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Taiwanese youth losing taste for China fight

Freedom and independence its not about taste but its about respect, liberty and right to live at one's own not like govt. decides you should have 1 child or none or which religion you should follow of be an atheist. :disagree: disagree:
Being Chinese is a privilege. It is not just offered to anyone.

The "Taiwanese" DPP supporters have abused this privilege. So, they are not Chinese. I recognize Taiwan independence in the sense that I recognize these "Taiwanese" are not Chinese. But if they cannot take any Chinese land. Taiwan is Chinese land. The Taiwanese must be a landless nation like Gypsies or Jews (before Israel). So, the Chinese nation must make war on the Taiwanese nation to secure our land, Taiwan island.

they will change,when China gets as strong and rich as US ,those "Taiwanese"will 打破脑袋 to claim that they are true Chinese.
they will change,when China gets as strong and rich as US ,those "Taiwanese"will 打破脑袋 to claim that they are true Chinese.
Why do we want people who are just bum-kissers? They will pollute China's gene pool. We should practice eugenics. Encourage the breeding of people with good moral character and intelligence. Don't encourage the breeding or intermixing with mentally colonized DPP supporters or pro-western types or pro-japanese types.

Remember, bigger is not always better. Like the purity of steel determines the hardness of the blade!
Being Chinese is a privilege. It is not just offered to anyone.

And the rich and powerful Chinese refuse such privilege.

The New Anchor Babies: Pregnant Chinese Women Fly To L.A. First-Class To Give Birth To American Citizens

There is another group of people arriving in the United States to have children. But this group comes legally, often in first-class airline seats: mainland China's upper class.
A whole host of middlemen have sprung up in China to facilitate the booming trade, foremost of whom is Robert Zhou, a Taiwanese businessman.

For roughly $15,000, his company can arrange the hospital in Los Angeles, the doctor, the house and car rental, and any number of other extras for wealthy Chinese parents-to-be.

"What I'm trying to do is to help Chinese mothers to realize their American dream, at a fair and reasonable price. We're not encouraging pregnant women to go and get a U.S. visa. We say that if you already have a U.S. visa, and you're pregnant, you can take the opportunity to give birth in the U.S. So yes, it is a gray area in U.S. law," Zhou says.
they will change,when China gets as strong and rich as US ,those "Taiwanese"will 打破脑袋 to claim that they are true Chinese.

Don't count on that. You see Purto Rico? Enjoy most U.S. benefits but still want its own independence. By your logic, they should join U.S. and become state No. 51 long time ago.

There are tons of examples that some nutcases just want to be the ruler of a poor state than a governor of a rich country. Let alone nowadays mainland China is still poor than tw and it indeed takes a long time for China overall to catch up with tw's current level.

China should never use GDP per person as a way to get tw back. That is our territory and we should reclaim it as soon as possible. Use of force in certain stage is not bad at all.
China and India,we both have our fair share of crazy racist nuts.people are people ,only dogs and horse can sell a better price for their"pure blood"breeding.
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