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Taiwan sets up airborne unit for Spratlys

Taiwan controls the biggest Spratly island.
The Philippines and Vietnam has control of most of the other islands. :victory:
Malaysia has control of the southern islands.

China has rocks.

And I'm sure there's no problem with Taiwan with the Spratlys.

Taiwan Supports Ramos Solution

MANILA, Philippines --- Taiwan has expressed support to a proposal of former President Fidel V. Ramos for the creation of an international working group that would finally start the ball rolling for a peaceful settlement of the diplomatic controversy among nations claiming territorial jurisdiction over South China Sea areas.

Sorry, cant direct link the article.

Anyway, there's only one claimant in the Spratlys who is being aggressive and hostile.
Taiwan controls the biggest Spratly island.
The Philippines and Vietnam has control of most of the other islands. :victory:
Malaysia has control of the southern islands.

China has rocks.

And I'm sure there's no problem with Taiwan with the Spratlys.

Sorry, cant direct link the article.

Anyway, there's only one claimant in the Spratlys who is being aggressive and hostile.

Going by your statement you're insinuating Vietnam and Philippines are the aggressors since they occupied most of the good properties. In fact Vietnam has 40 islands, Filipinos has 9 and China has 7 rocks.

Hmm Interesting, the thieves claim thefts, perhaps.
I heard that Taiwan not be allowed to attend the signing of COC and DOC due to pressure from China. China is very salivating the island which is occupied by Taiwan, so VN to protect it.

Vietnam controls some islands in Spratlys. There are airports, hospitals, schools
pagodas, monks, civilians living there...

If you leave, we may consider paying you the costs of constructng these facilities / buildings for us. The people who live
in the islands may have the option of staying or going back to vietcong.

Taiwan controls the biggest Spratly island.
The Philippines and Vietnam has control of most of the other islands. :victory:
Malaysia has control of the southern islands.

China has rocks.

And I'm sure there's no problem with Taiwan with the Spratlys.

Sorry, cant direct link the article.

Anyway, there's only one claimant in the Spratlys who is being aggressive and hostile.

All these will be ours soon. Thank you for your custody and cutting the grass!
Taiwan alone has the ability to destroy the entire Vietnamese Navy sit back and watch the fireworks.


Its not fair to compare Taiwanese navy with the Vietnamese navy. Vietnamese navy can compare with Taiwan's coast guard though. I wonder who will win if there is an arm conflict between Viet navy and Taiwanese coast guard.
Its not fair to compare Taiwanese navy with the Vietnamese navy. Vietnamese navy can compare with Taiwan's coast guard though. I wonder who will win if there is an arm conflict between Viet navy and Taiwanese coast guard.

Itu Ba is closed to our coastline, we can take back in any time we want.
Actually Taiwan has been very quiet and mind her business for the last couple of years. But the harassment incident in Taiping Island by Vietnam gave her a wake up call. She knows she can't be timid and stay neutral in SCS anymore otherwise some belligerent nation would walk all over her.

Why not? Taiwan is as entitled as the other 5 claimants for the spoils in these area.
Itu Ba is closed to our coastline, we can take back in any time we want.

Why not now? I want to see the supa powa of VN facing TW right now. Or are you guys that weak that you can only talk big but no action?
Why not now? I want to see the supa powa of VN facing TW right now. Or are you guys that weak that you can only talk big but no action?

Taiwan ocoupid with force 1956, it's illegal action. Vietnam has right to take back, soon or late.:smokin:
Taiwan ocoupid with force 1956, it's illegal action. Vietnam has right to take back, soon or late.:smokin:

1956? 1946 Republic of China sent ships to Taiping island.

On 6 November 1946, the ROC government sent four warships to the South China Sea to secure islands within the region, commanded by Lin Zun and Yao Ruyu (姚汝鈺): ROCS Chung-Yeh (中業號), ROCS Yong-hsing (永興號), ROCS Tai-ping (太平號) and ROCS Chung-chien (中建號). The warships departed from Guangzhou and headed towards the Spratly and Paracel island groups. On 12 December the two ships led by Lin Zun, ROCS Tai-ping and ROCS Chung-Yeh, arrived at Taiping Island. In commemoration of the island being secured, the island was chosen to be named after the ROCS Tai-ping warship, and thus a stone stele reading "Taiping island" was erected on a breakwater tip southwest of the island.[2] The other three ships likewise had their names used in the renaming of Yongxing (Yong-hsing) Island (presently PRC-occupied), Zhongjian (Chung-chien) Island (presently PRC-occupied) and Zhongye (Chung-Yeh) Island (presently Philippines-occupied).

After being secured by Nationalist China, the island was placed under the administration of China's Guangdong Province. When the Chinese communists gained control of mainland China, the defeated Nationalists retreated to Taiwan, but retained control of the Taiping garrison.
Itu Ba is closed to our coastline, we can take back in any time we want.

If vietnam is sending any ship against Taiwanese navy, please make sure that the ships make good coral reef. We don't want the vietcong navy to contaminate the pristine coral reefs of SCS.

Taiwan ocoupid with force 1956, it's illegal action. Vietnam has right to take back, soon or late.:smokin:

By that token, vietnam was originally own by China. Does China have the right to take the entire Vietnam back? Use common sense. Vietnamese navy is not powerful enough to take on Taiwanese navy or even Taiwanese coast guard. You should worry about other people taking the existing islands you control instead of taking other people's islands.
The difference between Vietnam Navy and ROCN is the difference between PLAN and ROCN.

You're off by 2 orders of magnitude here boy.
Why not now? I want to see the supa powa of VN facing TW right now. Or are you guys that weak that you can only talk big but no action?

Watch for Taiwan to demolish the Vietcong navy in 1 day. But I hope Taiwan do not use Hsiung Feng III on Vietnamese river patrol. Even though I would want to, its just do not make economic cost to use a more costly missiles against worthless ships. Or maybe Taiwan should sent its Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate to bomb the hell out of the Vietcong control islands.
Itu Ba is closed to our coastline, we can take back in any time we want.

So is Shenglong/升龙 (Hanoi/河内).

Don't you forget the truth that the Republic of China sent out troops to Vietnam to accept Japanese surrender in 1945?
According to the Cairo & Potsdam Conference, ROC had been assigned by Allies to disarm Japanese troops over the 16th parallel, ie not including the Spratly Islands.
However, Chiang's troops have crossed the 16th parallel to south, receiving both the Spratlys and Paracels from Japan.
Remember, the Japanese had invaded of two islands from the Vietnamese-French, not from Chinese.
Vietnam has controlled two islands since the 15th century, the French then control it relies on behalf of its colonies VN, from 1887.
In the spirit of the Cairo & Potsdam Conference, two archipelagos must be returned to its previous owner, Vietnam.
However, taking advantage of the chaos after WW2, in 1946 ROC sent troops to occupy several islands of two archipelagos.

At that time, the Chinese did think they are a "superpower" so they have ownership of SCS, they ran some around in SCS, then one of them went home to draw on the so-called "nine dashed line" in 1947. But they did not remember that their country was liberated to by "Little boy" and the Soviet Red Army, not by them.

Xisha and Nansha are China's territory. Both sides of the Strait has no disputes about that.
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