspired sheets, or men, Secretary of the self-assertion, the organization must have verification of conclusions." Magazine reporter to verify dial telephone the secretary, after listening to the next question, the Secretary said that "this can not answer your . "

Mentioned earlier, the Taiyuan Municipal Publicity Department of the correspondents is also a leader, said Zhang Bingsheng a provincial management cadres, "certainly do not know the relevant circumstances of Taiyuan City."

Open your resume shows Zhangbing Sheng, born in September 1955, Shanxi Xiangfen people, in August 1975 and joined the CPC in January 1982 to work in Political Economics, Shanxi University, Department of Economics graduate, college degree, Bachelor of Economics , Associate Professor. After graduating from high school to return home farming village of Ren Qi Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province, the fifth production brigade captain. 1975.08 ~ 1978.03, Ren Qi County, Shanxi Province, Xiangfen brigade Party branch secretary of the village; 1978.03 ~ 1982.01, Department of Economics, Shanxi University, studying political economics, an economics degree.

Later, he served the Office of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, deputy director of Policy Research, General Manager of Sports Services and the China International Sports Travel Company General Manager of Shanxi. 1993.01 ~ 1997.12, he served as Deputy Secretary of Shanxi Province Political Consultative Conference (1995.02 seconded the provincial government); 1997.12 ~ 2000.06, he served as deputy secretary general of the Shanxi provincial government; 2000.06 ~ 2001.08, he served as deputy secretary of Changzhi City in Shanxi Province; 2001.08 ~ 2003.02, any of Shanxi Province Changzhi Municipal Committee, mayor; 2003.02 ~ 2006.02 appointed party secretary of Shanxi Changzhi; 2006.02 ~ 2006.04, he served as deputy secretary of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, acting mayor; 2006.04 ~ 2011.02, he served as deputy secretary of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, the mayor.

In 2000, Zhang Bingsheng from the Shanxi provincial government appointed Deputy Secretary-General on the outside of any Changzhi Municipal Committee, mayor and party secretary is the well-known Lvri Zhou. Lvri Zhou 2003 in controversy from the reform as Vice Chairman of Shanxi Province, the Party Secretary Zhang Bingsheng successor Changzhi, Taiyuan City until 2006, transferred to the Mayor.

It is said to be removed so far, Zhang Bingsheng level in the main hall, "marking time" for nearly a decade. For the age of 55 Zhang Bingsheng, this year held in Shanxi Province in January, "two sessions" may be the "step forward" opportunities.

Central Organization Department requires iron discipline to ensure that gas is a general Delicate

The more there are contacts with Zhang Bingsheng anonymous source, he was 90 in the last century, that is, any of the Shanxi Provincial Government Secretary-General Zhang Bingsheng, even early in his leadership of the provincial government when he served as secretary to his understanding of . In his eyes, Zhang Bingsheng "kindness", the "feelings."

He also said he asked what your friends who have looked for Zhang Bingsheng, the latter for their demanding, the general explained, "What can be something done can do." He said Zhang Bingsheng big drinker, good drink, warm, love is in the eyes of some people boast, it is also well known in Taiyuan.

In a few months ago in September 2010, in Taiyuan first announced change in the General Assembly, the major leading cadres, the leaders said in Shanxi Province, the provincial work of Comrade Zhang Bingsheng fully in the affirmative.

Published in January this year, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the media, the Central Organization Department jointly issued by the end of last year "on a serious discipline to ensure that general positive general Delicate Air," which clearly put forward the "five forbidden, 17 are not allowed to" discipline requirements, with iron discipline to ensure that general Fengqing gas is.

"One of five non-" is strictly prohibited electioneering bribery. Are not allowed in the democratic recommendation and assessment, organizational surveys and the election canvassing and other non-organizational activities to engage, through the dinner, arranged consumption activities, phone calls, send text messages, face to face visits, commissioned or inspired to come forward to intercede middleman, organizing social activities, etc. form, the request given to their care of others; not allowed to bribe representatives; not allowed to participate in canvassing or bribery to help others. In the non-interference in general, not allowed to make threats, deception and other means to prevent the free exercise of their right to vote on behalf of, to stand for election and voting; not allowed to fabricate and spread rumors, false accusation or slander other people and other insults.

"Notice" stressed local Party committees at all levels should, as a general atmosphere of honest government, an important part of assessing responsibility for violation of general discipline, the discipline inspection organs and organizations and departments should be severely punished according to relevant regulations, will not tolerate to iron discipline Hensha unhealthy trends, efforts to improve public trust in personnel selection and appointment.

March 1 4:10 pm pm, in the reporter went to interview Taiyuan Municipal Organization Department, Taiyuan Municipal Organization Department of the leadership, is now more focused on who is listening in the afternoon to watch the Central Organization Department at the "uphold fair and honest, adherence to the general Discipline "video conference.

Also on the same day, authorities in Shanxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department convened the Conference of leading cadres, said the Central Personnel Management's decision. Central Government's approval: Andy Lee, the former comrades of Shanxi Provincial Committee, Standing Committee and the provincial discipline inspection commission secretary, replacing Jin Daoming Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanxi Province, Comrade duties.

Province, made a speech at the meeting, deputy secretary of Jin Daoming. Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanxi Province, Andy Lee took office before the speech is also particularly stressed the need to effectively perform their functions, with iron discipline to ensure that general Fengqing gas is. "Oriental Outlook Weekly" reporter Zhou Fan only (microblogging), freelance writer Sharon Wu | Taiyuan reported
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